The staff quickly stood up: "Girl, fighting is not allowed here! Please let this gentleman go!"

  Two security guards not far away came over as usual, as if they were no stranger to this kind of thing.

  Su Xin made a pause gesture with the other hand: "Don't worry about it!"

  Lin Wanyu bit Su Xin for a while, but she actually started crying, T﹏T

  Su Xin saw everyone around him looking over, and said helplessly, "Don't do this, they all misunderstood me as a scumbag!"

  Lin Wanyu let go of Su Xin and cried, "You are a scumbag!"

  Su Xin saw that everyone around him looked at him with contempt, and Su Xin said helplessly: "How can you say that to me? You brought up the breakup! You brought up the divorce too. I'm so happy, but you told me to break up directly, what can I say? You also proposed a divorce just now, so why am I a scumbag who abandoned my wife and children? "

  Lin Wanyu hit Su Xin a few times, but the force is very small, not as strong as the massage: "I was angry and said casually at the time, can't you ask other women to let me talk?"


  The people around made a sigh and looked at Su Xin with contempt.

  Su Xin said embarrassedly: "Let's finish the formalities first, and then we can talk after going home! And I also agree with you that you are going abroad, so don't make trouble!"

  Lin Wanyu hit Su Xin a few more times: "Why! I came to get the divorce certificate so as not to make you embarrassed. Now you want to break up with me, why!"

  "Bah! Scumbag!"

  Everyone around started to point.

  Su Xin looked at the staff: "It's just about stamping! Please stamp it! We still have something to do!"


  The staff looked at Lin Wanyu with an embarrassed expression.

  Lin Wanyu directly pushed Su Xin aside: "Don't listen to him, we won't divorce, you return the marriage certificate to me!"


  The staff looked at Su Xin with an embarrassed look.

  Su Xin frowned and said, "Wanyu! Stop making trouble! Divorce is not a child's game, don't... ah!"

  Lin Wanyu continued to pull Su Xin's arm and took a bite, then let go of Su Xin, grabbed the divorce certificate, tore the divorce certificate directly, and reached out to the staff.

  "Marriage certificate!"

  Just as Su Xin was about to speak, Lin Wanyu punched Su Xin directly in the eye socket.

  "Obuy Ga!"

  Su Xin covered his eyes with one hand, and seeing that Lin Wanyu was about to do it again, he quickly said, "Bring out the marriage certificate, we won't leave!"

  It wasn't that Su Xin couldn't beat Lin Wanyu, but he saw that Lin Wanyu was different from what he thought. .

Chapter 264

  Su Xin understood that the two broke up!Then get divorced!In the end it doesn't matter!

  Lin Wanyu understood that the two did not break up, and that the divorce certificate was only for Hu Yifei and her children, and she and Su Xin did not break up.

  Due to the difference in their thinking, Su Xin was punched again. Lin Wanyu felt displeased after punching, and punched two more times, but this time she didn't punch in the eye.

  The staff stopped and said, "This girl! Stop beating, you are a deliberate fight!"

  Lin Wanyu looked at the staff and explained, "I am domestic violence! We are not divorced, return the marriage certificate to me!"

  Su Xin looked at Lin Wanyu incredulously. Lin Wanyu usually looked at Wen Wen quietly, but she didn't expect to do it when she got angry.

  The staff looked at Su Xin with an embarrassed expression: "This gentleman! Are you really not going to get a divorce?"

  When Lin Wanyu heard the staff's words, she immediately glared at Su Xin.

  Su Xin nodded: "No way! Give her the marriage certificate!"

  The staff took out the marriage certificate of the two and handed it to Lin Wanyu. Lin Wanyu took the marriage certificate and looked at the computer: "Did you change it online?"

  The staff explained: "Not yet, you didn't bring the household registration book, it's more complicated to do, so it's not time to come."

  Lin Wanyu was still worried, took out her mobile phone and checked it out, and saw that she and Su Xin were husband and wife, this time she was relieved.

  Lin Wanyu pushed Su Xin directly: "Let's go! Let's talk about breaking up! You actually want to break up with me!"

  Su Xin walked ahead with a helpless expression on his face: "You were the one who broke up first! It's not my fault!"

  Lin Wanyu ignored Su Xin's words, and it wasn't until the two returned to the car that Lin Wanyu started to beat Su Xin, complaining of grievances while fighting.

  In the afternoon, the two returned to the apartment. As soon as they entered the living room, they saw Hu Yifei and Chen Meijia cooking.

  Seeing the bruises on Su Xin's face, Hu Yifei asked quickly, "Did you go to fight?"

  Lin Wanyu walked over to Hu Yifei very aggrieved: "Feifei! Su Xin hit me and made my hands red~ˇ!"

  Su Xin sat down on the sofa depressed, and stopped talking. Along the way, Lin Wanyu always used various reasons as an excuse to act directly. Later, there was no excuse, and she said that Su Xin's breathing disturbed her. Su Xin couldn't fight back yet. With Su Xin's strength, Lin Wanyu would be cool with just one touch.

  Fortunately, Lin Wanyu wasn't very strong, and they were all slightly bruised. The most serious thing was being bitten a few times.

  Hu Yifei saw at a glance that Lin Wanyu was hitting Su Xin, and complained, "Did Su Xin hit you with the head? What happened to the two of you? The morning was fine!"

  Hu Yifei took a little ice and put it on Lin Wanyu, Chen Meijia looked at Su Xin with contempt, "It must be Su Xin who made Wanyu unhappy! And it's not a normal thing, or else a quiet person like Wanyu wouldn't be. I'll do it directly!"

  Lin Wanyu looked at Hu Yifei and Chen Meijia pitifully: "He wants to break up with me! He doesn't want me anymore! He has to drive me away!"

  Su Xin looked at Lin Wanyu with a black line: "Can you tell the truth? You said the breakup first! And when will I drive you away?"

  Hu Yifei walked over to Su Xin with an ice cube and applied it directly to Su Xin's face: "It's all your fault now! Stop arguing! You and Wanyu apologize!"

  "Why... hiss!"

  Just as Su Xin was about to speak, he was pinched by Hu Yifei. Su Xin reluctantly looked at Lin Wanyu: "You two sisters are deeply in love, so take it as my fault! I apologize, I shouldn't misinterpret Wanyu's meaning!"

  Lin Wanyu looked at Su Xin displeasedly: "It was your fault! I went to apply for a divorce certificate with you for Yifei and the child. I was kind, but you wanted to break up with me."

  Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, then looked at Lin Wanyu incredulously: "Do you have a divorce certificate?"

  "It's over!" Su Xin saw that he was about to reveal his secrets, and hurriedly walked to his room.

  Seeing Hu Yifei's surprised expression, Lin Wanyu took out the marriage certificate and put it on the table, and asked suspiciously, "Yes! This is Su Xin and I's marriage certificate. He said that you and Xiao Qing deliberately did it to compensate me. Let me get the marriage certificate from him! Don't you know?"

  Hu Yifei's face darkened, and she looked angrily at Su Xin who walked to the door of her room: "Su Xin! Please explain to me!"

  Su Xin looked at the three of them embarrassedly: "This matter is more bizarre and complicated! I'll tell you about it another day!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he slipped back to his room. Lin Wanyu saw Hu Yifei's reaction and thought that Su Xin had obtained the certificate from him without the knowledge of Hu Yifei, and persuaded him, "Feifei! Don't be angry!"

  Hu Yifei interrupted Lin Wanyu: "Wait a minute!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she put the ice pack on the table, walked back to the room, took out her hidden marriage certificate, then walked back to the living room and handed it to Lin Wanyu: "Look at it!"

  Lin Wanyu took the marriage certificate suspiciously, looked at it and said in surprise, "¨" Su Xin deceived you with a fake marriage certificate? "

  Hu Yifei's face turned even darker: "mine is real, I can find it online!"

  Lin Wanyu compared her marriage certificate: "mine is also true! What's going on?"

  Chen Meijia looked at the marriage certificate curiously, and said in surprise, "Can this thing be wholesaled too?"

  "I'll call Su Xin out and let him explain!" Hu Yifei walked to Su Xin's bedroom after finishing speaking.

  Lin Wanyu said helplessly: "He won't come out in this situation!"

  Hu Yifei said confidently: "Don't worry, I have a way, if it doesn't work, I will tear down the door!"

  Hu Yifei walked to Su Xin's bedroom and patted the door hard: "Su Xin! Have you forgotten what day it is today? Did you come out by yourself, or did I tear down the door?"


  Su Xin opened the door and looked at Hu Yifei alertly: "I know! Today is still a dangerous period, but are you sure I can still be alive?"

  Hu Yifei directly pushed Su Xin to the living room: "Then (Zhao Qian's) is up to you or not!"

  Su Xin reluctantly walked to the living room. All three of them stared at Su Xin. Lin Wanyu held two marriage certificates and asked, "What's going on?"

  Su Xin said embarrassedly, "It's all true!"

  Chen Meijia said in surprise: "How is it possible! Even if you want to do it, people can't do it for you!"

  Su Xin stayed away from the three of them for a short distance: "On the Internet, I can modify the information at will. As for the marriage certificate, I asked Ziqiao to find someone to do it. Don't worry, this marriage certificate is definitely more real than the real one!"

  Chen Meijia complained: "It's a shame that I used to think you were an honest person, but I didn't expect you to be worse than Ziqiao!"

  Hu Yifei and Lin Wanyu looked at each other and nodded, Hu Yifei walked towards Su Xin, looking like he was about to start.

  Su Xin said with a stern look: "You can hit me, but! Don't hit me in the face, I rely on my face to eat!".

Chapter 265

  The next morning, in Su Xin's bedroom, Su Xin rarely ran, and Hu Yifei took the medicine and applied it to Su Xin's wound.

  Su Xin complained gloomily: "Is it easy for me to come up with such a good idea? Not only do you not understand me, but you also beat me up. If there is a place to sue you, I will definitely sue you!"

  Hu Yifei handed the medicine to Su Xin with a displeased face: "Wash it yourself! I don't care!"

  Su Xin grabbed Hu Yifei: "I'm just complaining!"

  Hu Yifei picked up the medicine, continued to apply it, and asked, "Don't Xiao Qing and Yu Mo know about the marriage certificate?"

  "Xiao Qing knows! You told her before, and she asked Zi Qiao to find out. Zi Qiao is like a mouse seeing a cat when he sees Xiao Qing. Xiao Qing hasn't asked! Zi Qiao sold me!"

  Hu Yifei snorted displeasedly: "I really want to kill you!"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei was unhappy, Su Xin changed the subject: "What do you think Wanyu and I should do?"

  Hu Yifei said in a relaxed tone: "Let her go if she wants! I'll be with you anyway! Maybe we will have more babies in a while! Are you afraid that you have nothing to do?"


  Su Xin sighed: "Forget it! She can go if she wants! Just live our own lives!"

  Hu Yifei nodded and put away the medicine: "Wanyu has been used to freedom since she was a child, she can't stand restraint! You shouldn't restrain her either!"

  Su Xin sat up: "I know! She is less reliable than Xiao Qing! That's why I agreed to break up with her! I never thought about breaking up! It's all for her!"

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