"But there is one thing I have to tell you, that is, I already recognized his master at the princess' place last night.

He said that he was going to take me to practice, because he felt that my bones were very strange, so he recognized me as an apprentice last night?

I agreed without hesitation. "

I really didn't expect this news to explode in Ye Feng's ears like a bolt from the blue.

He really didn't expect the princess to rob him of his life when he settled him last night. This whole Ye Feng was really caught off guard.

"What did he tell you last night? Could you tell me that again?"

This sudden news really caught Ye Feng by surprise. He wanted to hear the reason for the princess?

He couldn't accept Xiaoxue as his disciple. If he had a purpose with him, then he really had no choice.

"Last night we talked for a long time, and after he finished fighting for me, he talked to me about the past.

Then I briefly introduced my identity to him, and he saw my background as pitiful. 20

And he also recognized my yearning for me in this regard, so he told me.

In the future, I was going to take me to practice the knowledge of unlocking martial arts, so I didn't even think about it, so I agreed with him.

The dangling heart finally let go. He originally thought that this princess was thinking the same as himself.

It seems that he is thinking too much, but what should I do if I think about it? If Ye Feng recognized Xiaoxue as his close disciple at this time.

How should the princess explain it, oh my, it's really too hasty.

If he had announced this matter yesterday, there would be no such thing today?

This time, it seems like I'm fighting for life with others, but in fact, my real purpose is today's matter.

"I said what should I do about the elf thing? If we were to accept her as a closed disciple at this time.

Is that robbing others for a living? Please explain to me quickly, I have never experienced such a thing.

Ye Feng really has no idea. He thinks that if he really does it according to his own ideas.

There is really a clear confrontation with other people's sects. You must know that no matter how the princess is, he is also a sect of this sect.

The suzerain's daughter, if he robbed him, there would be something wrong.

But if he really wants to let go, then Xiaoxue in front of him is really a pity.

"I don't think this matter is too complicated, you can do whatever you want.

If you think about it this way, how can you say that it is impossible for one person to say that there are several masters?

Isn't it necessary to say that Xiaoxue has as many masters as everyone else?

The princess doesn't even know what's going on with his martial spirit, why are you thinking so much about it?"

A light, simple sentence, this Ye Feng really looks like a toilet.

What is it, why is that bullshit? Even if Xiaoxue is accepted as his close disciple.

He also has the right to recognize other people as masters, but it's just that the masters teach different things and that's it.

"Oh, this is really the first time I've encountered this, so if I say to announce this matter, I'm thinking that there should be no problem with the princess. 35

The matter was settled like this, and he easily accepted Xiaoxue as a closed disciple.

Moreover, he and the princess were Xiaoxue's master. Of course, after the news spread, everyone didn't expect it.

"What do you think my eldest brother thinks? Why do you want to grab an apprentice from you? Is he idle?

If he had already thought of this, why did he tell everyone straightforwardly when he first met that little girl? Why do you say it so embarrassingly.

Song Xin was following the princess at this time, offering all kinds of hospitality, and he also felt a little angry.

On one side is the person in your heart, and on the other side is your big brother. You say that it is really very difficult for him to do it.

So at this time, he was slapping the horse in front of President Gong, but he actually didn't know how this matter worked.

Generally speaking, it has nothing to do with who this Xiaoxue recognizes as a master.

In fact, what he wanted most was to let Ye Feng be his master, because as long as Ye Feng was dignified.

He can follow the princess anytime, anywhere, and it is impossible to say that he has taken away his time.

But at this time, he couldn't say it clearly. If he did, what about the princess' view of himself in the future.

There are definitely a lot of changes, so at this time he has to bite the bullet and face the princess.

"Hehe, I think it's because of Xiaoxue, but I actually don't feel anything.

He was going to say that what was taught and what I taught were not the same at all.

Besides, isn't it normal for a person to have several masters? Besides, we haven't said anything about this matter and have no idea of ​​competing.

To be honest, I really couldn't figure it out a bit at the beginning, but after thinking about it, it didn't matter.

I always feel that this matter is not so complicated, you have to know that this is the luck of Xiaoxue.

833 What if he's by our side no matter what, so wouldn't it be nice to lay the foundation for us?

You don't have to think too much about this, and don't let your big brother know your thoughts.

If you let him know, there are also prejudices about you, and it is inevitable that you will stand in the middle.

You can do whatever you want, and you don't have anything. Don't worry, I have nothing to do. 35

Song Xin had never imagined that the princess was open-minded. He thought that the princess would definitely be furious.

I finally recognized an apprentice, but I was picked up over there, can I still run here?

To be more precise, if this matter were changed by myself, I would not be able to figure it out.

But the open-mindedness of the princess really made Song Xin. Change your thinking.

"If you don't have any advice on this matter, then I'm sure there's nothing wrong with me.

If you really have any thoughts on this matter, just tell me directly, if it is inconvenient for you to open your mouth.

I'll tell my big brother directly what's going on, don't take this issue so simplistically.

Don't keep it in your heart, don't hold back your illness, okay? I miss you very much.

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