Hu Yifei had no objection. Following Su Xin, the four of them began to look around at the paintings. Every time Lu Ziqiao saw a painting, he looked like he was appreciating it, and even pretended to nod.

  Guan Gu saw Lu Ziqiao's appearance miraculously, as if he was really appreciating the painting, and asked suspiciously, "Ziqiao! Do you still understand art?"

  Lu Ziqiao smiled smugly: "Of course! What I study the most is the art of your Dahekou! Professional skills are unparalleled!"


  Su Xin and Guan Gu looked at Lu Ziqiao with a black line, only Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin blankly: "What kind of professional art do they have there? Why don't I know?"

  Su Xin said embarrassedly: "You don't need to know this! Let's continue to look at the painting!"

  Hu Yifei continued to look at the painting with a puzzled face, and Lu Ziqiao teased: "So pure men know something! You don't know?"

  Su Xin kicked Lu Ziqiao: "Fuck off!"

  Seeing that Su Xin was unhappy, Lu Ziqiao didn't tease Hu Yifei anymore, but pointed to a painting.

  "Look at this painting! It's vivid, but it's too conservative!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Lu Ziqiao with contempt: "Vulgar!"

  Guan Gu Qiqi also began to complain about Lu Ziqiao: "This is art! It's different from the art you said!"

  Guan Gu magically saw a painting not far away, his glasses instantly widened, and he hurriedly walked to the painting: "This is the painting that was published in Fashion Weekly last year, my favorite painting! I can't think of it in this kind of garbage painting exhibition. You can actually see the real thing! Could it be that Eppide is the author of this painting?"

  The three of Su Xin walked to Guan Gu Weiqi's side and looked at the stickman on the drawing paper. Lu Ziqiao complained, "What is this? This stickman has a big head and a small body. At this level of painting, without five years of cerebral hemorrhage, it is impossible to paint such a brainless painting!"

  Guan Gu looked at Lu Ziqiao miraculously and contemptuously: "What do you know! This is art!"

  After Guan Gu said magically, he continued to look at the stickman's painting. Lu Ziqiao pointed to the stickman's head: "There is a dirty thing here, let me remove it for him!"

  Lu Ziqiao stretched out his hand, and a small hole appeared on the drawing paper. Guan Guqi immediately became anxious: "What do you know! This is art, that ink dot is the finishing touch, you actually ruined such a perfect painting, you Just wait to be cut to death!"

  Guan Guji became more and more excited as he spoke, and he was already incoherent by Lu Ziqiao's angry words, but something surprising happened.

  When Guan Gu was excited, he punched the stickman in the head.


  The four of them stood there dumbfounded, all looking at the picture of a boxing hole in surprise, Lu Ziqiao said with some schadenfreude: "Guan Gu! You are finished! Ai Pide will definitely call the police to arrest you, and the small hole I destroyed, Completely destroyed by you!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  Guan Gu miraculously said in a panic: "What should I do! What should I do! How about I sneak away?"

  Lu Ziqiao pointed to the camera: "Do you think it's useful to slip away? As long as you appear in the camera, the software Su Xin made will find you!"

  Guan Gu was even more panicked: "My beautiful life has just begun, I don't want to be arrested, I heard that people in our place are arrested here, and they will be given special treatment, and nine out of ten are admitted to a mental hospital. There is another even worse, it is said that life can only be maintained in the hospital!"

  Lu Ziqiao patted Guan Gu's miraculous shoulder: "It's okay! At most it's just picking up soap!"


  Guan Gu grabbed Lu Ziqiao's neck with a miraculous expression: "If I am caught, I will definitely say that you are the mastermind. Anyway, you were the one who destroyed the painting first!"

...... 0

  Lu Ziqiao said helplessly: "Calm down! We didn't remove the disguise, as long as we slip away quietly, we'll be fine if we ask Su Xin a favor!"

  Guan Gu took a miraculous glance at the beard on Lu Ziqiao's face, and immediately reacted, looking at Su Xin: "Su Xin! I'm your little aunt's boyfriend! You can't die without saving me!"

  Lu Ziqiao leaned over to Su Xin and said, "Su Xin. For so many years, our brothers, if Xiao Qing interrogated me, I accidentally said something I shouldn't have said, don't blame me!"


  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao with a black line: "Are you threatening me again?"

  "How could it be! How could I betray you, I'm just afraid to tell some of your little secrets!"

  Lu Ziqiao looks like a rogue who will be unlucky together if you don't say anything.

  "You are ruthless! I'll find you to settle accounts after a while!"

  Su Xin kept a black account for Lu Ziqiao in his heart, and then said displeasedly: "Don't worry! I have already closed that software, and since the last time I found out that Xiao Qing was using it to monitor me, I took it back directly. !"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin suspiciously and asked, "What secrets are you hiding from us? Also, why is Xiao Qing monitoring you? Why don't I know anything!"

  Su Xin explained helplessly: "She was afraid of me picking up girls, so she used that program to monitor me. As for the secret, you'll know it in a few days. Calculate the time, it's almost there!"

Chapter 232

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "What secrets are we going to talk about after a while?"

  "I'll know in a while!" Su Xin continued to perfunctory.

  Lu Ziqiao pushed Guan Gu miraculously to the side of the painting: "Ai Pide is here! Guan Gu, please block!"

  When Guan Gu heard Lu Ziqiao's words, he directly blocked the fist hole with his head: "Just think of a way! Let's get out of here!"

  "Don't worry! I have a way, wait a minute, and we'll go after I'm done with him!"

  After Lu Ziqiao finished speaking, he walked towards Ai Paide: "Hello!"

  Ai Pide glanced at Guan Gu Qi with a puzzled look: "What happened to your friend?"

  Lu Ziqiao's brain was running fast, and he casually said: "My friend is short-sighted, he is watching your paintings carefully!"

  Ai Pide walked towards the magic of Guan Gu: "Sir, you can stay away, I can explain the composition of this painting for you!"

  Lu Ziqiao was afraid that Ai Pide would see the flaw, so he directly stopped Ai Pide: "You can't go over!"

  Ai Pide looked at Lu Ziqiao suspiciously: "Why?"

  Lu Ziqiao hesitated for a while, and casually found a reason, "Because...because your shoes are too dirty! We have a custom there, shoes are dirty, you have to drag them before you appreciate the painting!"

  "That's it! No problem!"

  Aped didn't think much about it. After all, the customs of each place are different, and there are many people who think that shoes are dirty.

  After Ai Pide dragged his shoes, Lu Ziqiao stood opposite Ai Pide, still shorter than Ai Pide.

  Lu Ziqiao said with a broken face: "This is too bad! Shoes are the same height as those without shoes!"

  Hu Yifei asked in a low voice, "Why does Ziqiao have to worry about height?"

  Su Xin glanced at Lu Ziqiao, who was fooling Ai Pide, and explained in a low voice, "Zi Qiao thinks that this Ai Pide was brought to challenge him by Meijia, of course he will!"

  Hu Yifei was even more puzzled: "Challenge? Challenge what?"

  "Reunion challenge! It's better than anyone else!" Su Xin explained.

  Hu Yifei asked thoughtfully, "Wanyu is coming back soon! Should I prepare as well?"

  Su Xin's face turned dark: "Don't make trouble! If you compare, I will punish all of them! The most important thing for a family to be together is harmony!"

  Seeing that Su Xin was serious, Hu Yifei said with a smile, "Don't worry! My relationship with Wanyu is better than yours! We won't be as boring as Lu Ziqiao!"

  At this time, Lu Ziqiao had already fooled Ai Pide to the front of the painting, lied that he wanted to take a picture, and made a gesture to Su Xin after speaking, then picked up Ai Pide's shoes and ran outside.

  Hu Yifei asked suspiciously, "What does Ziqiao do with Aped's shoes?"

  Su Xin glanced at the shoes in Lu Ziqiao's hand and explained, "Apide said just now that he wears size [-] shoes!"

  "Thirty-seven yards?"

  Hu Yifei looked at Ai Pide in shock: "He is a man who is [-] meters in size and wears shoes of size [-]?"

  After seeing Lu Ziqiao and Guan Gu miraculously running away, Su Xin directly reminded Ai Pide.

  "Appide! Your paintings are ruined! Shoes have been stolen!"


  When Ai Pide heard Su Xin's words, he immediately opened his eyes and saw that Guan Gu Qiqi and Lu Ziqiao were no longer around.

  "What about people!"

  Ai Pide immediately turned to look at the painting, saw a hole the size of a fist on the painting, and immediately shouted: "No! This is my most proud work!"

  Ai Pide immediately looked at Su Xin: "Mr. Su! I kindly invite you to participate in the art exhibition. Why do you want someone to destroy my paintings!"

  Seeing Ai Pide splashing dirty water on himself, Su Xin immediately retorted: "You have to tell evidence! I don't know them at all! I have no grievances with you, why should I find someone to destroy yours? painting?"

  Ai Pide was at a loss for words and asked: "I think you are very happy to chat with them. You should know them! What are their names! I want to call the police and arrest them!"

  Su Xin looked as if it had nothing to do with him: "I met them here, no, you can go to the surveillance!"

  Ai Pide took out his mobile phone and called the police: "Hey! My art exhibition was attacked by two horrible terrorists. They robbed my shoes and destroyed my paintings!"

  An unpleasant voice came from the phone.

  "Are you kidding me? It's also a crime to call false police!"

  Ai Pide said anxiously: "I have witnesses here, and they will testify for me! Come on quickly!"

  On the opposite side of the phone, I heard Apade's voice and asked suspiciously.

  "A witness? Are you sure you're a terrorist? Terrorists don't take anything but your shoes?"

  Ai Pide shouted displeased: "Not only the shoes, but also my favorite paintings have been destroyed by them! You send someone quickly, the address is..."

  After Ai Pide finished speaking, he hung up the phone and looked at Su Xin and Hu Yifei: "You must testify for me! These two cheating terrorists are so abhorrent!"


  Su Xin didn't want to make this trouble, and refused directly: "You can ask the police to ask my lawyer, I have the right to refuse to testify!"

  "Why?" Ai Pide looked at Su Xin suspiciously. . . . . .

  Su Xin casually made up a reason: "Because I represent the image of shaking hands, it is impossible for me to cause trouble to myself for no reason!"

  Su Xin looked at Zhao Wuliang who was pretending to be a gentleman in the distance: "Zhao Wuliang! After a while!"

  When Zhao Wuliang heard Su Xin calling him, he walked over at a trot: "Boss, what are your orders?"

  Su Xin pointed to Ai Pide: "He said he was attacked by terrorists just now, let me testify to him, you solved this matter!"

  Zhao Wuliang looked at Ai Pide, his face sank immediately: "What is your business bothering our boss for? Don't you know that our boss can go up and down several million every minute? You asked him to testify for you, why do you?..."

  Seeing that Zhao Wuliang was chattering about Ai Paide, Hu Yifei said hesitantly, "Will this be bad? After all, he is Mika's boyfriend now!"

  Su Xin said meaningfully: "It won't be so soon!"

  Hu Yifei wanted to ask something else when a familiar voice sounded from outside the door.

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