After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she chased after Su Xin.

  Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao gave each other a high five.

  "It's done!"

  Guan Guwei still looked at Tang Youyou with a surprised expression, and Lu Ziqiao took Guan Guqi to the living room of 3602.

  "Don't look! Come with us and bring Zhang Wei's bed back!"

  When the three walked to the balcony, Lu Ziqiao suddenly stopped.

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lu Ziqiao suspiciously: "Why did you stop?"

  Lu Ziqiao looked back at Zeng Xiaoxian and Guan Guqi: "If we return the room to Zhang Wei, then we will have to go to the downstairs laundry room when we do laundry in the future!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian patted Lu Ziqiao: "You are stupid! We don't move the washing machine, can we just stay in Zhang Wei's room?"

  Guan Gu asked curiously, "Will Zhang Wei agree?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian said with a mean smile: "We won the room back, and it would be very good for him to live in it!"

  Lu Ziqiao and Guan Gu looked at each other miraculously and agreed with Zeng Xiaoxian.

  The three walked into the living room of 3601 and saw Hu Yifei fighting with Su Xin.

  Lu Ziqiao pointed to the folding bed next to the living room: "You guys continue! We're just making a soy sauce!"

  The three moved to Zhang Wei's creation and walked out quickly.

  Hu Yifei hit Su Xin: "It's all you, I'm ashamed!"

  Su Xin hugged Hu Yifei and said, "You said it yourself, your man is either smarter than you or stronger than you. If I win you, won't it prove that you have a good vision~ˇ!"

  Hu Yifei said resentfully: "It was you who lied to me and said that I would be your wife in the future!"

  Su Xin asked proudly: "Did I say something wrong? You are now my wife! This further shows that my calculations are accurate!"

  Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, then lightly hammered Su Xin twice: "So this is a pit!"

  Su Xin grabbed Hu Yifei's hand: "Okay, we should go to the movies! It's too late!"

  Hu Yifei pushed Su Xin away and picked up the bag: "What movie do I choose to watch!"

  "No problem!" Su Xin naturally wouldn't argue with Hu Yifei.

  The two walked to the underground garage, and Su Xin drove Hu Yifei to the cinema.

  After arriving at the cinema, Su Xin parked the car and took Hu Yifei into the cinema.

  Hu Yifei watched the upcoming movie, and then chose a magic movie. Since she was frightened by Su Xin and the others, Hu Yifei watched horror movies for a week in a row, and she was tired of watching it.

  Su Xin bought the tickets, as well as popcorn and fat house water. Just as he was about to enter the cinema, a puppet cat stopped the two of them: "I'll give you a flower!"

  Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, and asked suspiciously, "Are you sending flowers for watching movies now?"

  Su Xin shook his head. He heard the Ragdoll's voice somewhat familiar, but he didn't care.

  "Maybe there are too few people watching the movie. The new event launched by the theater! It's about to be played, let's go in!"

  Su Xin said that I took Hu Yifei and walked in. After seeing Su Xin and Hu Yifei go in, the puppet cat took off the headgear, and a little girl with short hair wiped the sweat from her forehead.

  "I have another girlfriend. He should be the scumbag mentioned on the Internet? But he is not bad! Why do people on the Internet scold him?"

  When the little girl was wondering, a fat man in a suit walked behind her and scolded: "I told you, if you let others see you, we will be fined!"

  The little girl heard the voice behind her and quickly put on her hood: "I just wiped my sweat, no one saw it, don't worry!"

  The fat man reprimanded for two more words and left, and the girl continued to send things to everyone.

  In the movie theater, Hu Yifei and Su Xin sat in the front row, and there was no one left or right. Hu Yifei watched the plot in the movie and began to complain.

  "This villain is too long-winded, no wonder he was killed..."

  Su Xin was a little disillusioned. This movie has no features, it is comparable to a hypnotic movie.

  By the time the movie was over, Su Xin was about to wake up.

  Seeing that Su Xin was actually asleep, Hu Yifei woke Su Xin helplessly.

  Su Xin opened his eyes and looked at the big screen in confusion: "Finished? Let's go!"

  Hu Yifei asked helplessly: "Is this movie really that boring? You never fell asleep when you watched a movie with me before!"

  Su Xin scratched his head and said embarrassingly, "Although the special effects of the movie are really bad, it has nothing to do with the movie! The main reason is because I have been making games all night these days, so I don't get enough sleep!"

  Hu Yifei sighed: "¨" You are so tired, why don't you say it! "

  Su Xin hugged Hu Yifei and walked outside: "We really haven't watched a movie for a long time, don't worry, when I finish making the game software, I will accompany you to watch the movie."╭(╯ε╰)╮

  Hu Yifei pushed Su Xin away and looked at Su Xin seriously: "I can't help you with making software! But I can help you get rid of bored people! After you go back to the apartment, take a good rest and then work again, I promise not to. Let others disturb you!"


  Su Xin readily agreed. After all, Lu Ziqiao and the others disturbed him every day, and Hu Yifei shocked them. He was confident that he could complete the game design within a month!

  The two walked to the parking lot, got in the car and drove back to the love apartment.

  Back at the love apartment, Hu Yifei first cooked a meal for Su Xin, and when Su Xin finished eating, he urged Su Xin to rest.

  Su Xin returned to the room and began to rest. Hu Yifei greeted everyone and told them not to disturb Su Xin.

  Everyone didn't make trouble, so Su Xin quietly knocked on the program for a month.

  A month later, Su Xin developed most of the software, and the renovation of the Twin Towers was almost completed.

  Seeing that everything was ready, Su Xin was ready to give himself a period of vacation.

  After Su Xin put the notebook away, he stretched and walked out of the room.

  Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo stood in the kitchen and seemed to be discussing something. When Hu Yifei saw Su Xin coming out, he immediately smiled: "Su Xin! You came out just in time, come and try the Shiquan Dabu Tangyuan I prepared for you! "

  Su Xin walked to the kitchen bewildered: "What is Shiquan Dabu soup?"

  Hu Yifei pushed Su Xin in front of a pressure cooker: "You have been working so hard these days, I discussed it with Yu Mo, and specially made a pot of Shiquan Dabu soup for you, just finished it, how about you taste it? ".

Chapter 130

  Su Xin looked at the pressure cooker suspiciously, and asked suspiciously, "I remember that Shiquan Dabu soup was made in a casserole. What the hell is your pressure cooker?"

  Hu Yifei looked embarrassed for a moment, and then handed Su Xin a spoon: "This is our improved Shiquan Dabu soup, absolutely tonic!"

  "Improvement? Is it reliable? Don't make a bowl of poisonous soup!"

  Su Xin opened the pressure cooker suspiciously, and an indescribable smell floated out.

  "Ouch!" X2

  Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo behind Su Xin retched directly.

  Su Xin was also dizzy when he heard it. Su Xin stirred it with a spoon. There were various precious Chinese medicines and ginseng as big as carrots, but the ginseng was put in whole, and there were some other great supplements.

  Su Xin pinched his nose and looked back at the two people who were retching, and complained: "You are not cooking, you are making biochemical weapons!"

  Qin Yumo retched, with a little tear in his eyes: "I haven't cooked, so I put everything in, I didn't expect it to taste so good, I can't stand it, I'll go to the bar to hide, this is a great supplement It's over to you two! Shit!"

  Qin Yumo hurriedly walked beside the sofa, picked up his bag and ran outside.

  Hu Yifei was better, just pinched her nose and frowned.

  Su Xin picked up the pressure cooker and walked to the place where the garbage was placed!

  Hu Yifei pinched her nose with one hand and held Su Xin with the other: "A lot of things in here are very expensive! It's a pity to throw them away!"

  Su Xin put down the pressure cooker speechlessly, and pulled Hu Yifei's hand holding his nose down.


  Hu Yifei retched and waved his hand quickly: "Fell it! I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to the bar! You can handle it yourself!"

  Hu Yifei didn't even take the bag, and hurried out. Su Xin finished the Shiquan Dabu soup, and then turned on the range hood and all the doors and windows.

  After Su Xin finished, he also walked to the bar. As soon as he went downstairs, he saw Zeng Xiaoxian walking towards the bar with a stack of envelopes.

  Seeing Su Xin, Zeng Xiaoxian raised his eyebrows at Su Xin: "Su Xin, you can! I didn't expect that Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo were both pregnant! You're so strong!"

  Su Xin looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with a black line: "Don't talk nonsense! They were smoked by Shiquan Dabu Tang so they wanted to vomit, not morning sickness!"


  Zeng Xiaoxian smiled awkwardly: "I said why are they retching together! It's not pregnancy!"

  The two walked into the bar and saw that Zhang Wei was wearing a black sock with only two obscene eyes leaking out, holding a fruit knife in his right hand, the fruit knife resting on Tang Youyou's neck.

  Su Xin and Zeng Xiaoxian walked to the sofa, next to Qin Yumo who Su Xin did, and asked suspiciously, "What are they doing? Imitation crime? Cos victim?"

  Qin Yumo handed Su Xin a drink: "Zhang Wei is teaching us what to do when we encounter bad people!"

  Zhang Wei and Tang Youyou came over, Zhang Wei took off his socks, looked at Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo, and asked, "How about my method?"

  Qin Yumo shook his head and said with a blow: "Next time you try it first, if it is useful, we will consider it!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian asked curiously: "What method does Zhang Wei teach? Play dead? Or kneel down and beg for mercy?"

  Tang Youyou mocked Zhang Wei.

  "It's the method in those jokes on the Internet. When you encounter a robbery, you say that you go out to borrow money! When you encounter a robbery, you say that you borrow money to cure AIDS!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Zhang Wei mockingly and asked, "What if the robber happened to be sick! What should I do in this situation?"


  Zhang Wei hesitated for a moment: "I haven't thought about this situation!"

  Su Xin looked at the socks in Zhang Wei's hand and complained, "Can't you be more professional with this prop? It's too dramatic to look at!"

  Zhang Wei put away the socks and explained helplessly: "Do you think I don't want to buy a professional silk and socks? I just looked at the color, and the salesperson almost took me for a change and wanted to call the police to arrest me!" ?_?'

  Su Xin asked suspiciously: "Why are you studying this? Do you want to change careers as a psychological crime consultant?"

  "Of course not, it's an event arranged by our law firm! I don't know which crazy plan came up with it!"

  Zhang Wei reluctantly picked up the drink and took a sip.

  "By the way! I also have an event here, organized by the love apartment community, called Xue Lei Crazy Saying! One letter per person!"

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