"I wonder if Song Xin did you notice that this egg's change has reached the final critical moment.

You look at the color of it at first we got it was grey and now it seems to be purple.

Is this a state of evolution? If it is a state of evolution.

We're about to find out what this thing is, I'll take a look at us. After spending so much effort to find so many good things for him, can he surprise us?

At this time, Song Xin was very depressed, and complained to him about her own thoughts.

But he didn't hear a word and kept paying attention to him, that egg really made him very angry.

"I said, can you think about what is the priority, the whole Chinese is now a mess.

You still miss you at this time, if this big person says "one-one-three" now, let people know that you came to this place.

If you lied so many soul stones to support this egg, do you think they will treat you as an enemy?"

Regarding Song Xin's words, Ye Feng never thought so much, because this guy's mind is very lively right now.

What he did would not follow his own ideas at all, so Ye Feng at this time didn't consider his feelings so much at all.

Because thinking about this guy, it's no use talking so much to himself.

"If I guess correctly, the egg will definitely be out of its shell, and then we will know what the egg is.

Seeing its color, I guess, if this egg can really reach a certain state.

It's definitely not ordinary, you guessed it, he can eat so many soul stones, which means that his ability is absolutely sufficient.

I really don't know what this egg will look like when it comes out, I'm really looking forward to it. "

Song Xin next to him really had nothing to say. How could he tell Ye Feng at this time, what was going on outside.

He didn't pay any attention to it at all, and the current situation is such a situation, how can I say Ye Feng still pays attention to his egg.

That is to say, he is only paying attention now, but outside things have nothing to do with him at all.

Song Xin knew that it was useless to say anything to him now, so she turned her head and wanted to go out to see what the situation was, Ye Feng said at this time.

"I know what you're thinking now, but there's one thing you have to remember about everything you have to keep your head down, you know?

Now, if you go out, you will definitely help others, and at the same time, you will really not help others much.

Because this time is the time when other people's sects are negotiating within the sect, if you go out at this time.

Undoubtedly, it has added a lot of trouble to others, and it is best to solve their own affairs at home.

Unless you can't solve it and then help them, then you will be able to occupy a place.

What's the matter with you going out at this time? What's your relationship with others? Can they listen to you? Do you know that if you go out now, you will cause them a lot of trouble.

Although Ye Feng said that he didn't answer Song Xin, Ye Feng still knew what Song Xin thought.

She didn't think about so many things in her heart now. As for how he thought about how to do it, it could only be said that he had to control it.

"At this time, you can say that it's okay if I don't help, but at the very least I have to say I'll go out and see what's going on. If I can't say it, I can't let it go. 995

Song Xin finally told his truth, because if he didn't go, it was okay?

But ah, one thing is that he has to see what it is like outside, if there is any danger.

He knows if he can help, and if he can't help himself.

He has to think of other ways, but what kind of help can you give by staying in this room?

"What kind of thoughts do you have? Actually, I still know quite a bit, but let me persuade you.

At this time, you must not do anything stupid. What I told you, you should consider it carefully.

It's not as simple as you think about any problem, everything has a certain conclusion.

It is best for people to deal with matters within the East Gate of the sect, if you have any identity.

There is definitely no problem, you are just making things worse for the princess and the others at this time.

Because your status is now to treat the suzerain, they must not tell others that we are for the treatment.

If they knew at this time that we were treating people, then their goal would not be this sect, but the two of us, you know?

Ye Feng had to let Song Xin know his current situation, and to put it bluntly, he was the most dangerous right now.

If only they knew who they were, or what their purpose in coming to this place was.

That for the person who started must have to eradicate the two of them and the most important thing after eradication.

The two of them haven't had any reliance yet, because in real time, no one will care about their life or death.

"Can it be so dangerous? You have to know that this is their suzerain, and one of them is his son.

What we are doing now is to help them solve this problem. If they treat us like this, they are really heartless. "

Until now, Song Xin still didn't understand what Ye Feng meant. Ye Feng was persevering.

And at this time, if you want to talk to him again, you must be mad at him.

"Don't say anything else, just stay in this place for a while, I won't control you if anything happens,

But the premise is that before things don't happen, you have to stay here for me again. "

At this time, Song Xin didn't know what to do, if 1.3 said it was according to what Ye Feng said.

He really couldn't move, because if he did, it would be very dangerous for them both.

But his heart really can't let go, but now there is no way to do it.

It is impossible for him to go out at all, and Ye Feng also cannot let him go out. He is really anxious to walk back and forth in the house now.

Seeing his situation, Ye Feng also knows what he is thinking now, but yeah.

Now he has to be calm and angry with other people's family affairs. You said that there is no need for them two outsiders to intervene.

In case if the intervention is wrong, it will prompt their internal planning.

That would be bad, so at this time Ye Feng had to guard Song Xin and let him calm down.

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