Hearing this, the great commander and the great elder looked at each other with a strange smile on their faces.

Looking at the apprentice behind him who was scratching his head because he was anxious, the first elder said indifferently: "This time, not only we can't make a move in the dark pavilion, but even the people from the Tiangong can't make a move."

"Why?" Qi Jiang asked eagerly.

"Can't you see this? The reason why Xue Zun sent Chen Zhou out was to tell other forces that he was serious this time, and if anyone dared to stop him, he would have to suffer a complete tear with the Blood Soul Organization. The price!" The elder explained.

In an instant, Qin Jiang became silent.

Although Mu Feng was important, the safety of the Dark Pavilion was even more important.

I am afraid that there is no force that can withstand it with the blood soul organization!

Although the dark pavilion is the top force in the universe, the price of confronting the blood soul organization is too great, even the dark pavilion cannot afford it.

"Isn't Mu Feng hopeless?" Qin Jiang asked unwillingly.

Qin Jiang knew better than anyone about Chen Zhou.

That is a ruthless man with a fierce reputation!

The commander said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mu Feng is not as simple as you think, he will be fine."

Mu Feng didn't know that his every move was under the control of others.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand. No matter what, the Dark Pavilion and the Blood Soul Organization are also two of the top three forces in the universe. , , .

Chapter 354 Lu Family Celebration

Their influence spreads all over the cosmos, plus Mu Feng did not deliberately hide his identity, and his actions can even be called high-profile, it is not difficult to control his whereabouts.

The distance from Fantasy Academy to Galaxy Zhou's house is not too close. Even if a wormhole is used for space jumping, it still takes more than ten days.

Jiayun Star is a port-type administrative star with very developed interstellar transportation.

Because of its special position in the universe, it is a transit station between dozens of administrative stars, and the interstellar transportation industry is quite developed.

This is also the first stop for Mu Feng and Lu Mingfeng.

Here, they will refurbish the space battleship and add some resources necessary for interstellar travel.

After five days of sailing, the two finally arrived at Jiayun Star.

Just stepping on the land of Jiayunxing, Lu Mingfeng's eyes were slightly absent-minded, and there seemed to be a flash of grief in his eyes.

"Have you been here before?" Mu Feng asked when he saw Lu Mingfeng's expression.

"When I first went to Fantasy Academy, my parents came here with me, and we were also here to turn around." Lu Mingfeng looked at the familiar and unfamiliar environment around him, and a nostalgic expression appeared on his face.

It turned out to be seeing things and thinking people.

Mu Feng patted his shoulder and said, "Don't think too much, at most half a month, you can take revenge yourself."

Hearing this, Lu Mingfeng's face showed a cold killing intent, and said, "I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

At this moment, behind the two of them, someone suddenly said: "Two little brothers, you are also going to Luo Fengxing?"

Luo Fengxing?

Hearing this familiar name, Mu Feng and Lu Mingfeng looked at each other and couldn't help but feel curious.

Indeed, Luo Fengxing was the end of their trip, and it was also the home base of the Zhou family.

It just made them curious, how did the person behind him know?

The two looked back and found that standing behind them was a short and stout little old man. At this time, the little old man was smiling all over his face, because there was too much fat on his face, his eyes suddenly narrowed when he smiled. There is a seam, which makes people feel quite happy after seeing it.

Although this is the first time I have seen this person, there seems to be a kind of temperament in the whole person, which is a kind of temperament that is easy to get close to.

Under Mu Feng's perception, the short and fat old man's cultivation base can be seen at a glance.

Transcendent six-star.

In the universe, this cultivation base is nothing, that is, the level of an elite disciple of a second- or third-rate family.

But in the Milky Way, this cultivation base is not bad, even if it is to organize a small family, it will not be a problem.

Seemingly sensing Mu Feng's strange gaze, the old man hurriedly folded his fists to express his apology and said, "Oh, it's the old man, I was abrupt, two little brothers, I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry! Let me introduce myself first. His name is Liu Fugui, and he is the patriarch of a small family in the Milky Way."

Mu Feng looked at the old man in front of him suspiciously and said, "You know us?"

The old man hurriedly shook his head and said, "Su Wei has lived his whole life."

Mu Feng continued: "Since you don't know us, how do you know we are going to Luo Fengxing?"

After hearing this, Liu Fugui's eyes suddenly became strange when he looked at Mu Feng, and he said in surprise, "Aren't the two little brothers going to the Lu family celebration?"

Lu family celebration?

Mu Feng and Lu Mingfeng looked at each other, and both saw a trace of doubt in the eyes of the place.

What the hell is the Lu family celebration?

Seeing the doubts on Mu Feng and their faces, Liu Fugui became more and more suspicious, and he asked strangely, "Don't you two know about this?"

"Isn't it weird?" Lu Mingfeng asked.

Liu Fugui pointed to the interstellar docking station in the distance and said with a wry smile: "Did you two see it? More than [-]% of the spaceships docked there are going to Luo Fengxing. The little old man just saw you. The two got off the space battleship, so they subconsciously thought that the two of them were also going to Luo Fengxing to participate in the Lu family grand ceremony."

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