Before he had the strength to win the opponent steadily, Mu Feng definitely didn't want to meet the pervert like Chen Zhou.

He also has the most worrying point. If he returns to Earth or Fantasy Academy, will it bring disaster to them?

You must know that it is the most notorious blood soul organization in the universe, and it is notorious for not playing cards according to common sense, and no one can guarantee that they will take advantage of Fantasy Academy or Earth.

Mu Feng didn't want to implicate the people around him for his own sake. , , .

Chapter 373

From the words of the black-robed man before, Mu Feng could feel that the other party did not lie, and he was even less malicious towards himself.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, there is no need for the other party to lie to you. After all, the other party is a top expert in the universe, and it is impossible for him to do anything.

Although there are still some things on Mu Feng's body that are enough to make the masters of the universe envious, he can be sure that the other party will never know these things.

Soon, Mu Feng made up his mind.

He looked at the man in black robe and said, "I can leave with you, but before that, can I kill him!"

Mu Feng looked at Chen Zhou, a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, although I also saw that guy was upset, but you can't touch him!" The man in black robe said calmly.

"Why?" Mu Feng asked a little unwillingly.

"Because you don't even know how much the old guy in the blood respected this person. If you kill him, I can guarantee that the old guy in the blood respect will definitely go crazy." Speaking of this, the man in black robe became a little bit more. fear.

Seemingly seeing through Mu Feng's unwillingness, the black-robed man continued: "With my help, if you kill Chen Zhou, that will definitely not work. But if you kill him with your own strength, even if the blood venerable knows, it is estimated that in the end It is also helpless.”

After listening to the words of the man in black robe, a flash of understanding flashed in Mu Feng's eyes.

Does it really depend on your own strength in the end?He secretly thought.

The man in black robe said calmly: "Okay, we should leave."

Mu Feng nodded calmly.

Before leaving, he left a message to Lu Mingfeng who had passed out, believing that when he woke up, he would know what was going on.

Just when the man in black robe was about to leave with Mu Feng, suddenly, a voice sounded behind Mu Feng.

The person who spoke was Chen Zhou.

He lay on the ground, his face was covered with wounds and bloodstains, but with a crazy smile, he stared at Mu Feng and said, "Mu Feng, wait, I will definitely find you again. "

Mu Feng snorted coldly and said, "When you find me, it will be your death!"

Seeing Chen Zhou so rampant, the man in black robe snorted again.

In an instant, Chen Zhou's entire body trembled a few times as if struck by lightning.

Then, a few mouthfuls of blood spurted out again.

The man in black robe said coldly, "Although I won't kill you, it doesn't mean I won't punish you! Mu Feng, let's go!"

After speaking, the man in black robe stretched out his hand and stroked lightly in the air.

Suddenly, a pitch-black hole appeared in the void.

The man in black robe took the lead to get in, and Mu Feng followed.

Chen Zhou stared at the pitch-black hole, especially when he felt the familiar aura coming from the other side of the hole, Chen Zhou's expression changed suddenly.

"It turned out to be you, I should have thought of it a long time ago, hahahaha, I am not wronged to lose!" Chen Zhou, lying on the ground, roared loudly in an almost crazy voice.

Passing through the broken space, Mu Feng came to the periphery of a huge star cluster.

"This is?!"

After seeing the star cluster in front of him, a shocked expression appeared on Mu Feng's face again.

He could see at a glance that this huge star cluster that could accommodate countless planets was artificially created.


Mu Feng now only feels that his head is not enough, and it is simply impossible to artificially create a star cluster.

If he is not mistaken, in this cluster, except for some stars that produce light and heat, most of them are habitable planets.

He turned his head to look at the man in black robe beside him, and asked in shock, "Are these artificially made?"

The man in black robe said lightly: "We spent two hundred years to create this star cluster."

Two hundred years?

Mu Feng couldn't help but be speechless.

This is not to say that two hundred years is too long, on the contrary, it is too little.

You must know that in this star cluster, the number of planets alone is more than one million!

Being able to accommodate so many planets in it within two hundred years is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

Mu Feng even doubted that even the top three forces in the universe would be able to do this if they were given two hundred years.

With such a large star cluster as a base, the power of the organization Mu Feng will go to is definitely far beyond imagination. Even in the universe, this power is definitely a top-level existence.

Mu Feng couldn't help turning his head to look at the man in black robe beside him, and asked curiously, "Senior, who are you? You said you've been following me for a long time, why have I never seen you? We are now What's the organization you're sitting on?"

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