Following everyone's gaze, Lu Hong naturally saw Mu Feng sitting outside the square.

The moment he saw Mu Feng, Lu Hong's face suddenly changed, and the panic in his eyes flashed away.

After dealing with Mu Feng for so long, how could Lu Hong not know what he looked like?

Almost at the first sight of Mu Feng, Lu Hong already recognized his true identity.

However, a smug smile soon appeared on his face.

He waited so long, wasn't it just for Mu Feng's appearance?

Thinking that this calamity can be solved once and for all today, Lu Hong, who was originally a little scared, suddenly felt relieved.

What is he afraid of?

Although Mu Feng is strong, can he still be stronger than the masters of the Blood Soul Organization?

It just makes him feel strange that since Mu Feng has appeared, why hasn't the master of the Blood Soul Organization appeared yet?

A sneer appeared on his face and said, "Mu Feng, you really came."

Hearing Lu Hong's words, the patriarchs at the scene did not respond, but the surrounding Lu family disciples showed panicked expressions.

The name Mufeng is definitely a taboo word for the Lu family.

At least half of the strength of the Lu family was lost in his hands. When the Lu family survived under the attack of the major forces in the galaxy, it was Mu Feng who caused it.

Speaking of Mu Feng, many Lu family disciples couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, and they were full of fear towards Mu Feng.

However, more Lu family disciples had expressions of hatred on their faces, and many of their friends and relatives died at the hands of Mu Feng.

These Lu family disciples never imagined that Mu Feng would dare to appear in the Lu family, especially after their patriarch Lu Hong was promoted to the legendary realm.

Seeing Mu Feng's appearance, many Lu family disciples couldn't help but get agitated.

"Great, this guy Mu Feng is finally here, and my elder brother died at his hands. This time I can finally avenge my elder brother."

"I'm afraid Mu Feng still doesn't know that the patriarch has been promoted to the legendary realm. Hehe, I think he has thrown himself into the net this time."

"Our Lu family was hurt so badly by Mu Feng, now it's finally his turn to repay the debt."

"The patriarch is mighty, kill Mu Feng!"

The words of the disciples of the Lu family kept coming from their ears, and the faces of the patriarchs in the square suddenly showed a surprised expression.

Who is this Mu Feng?

Why is this person mentioned, the people of the Lu family are so excited?

In particular, the real hateful eyes shot out of their eyes made them feel extremely frightened.

What did Mu Feng do to make the disciples of the Lu family hate him so much?

In the Milky Way, Mu Feng is not an unknown person.

Soon, someone thought of Mu Feng, and talked about his experience eloquently.

A fantasy summoner with nine-star talent.

A student of the Fantasy Academy, a third-rate academy.

In the Cosmos Academy competition, he killed dozens of arrogant geniuses and won the first super genius in the Cosmos Academy competition.

In the pursuit and killing of countless forces, they can also kill most of the powerful killing gods of the Lu family.

Every time everyone said an experience of Mu Feng, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

Mu Feng's initial experience seemed a little dull, but the next experiences were more exciting than each other. In the eyes of many family owners, this experience was nothing short of legendary.

Especially when they heard that Mu Feng was around five stars in the Transcendent Realm, he was able to kill an extraordinary nine-star killer in seconds, which made everyone even more shocked.

The existence of Mu Feng is a miracle

After listening to Mu Feng's experience, the expressions of everyone watching Mu Feng have changed.

Their eyes gleamed with hope.

But soon, the eyes of many people became dim.

You know, Lu Hong is a master of the legendary realm, but what about Mu Feng?As far as they know, Mu Feng is just a fantasy summoner at the pinnacle of Transcendent Realm.

The Transcendent Realm Peak Fantasy Summoner who is less than [-] years old sounds really powerful, but compared with the legendary masters, the difference is not a little bit, the gap between the two is a qualitative change.

The strength of the legendary masters, they just saw it with their own eyes.

In front of Lu Hong, the warriors in the Transcendent Realm didn't even have the chance to fight back.

Although Mu Feng is strong, he is probably not Lu Hong's opponent.

With such thoughts in mind, many people looked at Mu Feng with regret.

It's a pity that such a super genius will soon perish.

Mu Feng stood up from his seat and said lightly, "Lu Hong, today is your day of death."

Hearing this, Lu Hong snorted coldly and said, "Don't think that you are the only one who has been promoted to the legendary realm. This seat is also a legendary realm master. Do you really think you have settled for me?"

When Lu Hong finished speaking, Mu Feng's expression changed slightly.

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