Witness a ghostly artwork!Mu Feng roared in his heart.

The bastard in front of him really regarded himself as a work of art, and Mu Feng was full of anger.

"Fa Xiangtiandi, go to hell!"

At this moment, suddenly, a voice sounded from behind Chen Zhou, this was Tu Shan Yaya's voice.

I saw a giant appearing behind Chen Zhou and stomping down fiercely.

"Go away!" Chen Zhou shook his hand impatiently.

In an instant, Tu Shan Yaya's huge body was blown away by a huge force after performing the magic, and slammed into a building more than ten meters away.


With a shock, the building collapsed directly.

Under the strong impact, Tu Shan Yaya directly spit out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time slumped to the ground, her figure gradually became transparent, and then disappeared.

Tu Shan Yaya is Mu Feng's summoned beast. They have a heart-to-heart connection, and Mu Feng can feel that because of the serious injury, Tu Shan Yaya has returned to his summoning space to recover.

damn it!

Seeing the scene where Tu Shan Yaya was seriously injured, Mu Feng was filled with endless anger.

It is no exaggeration to say that both Tsunade and Tushan Yaya are Mu Feng's inverse scales, and he has long regarded them as his family.

Now seeing Tushan Yaya seriously injured, he can't do anything, which fills his heart with anger and pain.

Mu Feng hated himself even more.

If his strength is higher, how can he let Chen Zhou do whatever he wants?


In the end, it's all about strength!

This is the first time that Mu Feng is so eager to improve his strength.


If I don't die in the wind, I will one day tear you apart!

It was the first time that Mu Feng hated someone so much.

But the situation in front of him made him feel powerless, and now he has completely lost control of other parts of his body, except that his mind can still function.

The current Mu Feng is almost indistinguishable from a living dead.

Seeing the anger in Mu Feng's eyes, instead of being angry, Chen Zhou became more and more excited.

He danced with excitement. Chen Zhou spoke at a much faster rate due to his excitement. He said excitedly, "That's right, that's it! The more angry you are, the more angry you are, the higher the quality of the finished artwork will be! "

Looking at Chen Zhou who was so close at hand, Mu Feng really wanted to bite him a few times, perhaps only in this way could he be able to relieve his anger.

At this time, Chen Zhou continued: "Open your eyes and watch carefully, the next moment is the birth of great works of art!"

After saying this, Chen Zhou stretched out his hands, pointed at Mu Feng, and said excitedly, "Time deprivation!"

With Chen Zhou's voice, Mu Feng could keenly feel that something mysterious around him had changed, and his body was also changing, and it seemed that something in his body was about to be pulled away.

At this time, Mu Feng still understood that what changed around should be the flow of time.

Do you really want to die at the hands of Chen Zhou?

At this time, Mu Feng suddenly remembered what Tianyan Shengzun once said. Didn't he say that he was a person with great luck?

Immediately, Mu Feng smiled bitterly, if he was a person with great luck, how could he encounter such a danger?

Now he can't even save his own life.

Did you really die like this?

A trace of unwillingness suddenly rose in Mu Feng's heart.

He hasn't seen the scenery at the top of the world's cultivation base, how could he just die like this?

Suddenly, there was a will to survive in his heart.

Chen Zhou glanced at Mu Feng in surprise, and said: "I didn't expect your will to be quite strong, but so what, in front of time, everything is a cloud, and your will will eventually dissipate in the long river of time. " , , .

Chapter 372 The mysterious black-robed man

"Stop, Mu Feng can't die, I'll save his life."

Just when Chen Zhou was about to use his domain power, suddenly, a voice interrupted Chen Zhou's movements.

"Who dares to snatch art from me, I will destroy you!"

Hearing this, Chen Zhou Nan said you ugly.


The voice sounded again just now.

And Chen Zhou's body flew out like a cannonball, and fell directly to the ground twenty meters away, with a muffled sound.

He got up from the ground and looked at where he had just stood.

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