"If this matter is to be done, I feel that I will wait for my eldest brother to come out.

You can completely understand this matter, because he is definitely a master in this area.

Song Xin didn't say what kind of ability Ye Feng had, but the meaning of what he said was very clear.

If you want to investigate this matter clearly, then Ye Feng will basically be able to catch it.

But he also knew that he couldn't disturb Ye Feng in this situation, because Ye Feng didn't know what he was doing now.

Since they don't know what to do, they don't dare to disturb, because if they do, they do.

It's really hard to say what really happened, so I can only wait for Ye Feng to come out at this time.

At this time, the Sect Master and the Right Protector heard Song Xin say this, and they also knew Ye Feng's ability and his unusual things.

It is absolutely unpredictable, so wait, but they can't delay them at this time.

We must ensure the authenticity of this matter. After all, if the barbarian army really comes, they must take precautions.

As for how they came to cooperate with whom, these are things to come later. For the time being, they just want to wait for someone from the outside to convey the news and whether it is true or not.

"For the time being, let's not do anything else, let's see how the disciples of Wanmen convey this news, after all, we still don't know how reliable this matter is.

The sect master and the right guardian did not dare to disturb Ye Feng, what happened to Ye Feng, they did not know that the princess was still in the cave at the same time.

They are really looking forward to how the princess's physique is developed.

If the princess' physique was really developed, then the future development of their sect would be different from the past.

During this period of time, they were nervously preparing for what? Preparing for this barbarian army.

What should we do if the situation comes? And those who have nothing to do should hurry up and cultivate.

They usually practice for a few hours a day, but now they basically practice all day long.

"The matter has been confirmed, the barbarian army has indeed arrived, and it is coming towards the blue moon and yellow peach.

I don't know if they are real, they are going to fight immediately, and they are already tit for tat.

The Blue Moon Dynasty had already prepared, all the battle matters, while the other Dynasty basically had no movement. "5

If we look at the situation in this way, it is absolutely possible that another dynasty has something to do with the barbarian army.

Of course, why this army of barbarians went directly to the Blue Moon Dynasty, no one knew about it.

At the same time, this Blue Moon Dynasty is an enemy or a friend, so what is going on with the state of this barbarian army?

No one can tell right now, after all, the two sides are just confronting each other and not going to war.

"It seems that the rumors are true or not, but my news has already spread, and there is no news from the two dynasties.

I don't know what they were thinking, and the Blue Moon Dynasty didn't do anything.

But it's definitely unusual in this situation, they've already confronted them, don't they have no idea at all?"

The thing that worries the Sect Master the most is the two dynasties, if they really don't cooperate.

To deal with a barbarian army, whether a dynasty has this ability really has to try, if it has this ability, it will definitely greatly weaken its own strength.

"Now I don't know what the Blue Moon Dynasty is thinking, after all, he should have a breath with us at this time.

Regardless of whether the dynasty will help him or not, he should seek our help because of how strong this barbarian army is.

They didn't know that if they couldn't resist, their losses would be huge. "

This matter is also the sect master's concern. If the Blue Moon Emperor is full of vigor, he wants to deal with the barbarian army by himself.

In this case, I don't know what will happen, and whether it will affect the whole situation in the future.

At that time, can they contain the threat of another dynasty to them?

"Well, let's gather all our outer sect disciples back first, what kind of situation will happen.

Let's just adapt, after all we don't know what's going to happen right now, and hopefully there won't be a real war.

At that time, I believe that another dynasty can't ignore it, unless it is really what they did.

Faced with this matter, the sect master doesn't know what to do. You said that your thoughts have been communicated with all the two dynasties.

And now the barbarian army has already entered the city, but this Lanyue Dynasty has been confronted with others in a leisurely manner.

I have no idea, so what kind of decision can the suzerain make at this time?

Therefore, in this case, he can only say to preserve his own strength first.

Let all the disciples outside gather all come back, and then see what the situation is like.

Only the true know. Which dynasty this barbarian army will really fight against, he can make a corresponding decision at that time.

"It's been such a long time, you said Ye Feng and the princess haven't come out yet.

And I clearly feel that the soul power of 507 in that cave is not so strong, what is going on? Should we go over and take a look?"

The right protector is worried about what is going on with Ye Feng and the princess. After all, they are also very anxious.

They also want to wait for Ye Feng to come out and study this matter. What should they do? Although Ye Feng is not from this sect.

But after all, Ye Feng is still in this place, trying his best to do his best.

Or his suggestion, just ask, after all, Ye Feng's ability is beyond their imagination.

Others do not know and protect the law relatively well, because he knows Ye Feng's secrets are really too many.

First of all, his axe is not an ordinary axe, it will definitely bring him a different feeling.

"I also feel that the soul energy in that place is not so heavy anymore, I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

But I really can't say to disturb him at this time, I feel that there should be no problem with the princess.

With Ye Feng in that place, there is absolutely no danger, and we should try our best to solve our own affairs.

It is impossible to say that we rely on outsiders for everything we encounter, so let's just wait and see.

Wait until this matter develops to a certain situation before making a decision. "

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