At this time, Mu Feng suddenly released his palm.

Zhou Bing, who had regained the chance to breathe, began to take a deep breath of the surrounding air. It took a long time for his face to gradually return to normal.

At this time, Mu Feng's eyes were still fixed on Zhou Bing, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Zhou Bing lowered his head, not daring to look at Mu Feng.

In the confrontation just now, he has completely failed.

The feeling that life is worse than death, he really didn't want to try it again.

However, he still didn't think Mu Feng dared to kill him.

Seeing Mu Feng staring at him, Zhou Bing looked at Mu Feng without showing any signs of weakness, he took a deep breath, letting his lungs that were already starting to sting a little cool, and then said coldly: "Mu Feng , If you dare to kill me, then you will be dead, not only you, but also the Fantasy Academy will be implicated by you! The Dark Pavilion will not let you go, even if you flee to the ends of the earth, it will be difficult to escape the Dark Pavilion chase!"

Hearing this, Zhao Changkong and others' faces became ugly.

That's what they're really worried about right now.

You must know that the dark pavilion is one of the top three forces in the universe, and it is the largest intelligence processing center in the universe. No secret can escape the detection of the dark pavilion.

If Ange knew that Mu Feng had killed Ange's people, then things would probably get pretty bad.

At that time, I am afraid that there will be no place for them in the entire universe.

At this time, they were really worried that Mu Feng would not be able to control his temper and kill Zhou Bing. If that was the case, things would really develop to the point where sleep could not be restored.

Different from the worry on Zhao Changkong and others' faces, after hearing Zhou Bing's threat, Mu Feng suddenly laughed out loud as if he had heard something funny.

Zhou Bing frowned and said, "What are you laughing at?"

Mu Feng glanced at Zhou Bing and said disdainfully, "I'm just laughing at how much you look at yourself."

"What do you mean by that?" Zhou Bing continued.

"What do you mean, don't you understand yourself? Who do you think you are? You are just a little steward. In the dark pavilion, you are not even as good as an outer disciple. If you kill you, you will be hunted down by the dark pavilion. Funny, there are hundreds of thousands of outer sect disciples in the dark pavilion, if the dark pavilion has to hunt down every dead person, then the dark pavilion will not need to collect any information in the future, just go and kill the people who kill the dark pavilion." Mu Feng's voice was full of disdain.

Although Mu Feng's voice was not loud, it was enough for everyone on the scene to hear it clearly.

His meaning is very simple, that is to say, Zhou Bing is not worthy to let the Ange Xingshi move the crowd to avenge him.

Hearing this, Zhou Bing's expression changed slightly.

He did not expect that Mu Feng actually told the truth of the matter.

As Mu Feng said, although Zhou Bing has repeatedly said that his identity is important, in fact, he is just a nobody in the dark pavilion, not even a slightly famous outer disciple.

In order to gain the attention of the Zhou family, he took advantage of others' ignorance of the interior of the dark pavilion to exaggerate his status again and again.

After all, the dark pavilion itself is the top power, and just relying on this name, he can scare a large number of people.

Whether it was the Zhou family or Zhao Changkong, they were all frightened by the dark pavilion behind Zhou Bing.

Although he was a little panicked when he was told, Zhou Bing's face did not show the slightest fear, on the contrary, he looked at Mu Feng provocatively, and said lightly: "What is the inside of the dark pavilion, are you an outsider? Is it clearer than me? Since you think that the dark pavilion will not take action for me, then you can give it a try and see how the dark pavilion will react?"

At this time, Zhou Bing was completely confident, without the slightest panic.

This made the person who was a little shaken in his heart because of Mu Feng's words regained his confidence.

With Zhou Bing's identity in the dark pavilion, if something happened to him, how could the dark pavilion ignore it?

After hearing Zhou Bing's words, everyone in the Zhou family became confident.

"Mu Feng, if you don't want to imagine that the academy is full of blood, then let Lord Zhou Bing go. Otherwise, the Ange's anger is not something that a little guy like you can provoke."

"That's right, Mu Feng, quickly release Lord Zhou Bing."

"If there is any damage to Mr. Zhou Bing, our Zhou family guarantees that your fantasy academy will definitely be a dog."

Because of Zhou Bing's words just now, the disciples of the Zhou family began to clamor.

For Mu Feng, these words were no different from Gou Bark, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

Mu Feng looked at Zhou Bing and said with a smile: "I don't know about other people, but I'm sure that Ange will definitely not take action for you, because Ange will never take action for a sinner of Ange!"


When they heard this word, everyone was in an uproar.

They didn't understand why Mu Feng said that?

The panic on Zhou Bing's face disappeared in a flash, and he said, "What do you mean by that?"

"I think, when you entered the dark pavilion, you should have studied the rules of the dark pavilion, right? There are ten iron laws among them, I wonder if you have learned it?" Mu Feng looked at Zhou Bing with a half-smiling smile, his eyes twinkling. Playful smile. , , .

Chapter 337 The Iron Law of the Dark Pavilion

"Ten iron laws? Of course I have learned them, but what does this have to do with you?" Zhou Bing pretended to be calm and said.

Mu Feng continued: "If I remember correctly, the fourth of the ten iron laws is to prohibit the disciples of the dark pavilion from slaughtering innocent people, and those who violate the ban will be expelled from the dark pavilion! Zhou Bing, you condone the Zhou family and use warships to fight The innocent students of Imagination Academy have violated the fourth of the ten iron laws. According to the regulations, you are no longer in the dark pavilion. Even if I really kill you, how can the people in the dark pavilion take action for outsiders? Woolen cloth?"

When Mu Feng finished speaking, Zhou Bing's face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

His eyes were wide and round, and he looked at Mu Feng as if he had seen a ghost.

He couldn't help exclaiming: "Impossible, only the insiders of my dark pavilion know the ten iron laws. How did you know?"

In fact, not only Zhou Bing, but even Nie Xin was a little dumbfounded.

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