"Well, since this guest officer has such an idea, then I am willing to mention who, tell me, what do I need to do?

You just want me to work for you now, and I definitely agree with what you said before.

I'm not going to ask you for a penny, you can do what you want me to do, but there's one thing I have to make clear?

If there is no war in the future, in my restaurant, I will definitely put our name on it.

In fact, this shopkeeper is definitely a shrewd person. You have to know how much money Ye Feng can give him now?

If you don’t give much and you don’t earn much at the same time, why bother? Then just follow your own thoughts.

For the sake of the future, what he has to do now is to continue to expand the restaurant in the future.

Although this restaurant can be said to be quite famous in the local area, it is still a lot worse in comparison.

Taking this opportunity to advertise for yourself is indeed very good.

So at this time, he didn't want to earn Master Yan's money. For the sake of long-term consideration, he insisted on agreeing to Ye Feng's request.

And Ye Feng also thought that this shopkeeper is indeed a shrewd person, and he is indeed a person who can do great things for the future.

"I don't know what the shopkeeper's name is."

After chatting for so long, he didn't even know who the other party was, and it was better to know something, so he asked this sentence directly, and the shopkeeper said it casually.

"My surname is Huang, you can call me Manager Huang, you can call me Boss Huang, or you can call me Lao Huang.

Of course, I feel you should call me Lao Huang now, after all, I am working for you now, don't you think?"

"Boss Huang is so polite, we actually call it win-win cooperation, don't you call me a part-time job?

You call it looking for a way out in the future, don't say that you are working for me, we are all developing for the common interests.

Well, I will arrange one thing for you first, and now I feel that any business will not be easy to do.

You went to a few shops and bought all their tea, of course I paid the money.

I will never let you give a point, you try your best during this time. Buy more, because what we want to do is bigger, so don't have enough. 々. "

If you want to provide tea for free, you have to prepare enough tea leaves, so the first thing is to purchase the tea.

This boss Huang purchased all the things he wanted to purchase, and at that time, he simply built a tea pavilion outside the city and it was done.

"It's okay, it's the simple thing, because I'm running a restaurant in this place.

I have met a lot of tea merchants, and I will just contact them directly, and they are really annoying now, and they have accumulated a lot of tea in their hands. ""

"Since this matter is easy to handle, then we can prepare for it tomorrow, and I will leave the city tomorrow.

Then you bring the tea, and the two of us gather at Shilipo, which is the only way for ordinary people who go out of the city.

They'll definitely rest there, and I'll have a big gazebo there too.

When the time comes, the common people will definitely have a good rest in that place. "

In this way, both sides were all set up, Lao Huang went to buy tea, Er Ye Feng rushed to Shili River on the second day.

Of course, when he leaves the city, he will also be checked. Fortunately, he has no time to stay in this place. Fortunately, he also quickly left the city, but Kaitian Axe said at this time.

"Do you think it is possible to use the mouths of the common people to expose the scandal of the Blue Moon Dynasty? Do you think these common people can believe what you say?

"Do you know? There are many times what the common people say, which is the most true and let them pass on?

2 Chuan 3, 3 The world will know this lie at that time, so why bother.

It's just that we waste some tea and waste some time. By then, the face of the Blue Moon Dynasty will not be angry.

Because this news is definitely very secret, and they were unintentionally spread by the common people, do you think they will be angry?

Ye Feng's strategy is very simple, and of course it is the most effective. Kaitian Axe does not know how simple this matter is?

At the same time, he still thinks that this matter should be very complicated, and of course he doesn't understand why Ye Feng did it.

Since Ye Feng wanted to do this, he couldn't say anything. In many cases, it was impossible for him to comment on this matter at all.

Because this is unpredictable, and Ye Feng is a very strange person.

"This thing is called the strategy of attacking the heart, you know? Let their strategy be announced to the world during the operation.

Although he said he wanted to cover up this fact, it was not something that anyone could cover up.

You have to know that a lot of times the more they try to cover up the fact, the more the people can inspire the scandals they reveal. ""

What the elf said is definitely a truth, Ye Feng did not expect the elf to have such advanced consciousness.

Because he knew that the elf was an ancient plant, and of course he also knew that the elf was something that could penetrate a person's heart, and it was normal for him to say such things.

"'If I want to say that now, I am more speculative when I talk to the elves, and what you said really makes me unable to understand.

Your previous performance was very good, but then you want to fight with war, this is absolutely not advisable, you know?

Now, you have to know one thing, as long as there is war, it is definitely the common people who suffer. 99

"I don't care what the two of you say (Li Qianhao), but don't turn your back on me, okay? Although I say that my perceptions are different.

But my idea is still better, what I said and what I want to do is basically the fastest and most effective fact, don't you think?

What Kaitian Axe said is indeed the case, and what he said is basically that violence can be suppressed by violence.

Of course, although it can be said that this matter can be solved quickly, it cannot be solved from the root.

You have everyone in the world targeting the Blue Moon Dynasty and yourself targeting the Blue Moon Dynasty, these are definitely two concepts.

Although he said that he was able to calm down this matter, it was not easy to say what happened in the future.

It is impossible for him to discredit him, he can only say that it will make him afraid, and that he will only be able to treat the symptoms but not the root cause at that time, so Ye Feng does not want to do it according to the idea of ​​​​opening the sky.

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