"Little brother, in fact, I really don't know how to explain what you said.

We've actually tried this thing because of how many times we've tried this place.

It all ends in failure, but you have succeeded in one attempt.

When we greeted you before, in fact, to a large extent, we wanted to see if you could succeed.

I really didn't expect you to do this thing so beautifully once, your brother has a big brother like you.

It's his blessing, if it's really as simple as you say it is.

Back then, Protector Zuo wouldn't say what to do with this place because he wanted to find this place and let everyone know it.

Let them study this place thoroughly, alas, but I really didn't want to make it public.

So he was brooding about it. "

Hearing the proprietor say such words, Ye Feng finally knew what was going on at this time.

He didn't say it clearly, but Ye Feng had already guessed it, because Song Xin's success prompted their helplessness.

Because they didn't expect this place to be used for themselves at one time.

It seems that they have done many experiments before, and Ye Feng listened to what he said at this time.

It seems that I understand some truth, and the implication seems to want to make myself. How can it be possible to be an instructor for them in this place?

"I really didn't expect these problems to be so complicated, alas, in fact, there is really no need for the whole world to know about this place.

Even this place, you really don't have the ability to make the most of it and you don't need to make it known to the world.

If it is said that once everyone knows the Dao, it will indeed not be of much benefit to your sect.

Because people are all selfish, if the time comes, if you really join forces to deal with you, do you think that no matter how strong you have people, you can stop it. 々?'

In fact, what Ye Feng said was absolutely following what the sect master said, what was going on with their left guardian.

Ye Feng really doesn't care. Now that the life and death of the Zuo Fa protector are unknown, there is no need for him to discuss with others about their own sect.

Ye Feng wanted to get rid of him quickly and wanted to be an instructor. After all, Ye Feng didn't have the time yet.

Because there are really a lot of people in the entire sect, if there are Dharma protectors like Song Xin one by one.

Then you must not die of exhaustion, even if you are not exhausted, you will not be able to do anything in your own business.

"That's right, I didn't agree to do it because I had such concerns back then.

But this guy actually set himself up to do such a thing, in the overall sense, it is basically the fault of interests.

"Sect Master, what else do you plan to do next? He doesn't pose any threat to us at all now.

Now if we can use this place, I suggest to use it, if there is really no way.

Let's think about it again to see where this place is from, or what kind of method we have to use to make full use of this place.

Ye Feng's question is very clear, that is, this matter is not as simple as you think.

And it is impossible for me to be the instructor of the teaching you said at the beginning. It is your problem what method your academy uses to solve this problem.

"Little brother, I don't know what else you have to do below, if there is really anything that you have to do.

You can tell us now that we can in exchange, after all we really need your help right now.

Because this place is indeed a mystery that we have not solved for many years, and you have solved it at this time.

If it is feasible, you can see if you can help us. Of course, we cannot say that you will help us in vain.

Next, if you have something to do, we can do everything for you by using the example of our sect.

Don't worry, although it seems like an exchange, but you don't think so, after all, we are absolutely sincere.

And what we said is absolutely impossible to make you think so much, after all, we have more to ask of you.

Ye Feng is really afraid of what will happen. He knows that this will happen sooner or later.

He really didn't want to stay in this place, and there were so many complicated things to do.

Furthermore, he said that what he wanted to do was actually nothing to save his brother.

Find out what happened back then, and if these things were done using this sect.

It was indeed a lot more convenient, but he always felt that he owed something to this place.

You said that if you don't agree, you can use other people's resources in this place to accomplish what you want to do.

Using human resources, Song Xin has been improved. Now, if someone makes such a request, if he doesn't agree, there are indeed some unreasonable things to say.

"¨'Brother, in fact, you don't have anything to do, so why don't you just stay here for a while.

After all, the two of us have been together for so long, and I really don't want to leave you.

It is also good for the two of us to develop well in this place, so the sect is not thin to us, you see if you consider it. 35

Ye Feng, who was thinking a lot, never thought that Song Xin would say such a thing, this guy is really simple-minded for this Zongmenya.

Want to do anything, because he now has his heart, if he doesn't think about the princess.

(Okay, okay) It is absolutely impossible for him to say such words in this place today, which is undoubtedly not letting himself down.

He really hates it very much, and now if he can make him a meal.

If he really can go up, he will give him two feet, but in front of everyone, how could he do this?

"Actually, I'm not saying that I have to help you, because this thing is not as simple as I thought.

This cold and hot land, first of all we don't know what its source is, and you are right.

This place is indeed cultivated for each person's physique, if there is really nothing wrong with it.

It must be possible to train casually, but you must also know that Song Xin's physique is definitely different.

Because his physique has been used by his master in medicine since he was a child, it has prompted his growth today. "

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