And Ye Feng of the Oracle Bone Script formation knew that it was not the time to be joking, so he wanted to subdue this dragon soul with the help of the old man Tiancan and Ouyang Dongqing.

He also had to use this formation to contain the dragon soul, and then he directly activated the attack formation of this formation.

At this time, Ouyang Dongqing, the old man of the silkworm, was also very puzzled, why the sky suddenly turned dark, and then there were dark clouds.

"I said what kind of situation is this old man Tiancan, does it have something to do with this dragon soul?

Normally, it was sunny just now, and all of a sudden the dark clouds were densely covered, do we have two choices now?"

The old man Tiancan and Ouyang Dongqing both felt very puzzled about this matter.

Although he always said he didn't know what was going on, he wanted to know if this situation really had something to do with this dragon soul?

And now, he also knew that if he really wanted to collect the dragon soul, it would indeed take some effort.

For the current symptoms, he knew that it would be impossible for him to leave now.

"Brother, now we 20 must recognize the reality, if we still want to get this dragon soul.

Then we have to pay the corresponding price. I think this dragon soul carries an evil aura.

Now I finally know why the evil spirit is so serious. I don't know what happened to this battle axe.

But it should be possible for us to stop worrying about it and see if we can contain this dragon soul first.

And if you can beat this dragon soul back, that would be the best, but there is one more point.

You have to use this tomahawk to keep it contained, so you shouldn't think too much about this tomahawk. "

What the old man Tiancan said was that this battle axe could not be obtained at all, if at all.

Then this dragon soul can't be contained, and Ouyang Dongqing has not warmed up after getting this battle axe.

How could it be so easy to give up? Although he did know that this evil dragon soul in front of him definitely had a lot of unresolved issues, otherwise such a situation would not have occurred.

"I said that what you do is a little worrying, is it because I got this husband and didn't give you the corresponding compensation.

Just say something like this, let's do it this way, the two of us are now working together to see if we can control this soul.

As for the next thing, let's talk about it. You can see if it's okay. The sky is covered with dark clouds. I know what kind of situation will definitely happen. We should be more careful in a while. 35

Hearing their conversation, Ye Feng really didn't know what to say to him, and at this time he wasn't hiding any more, he just came out of the secret formation and said to them both.

"You two are really outrageous, and now you are in such a big danger right now.

Even if you still want to get this dragon soul, I will tell you the truth, if this dragon soul really allows him to develop further.

It is normal to endanger the common people. So the first thing to do at this time is to stop it.

How to stop it is to hit it back, and this battle axe is enough to suppress it.

So we have to use all our strength, and at this time you two have to help me too.

In the formation, I can restrain as much as I can, and the two of you don’t want to get it anymore, how does he know what kind of situation he is in now?”

Ye Feng's sudden appearance really made the two of them feel a little confused, but the old man Tiancan recognized Ye Feng at a glance, and said to Ye Feng.

"I really looked down on you first, I didn't think that this formation was arranged by you, and do you also want to keep this dragon soul for yourself?

If I guessed correctly, you should lead us to this place to control this dragon soul, and then you can make a fisherman's profit. 99

Hearing the old man Tiancan said that, Ye Feng really hated his teeth, if he really wanted to get the dragon soul.

Or to get this tomahawk, at the beginning, he would not let all the people come to this place.

As for what he had done at the beginning, how could he say that he would have such an idea again, and said to the old Tiancan population.

"If I really want to make some trouble in this place, I really want to kill you.

You have to know that our German-speaking houses are very small in the face of big right and wrong.

Do you really want this dragon soul to protect the common people outside after eating you all?

Do you know that your selfishness led to the dedication of this evil dragon? Or your selfishness also contributed to the formation of this evil dragon. "

Now Ye Feng always doesn't believe what Ye Feng says, and Ouyang Dongqing really doesn't know it at this time. Ye Feng Ye Feng can say such things and let him know.

Now it should be done according to what Ye Feng said, because they are now in Ye Feng's formation.

This evil dragon soul can't get out, if they want to continue fighting with this evil dragon in this place.

Then they have nothing good to do at all, and now they have to look at Ye Feng.

And Ye Feng's current purpose is very simple, that is, the two of you must help him to contain this evil dragon, otherwise all the problems will be difficult to solve 757.

"Although this little friend said that the two of us have not met, I feel that what you said is very reasonable, although I am very excited about this battle axe.

But if you really need it, I will never be stingy, you can rest assured.

It is impossible for me to say that we are selfish like others. In the face of right and wrong, we should do a lot of things.

For example, this evil dragon, if it is really harmful to the common people.

Then how could I, as a sectarian, allow such a thing to happen, so now you just tell us to do it, what do you say?

Hearing Ouyang Dongqing say such words, no one would have thought that he would go forward when he sees good things.

A person who hides back when he encounters bad things, can say such a thing today.

And the old man Tianyi didn't think that what Ouyang Dongqing said really made him feel ashamed.

After all, what he said to Ouyang Dongqing just now was definitely in the opposite direction, and if he could say such a thing, he didn't know if it would touch Ye Feng's heart.

If I really made him want to take action against me, I would be really in trouble right now.

He was already in a state of embarrassment, and he was still in the formation of others, so wouldn't he be a turtle in a urn? So now the old man of the silkworm is a little regretful.

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