Su Xin raised his hands helplessly: "OK! OK! Can you let go first?"

  Qin Yumo and Hu Yifei let Su Xin go, and Tang Youyou saw that TV had started to show who is a millionaire.

  "It's started! It's started!"

  Everyone looked at the TV, all looking at the TV expectantly.

  Like the original book, Zeng Xiaoxian pressed the help button confidently at first. .

Chapter 219

  "Is he an idiot?"

  Lu Ziqiao said speechlessly.

  Zhang Wei looked at Su Xin with a sad face: "Su Xin! Will Teacher Zeng really win? I bet five dollars!"

  Su Xin calmly comforted: "Don't worry! Teacher Zeng still has something!"

  Hu Yifei laughed disdainfully: "Zeng Xiaoxian looks like a mental retard!"

  Lu Ziqiao said with a dark face: "Like this word is inaccurate, he is a mentally retarded, if he loses, I will definitely kill him!"

  Everyone continued to watch TV. Just like the original book, Zeng Xiaoxian passed the test all the way and successfully won one million soft sister coins, and only the last question remained.

  When the host asked Zeng Xiaoxian if he wanted to continue answering the question, Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the audience.

  The photographer also turned the camera to Mr. Zeng's girlfriend Liu Honglei very wisely.

  Liu Honglei just cheered Zeng Xiaoxian, but did not make any comments.

  Zhang Wei looked at Su Xin with envy and hatred on his face: "Su Xin! You are too pitiful! You promised to find me a girlfriend first! As a result, you helped Teacher Zeng find such a good girlfriend, and I even had a daughter. I've never seen any of my friends."

  Su Xin explained awkwardly: "Mr. Zeng is a coincidence! But don't worry, I will help you when you come back!"

  Zhang Wei looked at the TV with a depressed expression. At this time, Zeng Xiaoxian chose to continue answering the question with Liu Honglei's encouragement.

  The host looked at the time: "The show will end in three minutes. Do you choose to answer the last question in three minutes? Or wait until tomorrow?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian glanced at the help button on the phone, and said confidently, "Three minutes is enough! I have a trump card!"

  "Okay! Let's start!"

  The host began to ask questions, and Zeng Xiaoxian decisively chose to call for help.

  Su Xin's cell phone rang, and Lu Ziqiao said with a look of contempt, "I knew that Teacher Zeng would definitely call Su Xin!"

  Su Xin answered the phone, and without waiting for Zeng Xiaoxian to speak, he said directly, "Choose B~ˇ!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian trusted Su Xin very much and said directly to the host, "I choose B!"

  The host began to fool Zeng Xiaoxian: "Are you sure? If you fail, you will have nothing!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian smiled: "I believe him! Because he has never done anything wrong!"

  The host saw Zeng Xiaoxian's firm eyes and didn't fudge any more: "Congratulations, you got five million soft sister coins!"

  Lu Ziqiao of TV Money even jumped up excitedly: "It's earned!"

  Zhang Wei also had a happy expression on his face: "I also made a profit!"

  Qin Yumo couldn't help but smile when he saw everyone fighting each other.

  Lu Ziqiao took out his mobile phone: "Mr. Zeng won [-] million, so I must treat you!"

  Zhang Wei stopped Lu Ziqiao's actions: "Mr. Zeng must be busy with a lot of things. You better not disturb him. After the things are over, he will definitely invite us."

  Su Xin remembered Zeng Xiaoxian's breach of contract, and sent him a text message on his mobile phone, asking him to look at the contract carefully.

  Since Qin Yumo was leaving the next day, Su Xin naturally wanted to accompany Qin Yumo more.

  At noon the next day, in the lobby of the airport, Qin Yumo looked at Su Xin reluctantly and urged, "Don't forget to come and see me!"

  "Don't worry! It's only an hour's flight, I will visit you often!" Su Xin comforted a few words.

  Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo hugged: "Take care of yourself! Call if you have anything!"

  Qin Yumo nodded: "I'll leave it to you when I'm not by Su Xin's side! You can watch over him, don't let him pick up girls, and pay attention to his conditioning. I don't want to be a widow at a young age."

  Su Xin looked at Qin Yumo with a black line: "Can't you expect me to order it?"

  The radio at the airport sounded, Qin Yumo heard the plane was about to take off, and stopped Su Xin: "Take care of yourself! I'll go first!"

  After Qin Yumo finished speaking, he walked towards the wicket, and Hu Yifei teased, "Can't bear it?"

  "How come! Let's go!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he walked outside. Hu Yifei followed Su Xin to the parking lot. After getting in the car, Hu Yifei asked, "We haven't seen Xiao Qing for a long time! Is she so busy?"

  Su Xin started the car and drove to the love apartment: "She's always been so busy! I'm used to it too!"

  "You should go see her!" Hu Yifei hesitated for a while, and began to persuade Su Xin.

  "Let's talk about it later!"

  Su Xin didn't answer directly, but bypassed the topic and continued to chat with Hu Yifei about other things.

  Su Xin was about to drive into the love apartment when suddenly a yellow sports car overtook and entered the love apartment.

  Hu Yifei immediately became unhappy, and lowered the glass and began to damage: "You are in a hurry to reincarnate!"

  The yellow sports car lowered the glass, and it was Zeng Xiaoxian who was driving.

  "Hu Yifei, you are still so arrogant!"

  Seeing that it was Zeng Xiaoxian, Hu Yifei sneered: "Hey! Isn't this the upstart Zeng Xiaoxian? It's replaced with a tortoise shell! Why can't you drive that second-hand car! Did you throw it away when you got rich? Did it take you with you? the morals of the people?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian was a little autistic after being damaged by Hu Yifei, and explained: "¨" I didn't mean to grab the road, but I didn't understand this car, so I stepped on it hard! "

  The car behind started urging the two of them.

  "Let's go back to the apartment!" Zeng Xiaoxian said, starting his sports car and driving into the community.

  Su Xin drove into the underground parking lot, while Zeng Xiaoxian drove in the direction of the artificial lake.

  Hu Yifei asked suspiciously, "Is Zeng Xiaoxian so shy? The sports car doesn't stop at the garage?"

  Su Xin parked the car and explained, "Mr. Zeng's car was rented for a day. It is estimated that someone will drive away in a while!"

  "I said how did Zeng Xiaoxian change a car so quickly, it turned out to be rented!" Hu Yifei laughed.

  The two walked towards the elevator, and Hu Yifei suddenly thought of something and pressed the button on the first floor.

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei helplessly: "There's no need to mock Mr. Zeng on purpose!"

  "I didn't have time to mock him (Zhao Dehao), I thought my postdoctoral application form should be sent!" Hu Yifei explained.


  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with a look of sigh: "Congratulations on finishing your academic career! What do you want to do next?"

  "I haven't thought about it yet, I'll talk about it later!"

  Hu Yifei got off the elevator and walked to the mailbox. Su Xin was waiting for Hu Yifei in front of the elevator door.

  Zeng Xiaoxian walked in: "Aren't you waiting for me?"

  Hu Yifei took out her envelope and laughed, "Your face is too big!"

  Hu Yifei walked to the elevator with the envelope, Su Xin saw Zeng Xiaoxian and reminded: "Mr. Zeng, remind you, no matter how brainless you encounter a show, don't stop filming, or your bonus will be frozen Xin! "

  Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile on his face: "The programs they set for me are all TV. Unless I'm mentally disabled, how can I stop filming? Do you think I'm a brainless?".

Chapter 220

  Su Xin looked at Zeng Xiaoxian speechlessly. If he followed the original work, Zeng Xiaoxian would be scolding him for being brainless.

  Su Xin has already reminded Zeng Xiaoxian, as to whether the original work will happen, Su Xin is not sure.

  The three went to the floor and got off the elevator. Zeng Xiaoxian's cell phone suddenly rang. Zeng Xiaoxian answered the phone: "Hello! Who?"

  Since Zeng Xiaoxian's mobile phone was relatively quiet, Su Xin did not hear what was said on the phone.

  "I'll come down right now!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said something, hung up the phone, and looked at Su Xin: "The gifts I bought for you have arrived! You called everyone to 3601! I'm going to start giving out gifts!"

  Just as Hu Yifei was about to say something, Su Xin stopped Hu Yifei and looked at Zeng Xiaoxian: "Okay! You go first!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian walked back to the elevator again, and Hu Yifei complained, "Is Zeng Xiaoxian showing off?"

  Su Xin shook his head: "I feel the same way about his current state! This is the revenge consumption after getting rich!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "When have you been spending like crazy? Why don't I know?"

  Su Xin explained: "I spent much more than Teacher Zeng! I directly spent all the money and created shaking hands, so that I became a pauper again!"

  "You are an investment, different from him!" Hu Yifei walked to the door of 3601 and opened the door.

  "Forget it! Let's just cooperate with Teacher Zeng's behavior. It is estimated that he will return to normal in a few days. I will call others first."

  Su Xin opened the door of 3602 and walked in.

  As soon as Su Xin walked into the living room, he saw Guan Gu Weiqi and Tang Youyou tired and crooked. Su Xin teased and said, "You two don't quarrel anymore?"

  Guan Gu said with a smug look on his face: "I have made it clear to Youyou! We have also reconciled."

  "Congratulations! Teacher Zeng is going to send gifts at 3601. Come and have a look! I'll call Ziqiao and Zhang Wei!"

  Su Xin walked to Lu Ziqiao's door and shouted, "Ziqiao! Go next door to get a gift!"

  After Su Xin shouted, he walked to Zhang Wei's room and was about to shout when Zhang Wei walked out with a look of financial confusion.

  "Who sent gifts?"

  "Teacher Zeng!" As soon as Su Xin finished speaking, Lu Ziqiao came out.

  Several people walked to 3601. After waiting for a while, Zeng Xiaoxian led a group of people to carry gifts and put them in the living room of 3601.

  Zeng Xiaoxian paid the money, sent the transporter away, and walked across from the crowd with a serious face.

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