Ye Feng really said what was in his heart and let the dragon soul know.

Knowing what is going on right now, and at the same time let him know that there is no good place to go without cooperating with him.

In the current situation, he has no other ideas. After all, cooperating with himself is what he should do the most.

"Xiao Zhao, I know you are very smart, and you also know my current situation.

I want to hear how we work together. Don't tell me about excessive demands. I have told you before.

We dragon people will never do things for others in a lowly manner, and we are arrogant at any time.

Whether our real body is now or not, our dragon soul will not humiliate the reputation of our dragon family. 35

Hearing these words made Ye Feng angry, what was wrong with his own self-esteem, what capital do you have to talk about these self-esteem with yourself?

But since he revealed this, it means that he does have such an idea.


Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to say such a thing, and now, I really have to have a good talk with him.

"That's right, there's nothing wrong with our current cooperation, you can rest assured that I will protect you well.

But the premise is that this is a blessing, you can give me a good introduction, because now he is mine, I at least need to understand him, don't you think?"

Because it is impossible for Ye Feng to make excessive demands on him now, there are many things he has to take slowly, and this thing can't be called in a hurry, and it will definitely make him break the defense.

"Your request is really nothing, I don't know how to introduce this axe to you. I told you just now.

This opening axe has ancient information, as for how this opening axe came from, I really don't know.

But the man who owns this axe is definitely a very tough man, and you have him now.

And your strength is really not much improved, I'm afraid you really can't enjoy his ability.

I'm afraid that there will be a backlash, because once you are controlled by him, it will only be a moment of consent, so many times you have to be self-aware, don't think too much about this axe.

At the same time, when you have enough ability, you can also control it, but the premise is that you must be able to restrain his ability to exert himself. "

Ye Feng's heart froze when he heard that Dragon Soul introduced this axe to the sky.

I didn't expect that the Sky-Opening Axe, which took so much effort to reach him, turned out to be like this.

It really made him very speechless, and at this time Ye Feng also knew that his ability was indeed not good.

It is absolutely impossible for him to be happier than you, if the ancient axe can be controlled by himself.

At the very least, his own abilities have to reach the realm he said, but that realm is out of reach.

"What you mean is that this axe in my hands is not my favorite at all, I might as well throw it away, isn't that the truth?

In fact, there are many times when Ye Feng thinks that this dragon soul definitely said this on purpose, to let himself know what kind of ability he is.

And the effect that this Heaven-Opening Axe brought to him and the state he could control were definitely not to say that he was fooled by this.

And the implication of this dragon soul's words should be insulting his own ability. So Ye Feng was thinking, just follow his wishes and see if this matter can go away like this.

"That's not true, and your ability now doesn't mean that you can't enjoy this new server.

As for you, just work as hard as you can, and don't have too many illusions about this sky-opening axe.

Well, you don't have to be too discouraged, this axe has not yet recognized its master for you.

After you drop a drop of blood essence on it and let him be recognized, you can use it on him.

But it's important to remember that what happens if you say go all out, you have to think about the consequences. "

At the beginning, let yourself recognize this opening axe, and let this opening axe recognize it.

It sounds quite comfortable to me, but I can't use all my strength to use this axe.

So what kind of energy do you use, that is to say, you have this axe, and you can't use all his power, oh, what kind of situation is this?

"Can you tell me in detail, what kind of situation can I use this kd server?

I have it and I can't use it all, and I have to notice what kind of situations I can encounter.

Didn't you make me get it and dare not use it? Then what's the use of me using it?"

In fact, Ye Feng thought that what this dragon soul said to him was definitely vague, and he definitely had something he wanted to say that he didn't say.

And the reason why he didn't say it Ye Feng didn't know, but it was absolutely impossible for his own good, it should be for his own good.

"The so-called details actually have to be tried slowly, not that I told you everything.

There are many things that can only be understood but cannot be described in words. As for this axe, if you really want to know him.

You have to get in touch slowly, and it is your ability to get in touch, or what kind of understanding you understand about him.

That is also your ability. As for the situation where you want to rely on outsiders for everything, then I don't think you can do anything. "

Although he didn't have the arrogant tone he used to say, a lot of words were hitting him.

I really couldn't say anything else to him. I thought that this dragon soul should be enlightened and reached a consensus with myself, but he even spoke to him in such a manner.

"Well, since you said so, I'll try it, but there's one thing you must keep in mind.

If it is true that he and I cannot reach a consensus, I will destroy it in my hands sooner or later. You can rest assured that I will never let him destroy me in my hands. "

Ye Feng thought to himself. This Dragon Soul definitely wanted to give himself a warning, and at the same time, it was also for his own good.

Then he must tell him that although he can agree with his words, once he finds that something is wrong, he can destroy everything, including his last trace of soul.

"Don't talk to me in this tone, there are many times when I really didn't threaten you.

Many times, you have to know that this is an ancient axe, not an ordinary axe.

You want to know what kind of existence I am, can I tell such a lie with a humble human like you?"

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