
  Su Xin immediately retorted, and then wanted to understand what Hu Yifei meant.

  Su Xin sat beside Hu Yifei and comforted.

  "Don't be angry! I really have something to do. I'm afraid I will disturb you by working overtime at night! Don't worry, I will be back before the due date!"

  "What? You actually want to come back at that time?"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with an incredible look.


  Su Xin was a little embarrassed to see Hu Yifei.

  "It's really a bit inappropriate, or else, a week earlier?"

  Hu Yifei glared at Su Xin, and directly ordered the expulsion: "One week! You are too generous. In my opinion, you don't use it anymore, and you won't use it in the future! You can leave now."

  Seeing that Hu Yifei was really anxious, Su Xin said helplessly.

  "I can't do anything about it! With your current temper, I'm afraid I won't even live to have a child!"

  Hu Yifei was speechless for a while. She also knew that her temper had been particularly grumpy recently, but she couldn't control it.

  Su Xin saw that Hu Yifei stopped talking, and did not break the silence. The two stayed silent for a while.

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin resentfully: "You are a big man, won't you let me a little bit? You can tell me what's wrong with me! You just slip away, do you know how sad I am? I thought you Don't leave us!"

  Hu Yifei was sad. I looked at my moon soil and patted it gently.

  "It's all your fault! Without you, Su Xin and I live in harmony! We never quarrel, no..."

  Hu Yifei raised his head as he spoke, looked at Su Xin, and asked uncertainly, "Su Xin! Otherwise, we don't want him anymore, how about we go back to our old life!"


  Su Xin was taken aback by Hu Yifei's idea.

  "Are you serious? This is not a joke, why do you think so?"

  Hu Yifei nodded seriously, looking very determined and heartbroken.

  "We haven't stopped arguing since having this baby, I don't want to live like this anymore!"

  Seeing Hu Yifei's serious look, Su Xin quickly persuaded him.

  "No! Isn't it just a little contradiction? It will be fine after a while, it has nothing to do with the child, you can't have this kind of thinking!"

  "I'm reluctant, but since I was pregnant, we often quarrel, but I don't want to quarrel with you, this child is the culprit!"

  (Child: @_@The pot comes from the sky!)

  Su Xin put his ear to Hu Yifei's moon soil.

  "It's my fault. We won't quarrel in the future. It's okay now! The child is innocent!"

  Hu Yifei hesitated: "But..."

  Su Xin heard that Hu Yifei still wanted to speak, and scolded him in a commanding tone.

  "Listen to you or to me? Did I say that this family doesn't count?"

  Seeing that Su Xin was angry, Hu Yifei didn't say anything anymore.

  "Listen to you! But..."

  Su Xin interrupted Hu Yifei angrily.

  "No but, if you dare to beat the child, we will divorce immediately!"

  Hu Yifei pushed Su Xin away with a black line.

  "I want to say, I just tried you out, and I didn't really want to abort the child. You are willing to let me go!"

  Su Xin's face was black, and he directly stretched out his hand to pinch Hu Yifei's face, and said through gritted teeth.

  "It's the opposite of you, you actually use this kind of thing to scare me!".

Chapter 324

  Hu Yifei opened Su Xin's hand and pitifully described Su Xin's shortcomings.

  "You can't blame me! After you left for half a month, you left our mother and son here, and you were alone and unreliable! How would you know if you wanted to be irresponsible if I didn't try? It's gone!"


  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei with a black line.

  "Your words are easy to misunderstand, and I didn't say that I was irresponsible! I have hired professional medical staff for you!"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin resentfully.

  "Can the medical staff be the same as you? You go out and see that other people's wives and pregnant husbands are by your side. It's just you, and it's half a month after you leave..."


  Su Xin interrupted Hu Yifei's words helplessly: "Don't say it anymore! If you continue to say it, I will become a scumbag who abandons his wife and children. I won't leave, it's alright!"

  Hu Yifei looked happy: "That's great!"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei was still full of resentment just now, she became very happy in the blink of an eye, and Su Xin gave a "crack", feeling that something was wrong.

  "Yifei! I can come back, we have to make three chapters!"

  Hu Yifei is happy!Without even thinking about it, I agreed.

  "No problem! Tell me about your request!"

  "First, you must not lose your temper for no reason!"

  When Hu Yifei heard Su Xin's condition, the smile on his face disappeared.

  "As long as you are not angry with me, I will never lose my temper!"

  Seeing that Hu Yifei agreed, Su Xin continued to say the second point.

  "Second! You must not hit me, let alone hit me in any form!"

  Hu Yifei immediately shook his head and refused directly: "This is not good, that is not good, then what are you doing here?"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei displeasedly: "Did I come back just to be a punching bag for you? I'm also the head of the family, do I want to lose face?"

  Hu Yifei nodded depressedly: "I agree with this one too! What's the last one?"

  "Article [-], you can't ask me to tell you jokes or stories~ˇ!"

  Hu Yifei heard that the third item was much easier than the first two, and immediately agreed.

  "No problem! It's just that I'm very angry now, and the doctor has warned me to try not to be angry. What do you think I should do?"

  Su Xin saw Hu Yifei's eagerness to try, and his fists clenched.

  Su Xin didn't look flustered at all, and said neither in a hurry nor in a hurry.

  "We have three chapters of the contract! If you do it, everyone in the apartment will know that you don't believe your word."

  Hu Yifei said with a gloomy face: "How about we go to the nearby Taekwondo gym to practice boxing?"

  "All the nearby gyms forbid the two of us from entering, have you forgotten?"

  Since the last time Su Xin and Hu Yifei competed in the arena and beat the ring to the ground, all the nearby taekwondo gyms have blocked Su Xin and Hu Yifei.

  Hu Yifei went to the table, picked up the fruit and ate it.

  "Then only eat fruit!"

  Su Xin listened to the noise outside and thoughtfully walked to Hu Yifei's side.

  "Yifei! If I remember correctly, there should be a rumor that someone made you, this is a suitable sandbag!"

  Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, then asked suspiciously.

  "You're talking about Duy? That's fine. I just want to teach him a lesson! Now it's killing two birds with one stone. I'll go find him first."

  Su Xin watched Hu Yifei walk out excitedly, and couldn't help sighing.

  "Duy! I hope you don't get beaten too badly!"

  Su Xin also walked out of the bedroom. At this time, Lu Ziqiao was chatting with everyone, and it was obvious that he had integrated into this small group.

  Tang Youyou is still looking for directors or actors at this time, hoping to get to know more people in the same industry.

  While Chen Meijia was still chatting with the handsome mummy, Hu Yifei walked directly to Du Yi who was standing by the kitchen.

  At this moment, Du Yi is bragging with everyone, and everyone is looking at Du Yi with gossip.

  "Thinking back to me and Yi Fei, that was also a goddess... ah!"

  Before Du Yi finished speaking, Hu Yifei kicked him to the wall, as if he was one with the wall.

  Everyone looked at the heavily armed Hu Yifei in shock and began to condemn.

  "Who are you? How can you, a waiter, beat anyone casually?"

  Hu Yifei didn't answer everyone's questions, and continued to kick Du Yi into the middle of the living room.

  Du Yi covered his head and wailed, looking like an old hand touching porcelain.

  "How dare you hit me! I tell you, you don't want to leave without [-] million today!"

  Everyone around looked at Du Yi, and Du Yi was even more arrogant when he saw so many old classmates there.

  "Classmates! You all saw it too, it was she who moved first! You all have to testify to me... ah!"

  Hu Yifei didn't wait for Du Yi to finish speaking, and kicked Du Yi's teeth directly, and the two front teeth flew out in an instant.

  Du Yi was stunned for a moment, and then mourned even worse.

  "Classmates! Help me report to the police, we must not let these criminals go."

  The people around them, because of the face of their old classmates, rushed to Hu Yifei.

  Hu Yifei didn't talk nonsense, and took off the sunglasses and hat, along with the mask.

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