And Ye Feng thought to himself that he couldn't listen to outsiders at any time on this issue.

Because what the two of them said was really good for them, but they had to have their own ideas.

As the saying goes, if you can't do your own thing, how can you talk about it convincingly?

At any time, Ye Feng just wanted to hear what better plan the two of them had for this matter.

As for whether this plan can follow the two of them, it will have to be discussed in the long run.

"Okay, okay, I can't speak to you, your mouth is full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, but this is what you are talking about now.

It seems that it doesn't match what you said before. You have to know that you used to respect martial arts.

You want to fight everything by force, but now what? Don't you know if the two of them fight by force.

How much power does he need? If I guessed correctly, you let him practice, this Frostfire Palm.

"You're right, I did let him rest this Frost Fire Palm, but you have to know.

I didn't use despicable means to let him rest. You must know this despicable means.

If you really do this, you will lose money one day sooner or later.

The two began to quarrel over this matter, and the final solution was reached.

The two of them didn't come up with a good strategy, and Ye Feng, at this time, figured it out and said to them.

"Don't worry about this matter anymore, I have already figured out how this matter should work.

In fact, what you two said is very reasonable, but I don't want to force everything.

After all, the two of them now take me as their possession, which is already a great trust in me.

If I really use the means, it is indeed against my own original intention, and also against the trust of the two of them in me. 々.

It is indeed against my own original intention, and also against the trust of the two of them in me.

The idea is to be based on his own heart. Ye Feng's meaning is very clear, that is, no matter what.

Although it is said that the two of them are the same breath, the breath that has produced self-consciousness has already been sent to Ye Feng's body.

He must have had absolute trust in himself for so long, so Ye Feng didn't want them to let him down.

From the very beginning of this piece of heart, Ye Feng had made it clear to the two of them that he would convince others by virtue.

But it is absolutely impossible to say that bullying and bullying anything in the form of tyranny, this is Ye Feng's original intention.

"Do you really want to convince people with virtue? I tell you, if you do.

I really don't know how you can contain the two of them, who have been fighting together for so many years.

It must be very tyrannical, you must think about it. "

Regarding what Jin Ling said, Ye Feng believes that everything depends on his own perception.

If you don't understand it, then you are equivalent to missing the two of them, and there is no need to entangle with them so much.

"If you want me to tell you, it's really right that you have such an idea, you can't say that you can convince people with virtue.

But there is one thing you must remember to treat things with moral convincing.

You say they both are in your body wholeheartedly and want to be attached to your body and you.

At this time, it is better to have absolute trust with the two of them, so you must express your sincerity. "

Three people have three suggestions, and Ye Feng knows that everything has to be in favor of talent.

So at this time, he could neither object nor agree with what the elf said.

The elves and the axe that Kai Talent mentioned are like ice and fire in their bodies.

You said that he didn't dare to offend anyone at this time, even though he said too much and too little, no one could fault him.

After all, I am thinking of myself, and no one can have any ideas, but he still does not suggest that such a thing happens in his body.

"Okay, stop arguing, I think I know what to do."

And at this time, Ye Feng didn't want to tangle with them so much, so he just kept secret.

Then looking at the two breaths ahead, Ye Feng said to the two of them.

"If I'm not wrong, the two of you should be able to understand our previous suggestion.

In fact, I don't know how to tell you two about this matter, and you two should also know what's going on with my current situation.

I'll just say it directly and tell you, we don't care whether it's to leave or say whatever.

We are supposed to be in the same hatred and have to clench our fists, even if we don't.

But the two of you are attached to my body, and you should also feel my sincerity towards you two. "

At this time, Ye Feng seemed to be talking to the air, but Ye Feng didn't know if the two of them could understand.

If you can understand what you can say, it's easy to say, but if you don't understand, Ye Feng has nothing to do.

It can only be said that the ice and the fire are no longer relevant, and at this time, the ice and the fire are hovering over his head.

Ye Feng knew that these two guys seemed to want to hear what he had to say, but at this time he was thinking about how to express his abilities.

Their own cognition, their own thoughts, can make them both understand.

"'I'll tell you that, if you two keep fighting as you used to.

I definitely cannot give you a good venue within my body, and this is one of them.

Second, you have been fighting for thousands of years, and it is not easy to meet someone like me.

(Qian Wang Zhao) I only have one suggestion. It doesn't matter how you two usually fight, but for my own body.

You try not to destroy it, after all, you still have to be attached to this place, and there is one more point.

If we are against the enemy, whether I can use you or not, I hope you will do your best.

Because we are in the same world now, if I get hurt, it won't do you any good, it's all a matter of win-win cooperation.

Ye Feng knew that this was all he could say, and it would be meaningless to say anything else.

Those things were of no use to the two of them, if they could understand it.

It wouldn't be worth fighting for thousands of years, so Ye Feng thinks it's useless to talk about it.

When it comes to the point, it is the most important, and in this case, it can only be like this.

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