Honestly, that's why he doesn't like joining big forces.

There are too many super experts here, and God knows which of them will see through his secrets someday.

Cultivating here, his chances of revealing secrets will be greatly increased.

But since he chose to come to the Elemental Dragon Palace, he naturally had to bear the risk of secret exposure, after all, it was his own choice.

Looking at the old man circling around him, Mu Feng looked at Long Zun with a look of help.

Long Zun smiled lightly and said to Mu Feng: "Mu Feng, don't mind, this old man beside you is called Zhou Liang, he is the third elder of the Elemental Dragon Palace, in charge of books, if you want to find any books in the future, just contact Elder Zhou. ."

Hearing Long Zun's introduction, Mu Feng's heart moved. Although he is now a legendary fantasy summoner, he still knows too little about other occupations other than fantasy summoners. It would be good if he could find some classics. Have a good relationship with this Elder Zhou.

Mu Feng hurriedly saluted and said, "I have seen Elder Zhou."

Elder Zhou nodded and said with satisfaction: "The little guy is not bad, it is worthwhile for Long Zun to invite you personally."

Long Zun said: "What about the other elders?"

Elder Zhou said gloomily: "I went to Planet [-] to do research, and I was puzzled. How can reverse teleportation be so easy to research, even if it is researched, what will happen? Is it really possible to enter the world of summoned beasts? ?"

"Elder Zhou!" Long Zun's face suddenly turned cold, and a huge momentum pressed him.

In an instant, Mu Feng only felt as if he was being stared at by a dragon, and the enormous pressure made him almost fall to the ground.

Elder Zhou, on the other hand, slapped his mouth a little depressedly and said, "Look at my mouth, I don't even have a door, Long Zun, I'm sorry!"

"Humph! How many times do you tell me this is the first time? Go to the Cascade Peak and face the wall, this time for at least a month, and have a good memory!" Long Zun said in a tone of hatred. , , .

Chapter 375 Reverse Teleportation Array

Hearing that he was going to face the wall at Cassia Peak for a month, Elder Zhou's face suddenly turned into a bitter face.

Watching Elder Zhou leave the Hundred Dragons Hall, his back turned out to be so desolate.

Although Mu Feng had nothing on the surface, there were huge waves in his heart.

Did he hear it right?

Just now, Elder Zhou said that the elders of the Dragon Palace are actually studying the reverse teleportation array, and using the teleportation array to enter the world of summoned beasts, this is too crazy, right?

When Mu Feng knew that the profession of fantasy summoner began, all summons could only be one-way summons, and they could only enter but not exit.

In other words, those summoned beasts cannot return to their original world.

But now the Dragon Palace has begun to study this aspect. If this matter is spread, it will definitely set off a huge wave in the entire universe.

If it can really succeed, then the fantasy summoner will become the most honorable profession in the entire universe, no one!

Although the universe is vast, its resources are limited.

And what about fantasy summoners?

As long as the summoned beast can be summoned, it will have a channel to enter the opponent's world.

Just imagine, a fantasy summoner with several or even dozens of worlds, how many resources will it have?

At that time, who would dare to say that fantasy summoners are useless?

Just when Mu Feng was shocked by the news and could not speak, Long Zun suddenly said: "Mu Feng, just hear what happened just now, but you must keep this matter in your heart, and you must not let the first Four people know, do you understand?"

Mu Feng could understand the seriousness of the leaked news, he nodded quickly and said, "Don't worry Long Zun, my mouth has a door."

When Long Zun heard the words, he nodded.

He continued: "I'll send someone to show you the Dragon Palace later. If you have any questions, you can ask him. Well, since you just came to the Dragon Palace, I can't give you a high status. This ID card I'll leave it to you, your residence and identity information are all in this ID card. Take the opportunity and hope that when I see you again, your cultivation base has reached the Universal Realm!"

As soon as the words fell, a lavender card appeared in Mu Feng's hand.

Looking at the ID card engraved with exquisite patterns and his name printed on it, Mu Feng put it away before he could take a look.

However, Long Zun's words made Mu Feng smile bitterly.You must know that he is only a one-star legendary realm, and if he wants to reach the universe realm, it is still early!

Mu Feng couldn't help but ask: "Long Zun, if I have something to do, can I leave the Element Dragon Palace?"

Long Zun said lightly: "If you want to leave the Elemental Dragon Palace, you must meet two rules."

"What rules?" Mu Feng asked quickly.

"First, strive for [-] points. As long as you reach [-] points, you will have the opportunity to leave the Elemental Dragon Palace. Second, if your cultivation reaches the peak of the legendary realm, you can also freely enter and leave the Elemental Dragon Palace. But Mu Feng, you should now Knowing your situation, the Blood Soul Organization will not let you go easily, this time I can save you, but next time it will be up to you." Long Zun said.

Mu Feng naturally understood his current situation.

Maybe now that Chen Zhou is guarding himself outside the Elemental Dragon Palace!

Once he leaves the Elemental Dragon Palace, what is the difference between that and throwing himself into the net?

At this moment, a young man with a dignified appearance walked into the Hundred Dragons Hall. After seeing Mu Feng, the young man was a little stunned, and then nodded politely.

He walked to the center of the Bailong Hall, bowed and said, "Yan Jun has seen Dragon Lord."

Perhaps because of the arrival of Yan Jun, a solemn expression appeared on Long Zun's face again.

Long Zun said to Yan Jun: "This is the new Mu Feng, a super genius that I personally invited to join the Element Dragon Palace. Later, you will take Mu Feng around the Element Dragon Palace for a good turn, and take the elements of the Element Dragon Palace for a while. Introduce him to some rules."

"Yan Jun obeyed."

Walking out of the Bailong Hall with Yan Jun, Yan Jun talked to Mu Feng very enthusiastically.

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