Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin with contempt: "Do you think I'll put the blame on them, so I won't settle the account with you?"

  Su Xin said weakly, "I'm really innocent!"

  Hu Yifei glared at Su Xin and threatened: "I originally thought about agreeing to your request after a while, but now, it's over, you made me lose face in front of the three of them, this matter, it's not over!"

  After Hu Yifei finished running, Su Xin sighed and wanted to say something, but finally gave up.

  Neither of the two spoke, but ran quietly. After the run, Su Xin wanted to go to dinner with Hu Yifei, but Hu Yifei refused without hesitation.

  Su Xin ate breakfast by himself, went back to the apartment to clean up, and started to do some programming for chatting.

  For three days in a row, Hu Yifei ignored Su Xin. Su Xin was also quite busy. He typed codes, went to the Twin Towers to check the progress, and went to the company to prepare to move. .

  Su Xin arranged the move in the company, and then returned to the love apartment, preparing to build the League of Legends. When the various functions are launched together, he can rest for a while.

  As soon as Su Xin walked back to 3601, Lu Ziqiao nervously pulled Su Xin aside: "Su Xin! Run away! Lin Yu is here!"


  Su Xin panicked immediately and looked around: "Where? Where?"

  Seeing Su Xin panicked, Lu Ziqiao said comfortably, "Don't worry, I just saw her at the bar, she probably doesn't know you live here!"


  Su Xin breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lu Ziqiao unhappily: "You scared me to death! I thought she was going to cut me again! Don't make a fuss, as long as she doesn't know I live here!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Su Xin with complicated eyes: "She really doesn't know, but I can't guarantee whether Teacher Zeng and Zhang Wei will confess you!"

  Su Xin asked in confusion: "What does this have to do with Teacher Zeng and Zhang Wei? They don't know Lin Yu!"

  "It really does matter. I heard Zhang Wei say that Lin Yu gave him the Chewing Gum, and it seems that Lin Yu and Teacher Zeng have something to do!" Lu Ziqiao explained as if you were green. .

Chapter 114

  "How is that possible! Don't you know what kind of person Lin Yu is?"

  Su Xin didn't believe Lu Ziqiao's words at all, and he remembered that in the original book, Qin Yumo gave the chewing gum in order to trick Zhang Wei.

  Lu Ziqiao said meaningfully: "Whether people's hearts can be measured, are you sure she won't change her heart?"

  "I should... be sure!"

  Su Xin was also a little hesitant. If he left at that time, Lin Yu would probably be embarrassed!The big change in personality is also in the past, after all, she would never chase herself with a knife before.

  "If you don't believe me, you can go next door with me and ask Teacher Zeng and Zhang Wei!"

  After Lu Ziqiao walked to the balcony, Su Xin also wanted to know whether it was Lin Yu. After all, in the original book, Qin Yumo was in charge of Hu Yifei's plan.

  The two walked into 3602 from the balcony. Zhang Wei sat on the sofa and counted chewing gum with a wretched face: "She will come today! She will not come today!  …"

  Guan Gu miraculously sat aside and read the book with a calm face.

  Lu Ziqiao walked over to Zhang Wei and interrupted him to count the chewing gum: "Zhang Wei! Did Lin Yu send your chewing gum?"

  Zhang Wei stopped counting the chewing gum and looked at Lu Ziqiao with a bewildered face: "Who is Lin Yu?"

  "It's the beauty I met at the bar today!" Lu Ziqiao explained.

  Zhang Wei suddenly realized Lu Ziqiao: "So her name is Lin Yu! What a nice name!"

  Lu Ziqiao clapped his hands and looked at Su Xin: "Do you believe it now?"

  Su Xin looked confused, and began to wonder if the plot was about to change?

  When Su Xin was puzzled, Zeng Xiaoxian walked in singing: "You are all here!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Zeng Xiaoxian: "Mr. Zeng! You came just in time. You said that the beauty you met in the bar today is Lin Yu!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head: "She's not Lin Yu, she's Qin Yumo! By the way, I forgot to tell you! Qin Yumo is interested in me, you are not allowed to rob it!"

  After Zeng Xiaoxian finished speaking, he looked at a few people fiercely, Zhang Wei was not happy when he heard it, and picked up the plastic bottle of chewing gum: "She is interested in me, this is her token of love for me, I have decided, I will do it later. My name is Zhang~Yi~Da~ˇ~”

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Zhang Wei with disdain: "What is chewing gum? She even kept my razor!"

  "My Da~"

  "My knife~"

  Lu Ziqiao pushed the two away: "you two have nothing to do, Lin Yu is Su Xin's fiancee."


  Guan Gu looked at Su Xin in amazement.

  Zhang Wei said mockingly, "She's not called Lin Yu at all, she's called Qin Yumo, this is Yida that Yumo gave me to express her heart to me!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian directly kicked Zhang Wei aside: "Brush your teeth! Yu Mo clearly likes me!"

  Zhang Wei stood up and pushed towards Zeng Xiaoxian: "She likes me!"

  The two pushed each other, and Lu Ziqiao ignored the slapstick two and looked at Su Xin: "Is her name Lin Yu or Qin Yumo?"

  "It's called Lin Yu! I've even seen her ID card!" Su Xin had seen Lin Yu's ID card and couldn't be called Qin Yumo.

  Su Xin thought for a while: "It seems that I'm going to find her to make sure. I always feel that this is a big trap."

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he planned to go upstairs to have a look. If there is no problem with the original work, then Qin Yumo should be upstairs, and it is also possible that Lin Yu and Qin Yumo look alike!

  Seeing that Su Xin was going out, Lu Ziqiao quickly stopped Su Xin: "You don't want to live anymore? Lin Yu is chasing you everywhere now!"

  Su Xin said helplessly: "If Qin Yumo is really Lin Yu, then I really can't hide! After all, Yifei and Qin Yumo are best friends!"

  Zhang Wei stopped arguing with Zeng Xiaoxian and glared at Su Xin: "You can't go! She's mine!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian pushed Zhang Wei again: "Mine!"

  Su Xin's eyes lit up: Zeng Xiaoxian and Zhang Wei are the cannon fodder sent to the door!If Qin Yumo is really Lin Yu, then he will definitely do it, and then there will be someone blocking the knife for him!Perfect!

  Su Xin pulled the two away: "Stop arguing! She lives upstairs, let's meet!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said awkwardly: "It's not good for us to take the liberty of looking for her like this!"

  Zhang Wei said shyly: "I also feel a little abrupt!"

  Su Xin didn't have time to argue with them, so he went outside: "Then I'll go by myself!"

  "I'm going too!" Zeng Xiaoxian and Zhang Wei said at the same time.

  The corners of Su Xin's mouth rose slightly: "Life is a book of thirty-six strategies! You can use it all the time!"

  Lu Ziqiao was also curious whether Qin Yumo was Lin Yu, so he followed.

  Only the old god Guan Gu was sitting on the sofa, he had a goal, so he didn't need to find any beautiful women.

  The four of them took the elevator upstairs and got off the elevator. Su Xin looked at Zeng Xiaoxian and the three of them: "Who knows where Qin Yumo lives?"

  The three looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

  "do not know!"

  Su Xin didn't know either, so he could only use the stupidest method. Su Xin walked to a door and knocked on it.

  After a while, a man opened the door, looked at a few people and asked, "¨"What are you doing? "

  Seeing that it wasn't Lin Yu, Su Xin apologized: "I'm sorry, I got it wrong!"

  Su Xin led a few people to the second door and knocked on it.

  A very familiar voice came from the door: "Who is it!"

  The door opened from the inside, and a woman opened the door. Su Xin was startled when he saw the woman in front of him, and hid directly behind Zhang Wei.

  Seeing Su Xin's figure, Qin Yumo closed the door without saying a word, and returned to the house to take out a kitchen knife from his bag.

  Seeing "Lin Yu" closing the door directly, Su Xin was stunned for a moment, and scratched his head in confusion: "Is it really just the same length?"

  Lu Ziqiao nodded: "It's very possible, if it's really Lin Yu, she can't let you go!"

  Zhang Wei asked suspiciously, "Then why did she close the door?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said thoughtfully: "It may be that there are too many of us, which scares her (Manuo's)!"

  Su Xin was about to knock on the door, but the door opened, Qin Yumo put his hands behind his back, Su Xin explained with a smile: "Beauty! Don't be afraid, we are all good people, just..."

  Before Su Xin could finish speaking, Qin Yumo put a knife on his neck. Qin Yumo shouted excitedly, "You bastard! Don't you know me?"


  Su Xin immediately gave up. Seeing the shaking kitchen knife, he quickly said, "Know! Know! You are Lin Yu, and you have something to say! Don't shake!"

  Seeing that it was really Lin Yu, Lu Ziqiao slipped away without saying a word. The speed was so fast that Zhang Wei and Zeng Xiaoxian were stunned!

  Su Xin raised his hands: "Calm down! Say something!"

  Qin Yumo grabbed Su Xin's clothes, and his expression was still very excited: "You run! You continue to run, army!"

  Seeing that Qin Yumo's emotions were about to get out of control, Zeng Xiaoxian quickly persuaded him, "Yumo! Calm down, murder is against the law!".

Chapter 115

  Qin Yumo calmed down when he heard Zeng Xiaoxian's words, but he still didn't remove the knife on Su Xin's neck.

  Su Xin didn't dare to move, his beautiful life was about to set sail, but he couldn't just hang up like this inexplicably.

  Qin Yumo asked excitedly, "Why did you run away in the first place?"

  "This...that..." Su Xin couldn't find a good reason for a while.

  Seeing Su Xin hesitate, Qin Yumo immediately shouted, "You want to lie to me again? I tell you, you can't run away today! I'll do everything today! Don't wait until after marriage!"


  When Su Xin heard Qin Yumo's words, he immediately advised her: "Don't! Don't be impulsive!"

  Qin Yumo dragged Su Xin's clothes and walked inside: "Don't do anything! You used to use marriage as an excuse every time before, but this time it's useless!"

  Su Xin held the door with his hand and looked at Zhang Wei and Zeng Xiaoxian with help: "Hurry up and help!"

  Seeing the kitchen knife shining brightly on Su Xin's neck, Zeng Xiaoxian didn't dare to object: "I wish you all a good year!"

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