Su Xin took out Nuolan's ID card from his pocket: "I expected you to do this for a long time. We have been together for so long. I guess your thoughts clearly!"

  Nuolan reached for her ID card: "Give it back to me!"

  Su Xin covered Nuolan's head with his hand: "Don't worry, I'll go to apply for a marriage certificate in a while, even if you don't need a passport! When I'm done with the certificate, don't try to escape from my clutches, bah! I'm talking too much about myself. Evil! In short, you are my wife for the rest of your life!"

  Nolan immediately retorted: "I don't agree! At most I promise you, I will never marry anyone else in my life, that's alright!"

  Su Xin put the ID card back in his pocket: "It's better for you to get a marriage certificate with me! After all, you haven't forgotten me, or you wouldn't have been looking for me for years!"

  Su Xin stood up and walked to the kitchen: "You can't move easily. I'll cook for you. I'll go watch Yifei later, and I'll see you again in the evening!"

  Nuolan immediately refused: "You don't need to use it! I'll just order takeout myself!"

  "Takeout is unsanitary and nutritious! Don't eat it in the future!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he started cooking. In fact, Su Xin was so obsessed with getting Nuolan's marriage certificate that he was selfish. First, he could keep Nuolan by his side, and secondly, the system did not trigger B-level for a long time. The above rewards are all C-level rewards. Most of the C rewards are some money. Some items have appeared, but they are all controlled items. Su Xin did not dare to let others see it, so he hid it all.. ........

  Seeing Su Xin cooking in the kitchen, Nuo Lan secretly sighed and whispered, "This situation is indeed the best situation!".

Chapter 293

  After Nolan murmured, she lay on the bed in a trance, wondering what she was thinking!

  Su Xin quickly finished cooking, then put the food on the table, and when he looked back, he saw that Nuolan was still in a trance, so he walked to the sofa and said nothing to Nuolan.

  "Get up to eat! I have something to go first! I'll see you later in the evening!"

  Nuolan waved impatiently: "Let's go! It's better not to come back!"

  Su Xin walked outside with a look of helplessness, got in the car and drove to the love apartment.

  On the other hand, Nuolan was still a little reluctant to see Su Xin gone, but when she smelled the smell of the food, Nuolan decisively stopped thinking about Su Xin.

  Nolan stood up, frowned, and then slowly walked to the table to start eating.

  Nolan just drank last night and didn't eat, she was already hungry!

  On the other side, Su Xin drove back to the love apartment. After walking into 3601, he did not see Hu Yifei. Hu Yifei had no class today. Su Xin was worried that she would run out to practice martial arts again, so he called and no one answered.

  It happened that Chen Meijia came out with a bunch of unknown tags.

  Su Xin looked at Chen Meijia suspiciously: "What do you do with these tags?"

  Chen Meijia put the tag on the table 28 in the living room: "These tags are from pet stores. Some of the tags are old and the names are not clear. I need to rewrite these names. Do you have time?"

  Su Xin refused without thinking: "I'm still looking for Yifei! You can do it yourself!"

  Chen Meijia looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "Sister Yifei went to the CS club! She said that she was a little bored recently, and she went to abuse the vegetables while you were not in the apartment!"

  Su Xin's face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It's really against her!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he looked at Chen Meijia with a bit of resentment: "Don't you know what's going on with her now? Why don't you stop her?"

  Chen Meijia said helplessly: "I want to stop it too, but I can't stop it!"

  "Forget it! I won't talk to you anymore! I'll go and get her back now!"

  Su Xin walked outside and took the elevator to the underground garage. Su Xin searched the nearby CS club and found that there was only one nearby. Su Xin got in the car and drove towards the CS club.

  Su Xin arrived at the CS club, parked the car, and walked in directly. When he first entered the door, a person who looked like a waiter stopped Su Xin.

  "Sir! The venue is already used. If you want to play, please queue up first, and the next one will be yours!"

  "I'm looking for someone!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he walked directly into the venue. At this time, Hu Yifei was bullying three children with two paintball guns.

  Su Xin walked towards Hu Yifei with a dark face. At this time, Hu Yifei turned his back to Su Xin and did not find Su Xin coming.

  Hu Yifei looked at a bunker and began to complain: "You four wastes, even three children can't compare!"

  At this time, Lu Ziqiao and the others walked out of the bunker. The four of them seemed to have been painted with paintball marks.

  Lu Ziqiao complained gloomily, "Where are they children? They are clearly demons. In half an hour, I was shot more than two hundred times!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian saw Su Xin and touched Lu Ziqiao with his hand, reminding him not to talk nonsense.

  Lu Ziqiao was reminded by Zeng Xiaoxian, and also saw Su Xin. The four of them saw Su Xin walking behind Hu Yifei, and they all silently stopped talking.

  Hu Yifei did not notice the abnormality of the four, and was still proud: "This game is much better than watching TV! I have decided, I will dominate this club in the future!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she looked at the four and threatened, "None of you are allowed to tell Su Xin, otherwise don't blame me for being rude! Do you understand!"

  As soon as Hu Yifei finished shouting, Su Xin couldn't help asking: "You just don't want me to know?"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's voice, he immediately smiled awkwardly and looked back at Su Xin: "Why are you here?"

  Su Xin looked at the paintball gun in Hu Yifei's hand and joked, "Someone is going to be king! How can I do it if I don't come and see!"

  Hu Yifei threw the paintball gun to Lu Zhanbo and immediately threw the pot to Lu Zhanbo and the others.

  "They all asked me to come. I didn't want to come! But they said a lot of things, and I had no choice but to come!"

  When Lu Zhanbo heard Hu Yifei's false accusation, he immediately retorted: "Sister! Don't talk nonsense, we..."

  "Cough cough!"

  Hu Yifei coughed twice and looked at Lu Zhanbo with menacing eyes.

  When Lu Zhanbo saw Hu Yifei's eyes, he stopped talking immediately, he was afraid that if he continued, Hu Yifei would hit someone.

  Seeing everyone's reaction, Su Xin knew that Hu Yifei was coming by himself without guessing.

  Su Xin took Hu Yifei to the outside: "Go back and explain it to me!"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei was taken away, the three children immediately picked up guns and shot Zeng Xiaoxian and the others.

  The four did not respond for a while, and were shot several times in succession before they began to flee.

  Su Xin angrily pulled Hu Yifei to the outside, Hu Yifei also realized that Su Xin was angry, and followed Su Xin obediently as if he knew he was wrong.

  Su Xin took Hu Yifei to the parking place. After getting in the car, Su Xin began to scold Hu Yifei.

  "Don't you know what's going on with you now? What if you're injured?"

  Hu Yifei didn't have the strong aura he used to have, and retorted weakly.

  "Their skills won't hurt me at all, don't worry!"

  Su Xin gave Hu Yifei's head: "How many people have lost their lives because of arrogance in the past, and Erye Guan was arrogant, so he was defeated in Maicheng, and finally killed by a rat!"

  Seeing that Su Xin began to educate himself by citing scriptures, Hu Yifei retorted a little displeasedly: "It's not that serious, right?"

  Su Xin hated the iron and looked at Hu Yifei: "Haven't you heard an old saying? Those who drown can swim!"

  Listening to Su Xin's nagging, Hu Yifei said impatiently, "It's really troublesome! I know! I'll pay attention in the future!"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei didn't take this matter seriously at all, Su Xin said helplessly, "I'm doing it for you too! If something happens, we won't even have a chance to regret it!"

  "Aren't you annoying! You're a big man who is long-winded. If you don't do this, don't let it move. What do you want me to do?"

  Hu Yifei shouted out directly, which made Su Xin stunned.

  When Su Xin heard Hu Yifei's words, he stopped talking, but drove silently to the love apartment.

  Su Xin began to think in his heart: "Is it because I take care of it too much, or is Hu Yifei becoming anxious because of her pregnancy!"

  Back at the apartment, Su Xin walked to the kitchen and started cooking, because Hu Yifei hadn't eaten yet.

  And Hu Yifei also found that her reaction was a bit extreme, and wanted to apologize to Su Xin, but she didn't want to say that, she was afraid that Su Xin would still control her as before. .

Chapter 294

  Hu Yifei hesitated for a long time, and finally decided not to apologize to Su Xin, after all, she is the biggest now.

  After Su Xin finished cooking, he brought the food to the table, and the two of them ate the food quietly, the atmosphere was very silent and awkward.

  Seeing Hu Yifei's awkward look, Su Xin said, "I don't have experience either, maybe I'm taking care of too much! Let's do it! You don't want to ask for a nurse, I'll ask my aunt to help you, as for cooking. , I hired Guan Gu to cook for you!"

  Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, and looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "What about you? You don't care about me?"

  Su Xin said extremely reluctantly, "Maybe I'm taking care too much! I've decided to leave you alone for now. As long as you don't overdo it, I won't say anything!"


  Hu Yifei waved his fist happily.

  Seeing Hu Yifei's happy look, Su Xin couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: "It seems that I really have too much control! You eat first! I'll go talk to my little aunt!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he put the tableware on the table, stood up, and walked towards 3602.

  Seeing Su Xin gone, Hu Yifei breathed a sigh of relief, muttered to himself, and continued to eat.

  "Finally don't have to listen to him anymore! Freedom!"

  Su Xin, who had not yet reached the balcony, paused when he heard Hu Yifei's words, and then continued to walk towards 3602.

  Hu Yifei walked to 3602's living room, when Tang Youyou and Jian Ning were sitting on the sofa watching TV series.

  Tang Youyou saw Su Xin approaching and said directly, "Guan Gu and the others went to participate in the PK! They're not here!"

  Su Xin sat opposite Tang Youyou and said a little disappointedly, "I'm not looking for them, I'm looking for you!"

  Tang Youyou looked at Su Xin blankly: "Looking for me? What are you looking for me for?"


  Su Xin sighed: "Yi Fei thinks I'm taking care of me too much, I just lost my temper with me, I want you to help me take care of her for a few days, I have to leave for a few days, if I'm still here, I won't. Maybe don't care about her~ˇ!"

  Jian Ning looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "You care about her so much, isn't she willing? If Zhan Bo cares about me half as much as you do, I'll be secretly having fun!"

  Tang Youyou didn't seem to have any unexpected expression: "Yifei is different from ordinary people. She can't stand others controlling her. She also told me a few times, don't worry! I will watch her!"

  Seeing Tang Youyou agree, Su Xin nodded and continued: "There is one more thing I need your help with!"

  Tang Youyou looked at Su Xin displeasedly: "We are all family! If you have something to say, just tell me!"

  Just as Su Xin was about to speak, Guan Gu's magical four walked in all dressed in paint, and their expressions were a little numb.

  As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian entered the door, he said, "I'll go clean up first, I can't stand these paints!"

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