Lu Hong was promoted to the legendary realm?

Mu Feng and Lu Mingfeng were taken aback by the news.

They didn't know anything about such a big thing.

However, Mu Feng didn't care.

What if Lu Hong broke through the legendary realm?

In his heart, the other party is no different from before, and the weak are always the weak.

Mu Feng said with a smile but not a smile, "Then after Lu Hong became a legend, the Lu family should stand up, right?"

Liu Fugui smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't that so? I heard that those small families who bullied the Lu family before have all been wiped out by the Lu family. No one, men, women, and children have been spared. I heard that the scene was tragic!"

Speaking of which, he seemed to have thought of something, and his face became a little unnatural.

At this time, Mu Feng asked: "Brother Liu, you haven't said what happened to the celebration? Is it to celebrate Lu Hong's promotion to the legendary realm?"

Liu Fugui looked left and right, and then whispered: "The purpose of the Lu family this time is not that simple! I heard that the Lu family is going to hold some kind of galaxy family alliance this time. I will go to his grandmother, shit. The family alliance of ours, isn't it just to suck blood from our families? The people of the Lu family are so ruthless, even a small family like me with only a dozen people is not spared."

Hearing Liu Fugui scolding the Lu family, Lu Mingfeng's expression changed in the slightest, he frowned and said, "Then you don't have to go!"

Liu Fugui said speechlessly: "Don't go? Do we dare? Those who were exterminated by the Lu family are all lessons learned!"

Mu Feng understood Liu Fugui's words.

Without the strength to resist, they could only compromise in the face of the powerful Lu family.

After Liu Fugui's narration, Mu Feng finally understood what happened.

No wonder he felt that there were so many spaceships docked at Jiayun Xing. It turned out that these were all going to Lu's house to participate in the so-called celebration.

The Milky Way can only be regarded as a remote place in the entire universe, and few masters appear here.

It is precisely because of this that after breaking through the legendary realm, Lu Hong is already regarded as the top existence in the galaxy.

It is not difficult to understand why the Lu family acted in such a high-profile manner.

A legendary master indeed has the strength to destroy the vast majority of families in the galaxy.

Mu Feng showed a weird smile and said to Lu Mingfeng: "It sounds like this Lu family celebration is very interesting, why don't we join in the fun?"

Chapter 356 There is no need for existence

Seeing Mu Feng's eyes, Lu Mingfeng naturally understood what he meant.

He directly echoed: "If such an interesting thing is missed, then what's the point of our greatness."

Mu Feng looked at Liu Fugui and said, "Brother Liu, why don't you take us to open our eyes?"

Originally, Liu Fugui had the idea of ​​inviting the two of them to go together.

After all, the two have noble status, and even if they turn against the Lu family at that time, he can still have some confidence.

Although Lu Hong is very powerful, he absolutely does not dare to provoke the disciples of the second-rate family in the universe.

The two hit it off immediately.

Liu Fugui said: "Of course, although I'm just a small patriarch, it's not a problem to bring two people to the Lu family."

After Jiayunxing replenished the supplies, Liu Fugui and Mu Feng boarded the space battleship.

As for Liu Fugui's previous spaceship, they sailed behind Mu Feng's spaceship.

After entering the space battleship, Liu Fugui once again exclaimed in amazement, and the various decorations inside the battleship made him believe that Mu Feng and Lu Mingfeng were of noble birth.

In fact, this battleship was the flagship of the fleet that fell when the Zhou family attacked the Fantasy Academy. Because it was frozen, although the flagship fell to the ground because of a loss of control, it was not seriously damaged.

After being repaired by the mechanical masters of the Fantasy Academy, it is no different from before it was damaged.

Because this is Zhou Feng's flagship, the decoration inside is naturally far from what other warships can compare.

This naturally gave Liu Fugui an illusion that Mu Feng and Mu Feng were born noble.

With the addition of Liu Fugui, Mu Feng also felt that the boring sailing was much easier.

Next, the group sailed in the universe for about ten days. Finally, on the morning of the eleventh day, the space battleship slowly docked in Luo Fengxing's spaceport.

Immediately after the group got off the battleship, two disciples of the Lu family who were about nine-star degenerates came over.

Seeing Mu Feng and his party, they glanced at a few people with disdain, and then said arrogantly: "Are you here to participate in our Lu family celebration?"

Hearing the tone of the other party's words, Mu Feng frowned slightly.

Lu Mingfeng's expression was even more ugly.

At this time, Liu Fugui saw that the situation was wrong, he hurriedly smiled and said to the two Lu family disciples: "Two young masters, I am the head of the Liu family of the morning star, and I came to participate in the Lu family celebration. This is my invitation. "

After speaking, a golden invitation card escaped from his arms and handed it to the two Lu family disciples.

The two Lu family disciples took Liu Fugui's invitation frivolously, glanced at it quickly, and then said: "So you are the head of that miniature family! Don't blame me for saying you, you said that you are composed of a dozen people. Isn't it a waste of resources to start a family? If you want me to say, it's better to disband your so-called Liu family, hum, a dozen people, it's really funny."

Mu Feng noticed that when the two Lu family disciples said these words, the blue veins on Liu Fugui's neck had burst, and his fists could not help clenching.

With Liu Fugui's cultivation, he could easily teach the two Liu disciples a lesson.

However, he finally lowered his head and said, "The two sons are right, the two sons are right."

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