What does he mean by that?

Could it be that in his eyes, our Lu family disciples are all fish on the chopping block, and can be slaughtered by you?

Disciples of the Lu family are no strangers to Lu Mingfeng.

That is a well-known waste.

It was because Lu Mingfeng, the young patriarch at the time, was too weak, and many families even ridiculed the Lu family for this.

This made many young disciples of the Lu family quite dissatisfied with Lu Mingfeng, and they were mostly ridiculed openly and secretly.

Hearing that Lu Mingfeng is so arrogant now, he clearly does not take them seriously. How can the younger generation of the Lu family endure this?

Therefore, the moment Lu Mingfeng finished speaking, a disciple of the Lu family immediately retorted: "Lu Mingfeng, what are you? If it wasn't for your parents, I'm afraid your position in the Lu family would have been a toilet sweeper. better!"

After saying this, the young man seemed to be thinking of something.

He couldn't help but look at Mu Feng who was standing beside Lu Mingfeng, his face was pale and his face was full of horror.

That Lu family disciple only thought now that Lu Mingfeng is Mu Feng's person, and he scolded Lu Mingfeng himself, can Mu Feng let him go?

Thinking of this, the face of the Lu family disciple became more and more ugly. If you look closely, you can see that his legs are starting to tremble.

Mu Feng said lightly, "Lu Mingfeng will handle the rest of the matter, and I will not interfere."

If Mu Feng really wanted to destroy the Lu family, Tu Shan Yaya only needed one move to freeze the entire Lu family.

But he knew very well that the Lu family had always been a thorn in Lu Mingfeng's heart that could never be pulled out.

If he kills the Lu family, then the thorn in Lu Mingfeng's heart may never be pulled out, which is extremely unfavorable for his future development, especially the process of promotion from the supernatural realm to the legendary realm. With a clear mind, he may not be able to step into the legendary realm for the rest of his life.

It is precisely because of this that Mu Feng handed over the affairs of the Lu family to Lu Mingfeng.

After Mu Feng finished speaking, the Lu family disciple said excitedly, "Then if we can escape, you won't be held accountable?"

Mu Feng closed his eyes slightly, as if he didn't care about this matter, he said calmly: "If you can escape, you have the ability."

Mu Feng's words made the eyes of many Lu family disciples light up.

When they saw that the patriarch was frozen, they thought they were dead.

With Mu Feng's strength, if he wants to destroy the Lu family, who can stop him?

The disciples of the Lu family, who had already prepared to appoint them, did not expect that such a reversal would occur.

Mu Feng actually asked Lu Mingfeng to handle this matter.

This gave them hope of escape.

What is Lu Mingfeng?In the memories of many Lu family disciples, that guy is just a well-known trash. Although his talent is good, unfortunately he is only a useless profession like a fantasy summoner. It has only been more than a year since Lu Mingfeng left. No matter how fast he grows, how much progress can he make?

There were many disciples of the Lu family who were more confident than Lu Mingfeng.

The worst can escape from his hands.

The surrounding Lu family disciples would not hide their expressions at all, and their thoughts were already written on their faces.

A sneer appeared on Lu Mingfeng's face and said, "Do you still think I am the previous Lu Mingfeng? I'm sorry, this time, I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

"Come out, Frost Dragon!"

As soon as Lu Mingfeng's voice fell, a huge black vortex appeared in the sky.

At the same time, an extremely evil and cold aura came out from the vortex.

At the moment when they felt this evil aura, everyone around couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

The evil aura shocked them.

Everyone can't imagine what kind of world is behind the vortex?

Immediately afterwards, a dozen or so pale blue behemoths flew out of the vortex.

These summoned beasts are the result of Lu Mingfeng's cultivation after he was promoted to the transcendent realm. , , .

Chapter 367 Frost Dragon

The Frost Dragon is the combat unit of the undead in the Earth Ice Blizzard game "Warcraft", and it is also the final unit of the undead.

At the same time, these frost dragons are also members of the Scourge.

When a dozen frost dragons appeared, the temperature of the huge square dropped instantly, and even snowflakes floated in the air.

Looking at the behemoth flying back and forth in the sky, many homeowners had expressions of horror on their faces.

There is no way, the momentum of these frost dragons is really not weak.

Although the vast majority of these Patriarchs are in the Transcendent Realm, when facing these Frost Dragons, they still feel a little stuck in their chests.

"Frost dragon, shred them." Lu Mingfeng ordered suddenly.

Following this order, the giant frost dragon that was patrolling in the air immediately rushed towards the disciples of the Lu family like a tiger coming out of its cage.

Looking at the behemoth rushing over, many Lu family disciples had fearful eyes in their eyes.

Is this kind of thing really something they can handle?

At this moment, a disciple of the Lu family shouted loudly: "Don't be afraid, don't forget, this thing was summoned by the trash Lu Mingfeng, and when the trash was summoned, it was naturally trash! Although this thing looks scary, but I think this is nothing but a show, you all give me a good look and see how I kill these waste summoned beasts."

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