Seeing the location, Hu Yifei began to distribute tasks: "Su Xin! You took Lu Ziqiao to the cinema and bought all the movie tickets at all costs!"


  Su Xin made an OK gesture.

  Hu Yifei looked at Lu Zhanbo: "Zhanbo! You are responsible for bringing Jane to the cinema at all costs!"

  "OK!" Lu Zhanbo said confidently.

  Hu Yifei looked at Tang Youyou and Chen Meijia: "The three of us are going to prepare some flowers, the more the better!"

  Tang Youyou returned weakly: "OK!"

  Chen Meijia nodded very excitedly, and Guan Gu pointed at himself with a dazed expression: "Where am I? What am I doing?"


  Hu Yifei thought about it for a while, and then said, "Go to Xiao Hei and ask him to edit the photos of Zhan Bo and Jian Ning together, and release them after the movie is over."


  Guan Gu nodded miraculously.

  Hu Yifei looked at Yuan Chunli and asked, "Mom! Are you going to the cinema with us or staying at home!"

  Yuan Chunli patted Lu Zhanbo on the shoulder: "This is about you young people, I will not participate, Zhanbo, you have to remember that once you propose marriage, it proves that you are ready to face pressure, and you will not care about it in the future. No matter how hard it is, you can only bear it!"

  Lu Zhanbo nodded: "I know!"

  Yuan Chunli looked at Lu Zhanbo with emotion: "I have grown up! When I first saw you, you were still a child! You will be married in the blink of an eye!"

  Lu Zhanbo didn't know what to say, he just shouted, "Mom!"

  Yuan Chunli waved her hand: "Go get ready! When your proposal is successful, we will discuss your marriage!"

  Hu Yifei looked at everyone: "Let's split up and act!"

  Su Xin and Lu Ziqiao walked to the garage and drove to the cinema.

  When Lu Ziqiao was awake at the cinema, Su Xin asked curiously, "How many hours have you slept?"

  "I was stopped outside the bar last night, and the security guard wouldn't let me in, so I slept at the bar all night."

  After Lu Ziqiao finished speaking, he walked to the automatic ticket machine, looked at the tickets, and complained, "This movie is deserted enough, not even a single one has been sold!"

  Su Xin bought all the tickets directly: "This will facilitate the implementation of the plan!"

  "This job is really easy! Anyway, there are free movies, I'll find another girl to watch together!"

  After Lu Ziqiao finished speaking, he began to look for the target. After finding the target, he went straight to strike up a conversation.

  Su Xin ignored Lu Ziqiao, but took out his mobile phone and notified Lu Zhanbo to come over. As a result, Lu Zhanbo was simpler than Su Xin, and he and Jian Ning met directly at the cinema.

  Su Xin suddenly thought that Lu Ziqiao was still Jian Ning's enemy, so they couldn't meet, so he hurriedly hung up the phone and walked towards Lu Ziqiao.

  At this time, Lu Ziqiao was chatting happily with the beauty, but was interrupted by Su Xin. Lu Ziqiao said displeasedly, "What are you doing?"

  Su Xin quickly explained: "You forgot! You can't meet Jian Ning, you are her enemy!"

  Lu Ziqiao said calmly, "Don't worry! I've made it clear to her a long time ago that the misunderstanding was purely to help Zhang Wei. After explaining it clearly, she won't pursue it any further!"

  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao dumbfounded: "It's that simple? When did you explain it clearly? I remember she wanted to kill you when she first saw you, because Zhang Wei knew you and she didn't listen to Zhang Wei. Just explain and break up!"


  Lu Ziqiao thought for a while, and said thoughtfully: "There are only two situations, the first is that time has washed away all hatred, and the second is that she really loves Zhanbo, so she subconsciously put me Ignore it!"

  Su Xin nodded and breathed a sigh of relief: "That's fine! It can be seen that when she promised to be Zhang Wei's girlfriend, it was obviously a make-believe, and she didn't like Zhang Wei!"

  Lu Ziqiao asked curiously, "You said, if Zhang Wei came back and saw that his ex-girlfriend married his friend, would he collapse!"

  Su Xin shook his head and said very confidently: "No, firstly, Zhang Wei and Zhanbo have never met, so they can't be considered friends, and secondly, Zhang Wei is a very speculative person who can chat with the man who robbed his fiancee. , Do you think a ruthless person like Zhang Wei would care about a girlfriend who has only been confirmed for two days?".

Chapter 271

  Lu Ziqiao nodded, agreeing with Su Xin's words: "I also don't think Zhang Wei would care about this matter, but embarrassment is sure, but it's not important, the important thing is, don't bother me with girls anymore!"

  After Lu Ziqiao finished speaking, he walked towards the beautiful woman and continued to chat up. Su Xin sat alone in the waiting area and waited for everyone.

  Half an hour later, Hu Yifei led Lin Wanyu and Chen Meijia in.

  Hu Yifei saw Su Xin at a glance, walked to Su Xin's side and asked, "Zhan Bo, are they here?"

  Su Xin put away the phone and complained, "Not yet, but it will take you half an hour to buy a flower?"

  Chen Meijia pointed at Hu Yifei and threw the pot to Hu Yifei: "It's all Yifei's fault! She had to go to the suburbs to buy, but she ended up buying a truckload of roses!"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with a puzzled face: "Why are you buying so many flowers?"

  Hu Yifei said helplessly: "Originally, I wanted to buy a bunch, but considering that we are going to spread the petals, I wanted to buy another bunch, but the boss of the pit father, no, the boss of pit mother actually asked me to be soft for [-] yuan. sister coins."

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with complicated eyes: "So you went to the suburbs to buy roses by yourself?"

  "of course not!"

  Hu Yifei retorted, and then continued: "It's one of my students, she knows some flower farmers, I asked about it, I said that I wanted roses of [-] soft sister coins, but they pulled a cart for me, and we found someone again. After wrapping a bunch, pluck the rest into petals, and put them outside the door, Yoyo is watching!"

  Su Xin stood up and walked outside: "I'll go get the things in!"

  Chen Meijia looked around, but did not see Lu Ziqiao's figure, and asked suspiciously, "Su Xin, where is Ziqiao? Didn't he come with you?"

  Su Xin pointed towards the movie theater: "He just struck up a conversation with a girl, and the two went ahead and waited!"

  When Chen Meijia heard that Lu Ziqiao was picking up girls again, she suddenly became puffed up.

  A few people walked out the door, just as Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning walked in. Jian Ning saw a few people walking out and asked suspiciously, "What a coincidence? Are you planning to leave?"

  Hu Yifei rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "That's right! We just watched the movie, and it's the latest and hottest one!"

  Jian Ning still wanted to ask, but Hu Yifei didn't give her a chance. Hu Yifei glanced at her watch and said anxiously, "It's almost too late, let's go first!"

  Hu Yifei led the crowd to the outside, Su Xin took the opportunity to hand Lu Zhanbo two movie tickets, and then walked outside.

  Several people went outside, looked for it, and saw Tang Youyou hiding in a corner.

  A few people walked not far from Tang Youyou, and Hu Yifei asked suspiciously, "Why are you standing here? Where's the delivery driver?"

  Tang Youyou wiped the sweat on his forehead, and complained very unhappily: "The driver said he was in a hurry, put the rose petals in front of the door and left, I saw Zhan Bo and Jian Ning coming, in order not to be discovered , I hid."

  Hu Yifei looked around and asked suspiciously, "Where are the petals? You said they were placed in front of the door, but we didn't see it at all?"

  Tang Youyou explained with an embarrassed expression: "The staff at the movie theater thought it was in the way, and no one went to pick it up, so they pulled it away!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Tang Youyou displeased, although she wanted to reprimand Tang Youyou, but Tang Youyou was an elder after all, and she couldn't reprimand him.

  Seeing Hu Yifei's depressed expression, Su Xin persuaded: "It's okay, there is still time until the end of the movie, enough for us to get the rose petals back!"

  Hu Yifei nodded helplessly: "Okay! Su Xin and I are going to retrieve the rose petals. You are here waiting for my students to deliver the roses!"

  Su Xin asked suspiciously, "And roses?"

  Hu Yifei took Su Xin to the cinema: "It's [-] roses for Zhanbo's proposal. Since it needs to be packed, it happens that my student has practiced in a flower shop, so I'll leave this to her!"

  Su Xin didn't say much, and the two walked to the security guard of the cinema.

  Lin Wanyu, Chen Meijia, and Tang Youyou, who looked guilty, stood in front of the cinema and waited.

  Chen Meijia felt a little bored, and suggested: "How about we leave one person to wait here, and the other two go in first?"

  Lin Wanyu's eyes lit up, and she said quickly, "I really want to watch the Peach Blossom Man vs. the Chrysanthemum Monster! Who of you accompany me to watch it?"


  When Tang Youyou and Chen Meijia heard Lin Wanyu's proposal, they hesitated immediately. They came to see the proposal, not this wonderful movie!

  Seeing that Tang Youyou and Chen Meijia didn't want to go, Lin Wanyu hesitated for a while: "Then I'll go buy a ticket first! You can watch it here for a while!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  Just as Lin Wanyu was about to leave, a girl with short hair came over with a huge bouquet in her hand.

  "Wait a minute! Sister in front, wait a minute!"

  Seeing the girl coming, Chen Meijia hurriedly stopped Lin Wanyu: "Wanyu, vigorously here! We should go to help Zhanbo! Don't forget about business!"

  Lin Wanyu glanced at the cinema reluctantly, and then agreed with Chen Meijia: "Okay!"

  Zhuge Dali handed the flower to the three and looked around, as if he was looking for something.

  Tang Youyou took the flower, saw Zhuge Dali's abnormality, and asked suspiciously, "Dali! What are you looking for?"


  Zhuge Dali's eyes panicked, and then he pretended to be calm and said, "Nothing! By the way, what about Teacher Hu? Why didn't you see her?"

  Tang Youyou looked at Zhuge Dali suspiciously, and asked, "Yifei and Su Xin went to find the rose petals. They were taken away by the security guards of the cinema just now. Do you have anything to do with her?"

  Zhuge Dali quickly shook his head: "No! I still have something to do, I'll go first!"

  Zhuge Dali glanced at Lin Wanyu after speaking, and then walked into the distance.

  The three of Tang Youyou walked to the cinema, ready to see Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning first!

  Just as the three of them walked towards the cinema, Zhuge Dali came back!

  Zhuge Dali quietly followed behind the three, but Tang Youyou and the three did not notice.

  The three walked in with the movie tickets. There were only four people inside, Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning sitting at the front, and Lu Ziqiao and a woman sitting at the back, already groggy.

  The three found a good spot and started watching this boring video.

  Zhuge Dali was stopped by the security guard outside the theater. Zhuge Dali glanced inside and saw nothing. When he was about to leave, he suddenly saw a familiar figure carrying a huge package towards him.

  Zhuge Dali quickly hid behind a sign and hid himself.

  This familiar figure is Su Xin. Su Xin and Hu Yifei also walked into the theater after they asked for the rose petals.

  Zhuge Dali sighed and said doubtfully, "I want to see him obviously, but why am I afraid to see him again?"

Chapter 272

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