"He will definitely be safe and healthy in the future!"

  Hu Yifei nodded: "What wish do you want?"

  Su Xin smiled: "I hope our family can live together without differences and be happy every day!"

  "Will do!"

  Hu Yifei said something, and then asked curiously: "You often listen, what can you hear?".

Chapter 301


  Su Xin was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "There is no other sound except your heartbeat, but this is a kind of hope! Hope for the future!"

  Hu Yifei didn't understand what Su Xin's words meant, and didn't ask any further. He picked up the remote control on the side and switched to a TV show.

  The two watched the TV quietly, chatting for a while.

  When it was near noon, Chen Meijia walked out with a large piece of paper and walked to the sofa very happily.

  "My wish has been written, let's go to the bar and discuss it with everyone - let's go!"

  Seeing that the paper in Chen Meijia's hand was filled with dense words, Hu Yifei couldn't help complaining: "Meijia, the meteor will disappear soon, you can't make so many wishes!"

  Chen Meijia didn't care at all and looked at the two of them indifferently.

  "It doesn't matter, just make as many wishes as you can! As for the wishes that are not made, it's not too late to make them later!"

  Su Xin and Hu Yifei stood up, turned off the TV, and followed Chen Meijia to the outside.

  When the three walked to the bar, everyone had already started chatting.

  Guan Gu miraculously saw the three of them approaching, and said with a somewhat frightened expression: "It's too late for you to come, you can't think about it anymore, go to Snake Mountain to feed the snakes!"

  Tang Youyou explained helplessly: "I said that there are no snakes in Sheshan, and we are going to see the meteor shower! Not to feed snakes!"

  Guan Gu's miraculously resisted, obviously not believing Tang Youyou's words.

  "How could there be no snakes in Snake Mountain! Stop joking!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Guan Gu's magic with contempt, and mocked: "According to you, there must be savages in Savage Mountain? Does Nuwa Mountain really have Nuwa?"

  Guan Gu nodded with confidence: "It's very possible!"

  Lu Zhanbo looked at Guan Gu's miraculous sympathy: "It seems that you have been fooled a lot. In fact, my old sister lied to me and said that there are gods in my family, and I have been searching for it for several years! I only found out later. , the fairy she said is just a painting!"

  Hu Yifei said displeasedly: "I told you that there are aliens! Why don't you believe it?"

  Lu Zhanbo said in a low voice, "I believe there really are aliens, and I've been looking for them all the time!"

  Everyone looked at Hu Yifei, and Su Xin teased with a smile: "It seems that you have fooled Zhan Bo! It has been more than ten years, and I still believe that there are aliens!"

  Hu Yifei complained embarrassedly: "I just said it casually at the time. Who would have thought that he was like a fool and believed it for so many years. Even if I explain it, he still believes it!"

  Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Lu Zhanbo turned to look at Jian Ning: "Jian Ning! Tell them, are there really aliens in this world?"


  Jian Ning looked at everyone with an embarrassed expression. She didn't want to shatter Lu Zhanbo's beautiful fantasy, but she also didn't want to lie to Lu Zhanbo.

  Su Xin saw her hesitation and changed the subject: "Aliens are far away from us, let's talk about the horse meteor shower! Who wants to go?"

  Hu Yifei raised it: "I'll go!"

  Tang Youyou and Chen Meijia raised their hands one after another, even Zeng Xiaoxian raised their hands, and the others said they would not go.

  Tang Youyou glared at Guan Gu Magically: "Guan Gu! Won't you accompany me? This is a meteor shower that occurs once every two thousand years! Many people will never encounter it in their lifetime!"

  Guan Gu hesitated for a while, and finally raised his hand: "As long as there are no snakes on Snake Mountain, I will go!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Zeng Xiaoxian suspiciously: "Mr. Zeng! They all go to see the meteor shower, what are you going to do? Also go to the pop rain?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian smiled proudly: "I'm not an astronomy enthusiast, I don't watch meteor showers, I just go camping, because I found that I have a special talent that none of you have!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Zeng Xiaoxian in amazement, and asked suspiciously, "What talent? Could it be the talent for asking for help in the wild?"


  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lu Ziqiao displeasedly: "Do you still need talent to ask for help? It's a personal skill. When I say talent, I mean tent pitching!"

  Hu Yifei laughed and said contemptuously, "Is it a talent to set up a tent? Are you joking?"

  Seeing everyone laughing at him, Zeng Xiaoxian said displeasedly, "I can set up the tent by myself without reading the instructions, can you guys?"

  Hu Yifei said disdainfully: "We all have talent, and our talent is not your kind of useless talent!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at everyone suspiciously: "What talents do you all have? Why don't I know?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  Hu Yifei smiled, picked up the drinking straw, and swung it hard. The straw stuck directly on the dart board and didn't fall off: "My martial arts talent, have you forgotten?"

  Chen Meijia rolled her eyes and began to make up a talent for herself: "I can talk to small animals!"

  Lu Ziqiao immediately pointed at Chen Meijia angrily: "No wonder I was bitten by a dog a few days ago, so you instigated it!"

  Chen Meijia said gloatingly, "It's none of my business. It's the dog who smelled the scum on you, that's why it bites you!"

  Guan Gu looked at everyone with a dazed expression: "I don't seem to have any talent!"

  Tang Youyou looked at Guan Gu and said miraculously, "You are talented, although you are a little weaker, but you are now you!"

........ ......

  Guan Guqi immediately asked with a wide-eyed smile, "What talent do I have? Why don't I know?"

  "You have imagination! Aren't all your cartoons based on imagination!"

  After Tang Youyou finished speaking, he pointed to himself: "My talent is for acting, I can cry in two seconds!"

  Tears flowed down after Tang Youyou finished speaking.

  Lu Ziqiao said confidently, "Then my talent is to attract girls!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lu Ziqiao contemptuously: "Don't brag, Su Xin is much more attractive than you! As long as he is here, you will definitely stop!"

  Hu Yifei patted Su Xin next to him proudly: "Su Xin's talent is not this kind of useless talent. Have you forgotten his talent?"

  Everyone was silent, only Jian Ning asked curiously, "What is Su Xin's talent?"

  Lu Zhanbo explained to Jian Ning: "Su Xin's talent is to predict the future! It's amazing, you'll know it later!"

  After Lu Zhanbo finished speaking, he asked curiously, "Do you think my talent is to communicate with aliens?"


  Everyone looked at Lu Zhanbo with contempt.

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked frustrated: "In this way, my talent is actually the worst and most useless!"

  Guan Gu miraculously said thoughtfully: "Teacher Zeng is the worst! What is the strongest talent?"

  Everyone looked at Su Xin very uniformly, and everyone agreed that Su Xin's talent was the strongest.indivual.

Chapter 302

  Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Su Xin said modestly, "Actually, it's just normal!"

  Everyone else looked at Su Xin with contempt, only Hu Yifei agreed with Su Xin's words and spoke out about his shortcomings.

  "Su Xin's talent is flawed and cannot be used often! Otherwise, it will hurt the body!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian took a sip of the wine glass with a depressed face: "After all, my talent is the most useless. This time I go to Sheshan, leave your tent to me! I want to fully show my talent!"

  Hu Yifei nodded in agreement: "Free labor, no need for nothing! Will the tent be handed over to you?"

  Chen Meijia took out her wish list: "I don't know how many wishes I can make!"

  Tang Youyou looked at Chen Meijia's wish list and couldn't help but complain: "Meijia! Are you making a wish or a speech? With so many wishes, you can't even finish half of them!"

  Hu Yifei took Chen Meijia's wish list and looked at it. The first few items were wishes, and the last ones were all cursing Lu Ziqiao.

  "Mei Jia! All of your last wishes are to curse Zi Qiao, can you just make a wish that he can't live without asking for death?"

  Chen Meijia was stunned for a moment, and said thoughtfully: "Yes! Why didn't I think of it! This way, I have time to make all my wishes!"

  Lu Ziqiao grabbed Chen Meijia's wish list directly, watched it for a while, then looked at Chen Meijia angrily: "As expected, the most poisonous thing is the heart of a woman! But I have a way, as long as I make a wish ahead of you, all your wishes will be rejected. Ling! I see what you can do?"

  Chen Meijia looked at Lu Ziqiao angrily: "I'll kill you with a sip of salt and soda! Why do you make a wish first? Everything has to fight for you first, why don't you die first?"

  The two started to squirt at each other again, and everyone was used to it. Hu Yifei looked at Lu Zhanbo and Jian Ning.

  "We all go to see the meteor shower! Aren't you going?"

  Jian Ning looked at Lu Zhanbo hesitantly. Although she really wanted to go at night, she still had to discuss it with Lu Zhanbo.

  Lu Zhanbo didn't see Jian Ning's expectant gaze, so he refused directly.

  "Watching the meteor shower needs to consider various factors. If it is cloudy, we still can't see the meteor shower. Instead of raining on the mountain, I might as well watch TV with Jane Ning at home!"

  Tang Youyou persuaded: "This is a spectacle that can only be encountered in two thousand years! Many people will never encounter it in a lifetime!"

  Jian Ning also began to persuade Zhan Bo: "Let's go and see!"

  Seeing that Jian Ning wanted to watch, Lu Zhanbo hesitated for a while, and then agreed helplessly.

  "Since you all go, I'm bored to stay by myself, so let's go together!"

  Seeing that everyone agreed, Tang Youyou directly pulled up Guan Gu's magic: "Guan Gu! Let's go buy some things now!"

  Guan Gu didn't refuse, and followed Tang Youyou out. Hu Yifei glanced at Chen Meijia and Lu Ziqiao who were still spraying each other, and turned to look at Su Xin.

  "Su Xin! I'm hungry! Let's go home and eat!"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei suspiciously: "You've eaten so much for breakfast, and you're hungry so soon?"

  Hu Yifei nodded depressedly: "Well! I don't know what's going on! I always feel hungry!"

  Jian Ning looked at Hu Yifei and comforted her: "You are in a normal situation. It's good for the baby to eat more!"

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