If he can exchange points for medicinal pills, he will definitely not be stingy with the points in his hand.

Mu Feng quickly asked, "How to earn points?"

Yan Jun said: "This is what I'm going to tell you next."

The time the two were talking, they had already arrived in front of a tall tower.

At this time, it was very lively outside the tower. Countless people surrounded the periphery of the tower. These people had different expressions on their faces, and they were all staring at the inside of the tower.

"How about Senior Brother Liu? He has just entered the Tongtian Tower. I heard that he has summoned a new summoned beast. This time, he should be able to break into the seventh floor of the tower, right?"

"It's too fast, Senior Brother Wang is worthy of being a core disciple, and now he has passed the sixth floor and is marching to the seventh floor!"

"Look, the overall ranking has changed, and there is one more true disciple!"

"Senior Brother Mu Feng? The new true disciple is called Mu Feng. Has anyone heard of this name?"

Listening to the discussions of these disciples, Mu Feng secretly said in his heart: It seems that he became famous just after arriving at the Elemental Dragon Palace, but it is unknown whether this reputation is good or bad.

At this moment, Yan Jun's voice sounded: "Junior Brother Mu Feng, you don't need to be too troubled. There are only a hundred true disciples in the entire Elemental Dragon Palace. It is normal for us to be concerned by those disciples."

Just when Yan Jun and Mu Feng were communicating, someone with sharp eyes saw Yan Jun, and they immediately surrounded him.

"Chief Yan, why did you come to the Tower of Babel today? Do you want to challenge Chief Wang's record of the Tower of Babel?"

"Chief Yan, do you have time? I have a few questions to ask you. Don't worry, I will pay with points. Is one hundred points enough?"

"What day is today? I actually saw Chief Yan here at Tongtian Tower."

"Hurry up and inform Zhao Jun and the others that Chief Yan is going to challenge the Tongtian Tower today, maybe he can break a new record!"

"Who is the person next to Chief Yan? It looks strange. But I really envy him, and he can walk with Chief Yan."

Before long, a lot of people gathered around Yan Jun.

A wry smile appeared on Yan Jun's face.

He hurriedly said loudly: "Everyone, I was just wandering around the Tongtian Tower today, and I didn't mean to break through the Tongtian Tower. If you are all right, let's go!"

Hearing this, the disciples who gathered around couldn't help showing regretful expressions on their faces.

These disciples were still very obedient. After a while, the crowd gradually dissipated. However, their eyes still swept over here from time to time.

Mu Feng could keenly sense that those disciples looked at him with envy, jealousy and even resentment in their eyes.

Those small eyes made Mu Feng feel a little uncomfortable.

Unlike Mu Feng, Yan Jun has long been accustomed to these glances and does not care.

He took Mu Feng a little further.

Seeing that there were fewer disciples around, Mu Feng exclaimed: "Senior Brother Yan, you are quite popular in the Elemental Dragon Palace. However, I am a little curious, why did they call you Chief Yan?"

Yan Jun said with a smile: "Among the hundred true disciples, the top ten disciples are called chief disciples, so others call us chiefs." ,, .

Chapter 377 Linghai

Mu Feng never forgot, those disciples looked at him with envious eyes, and he couldn't help asking: "The chief disciple is not just a simple title, right?"

Yan Jun said: "Of course not. In fact, after being called a true disciple, his status in the Elemental Dragon Palace is already equal to that of a senior deacon, and the various treatments are quite amazing. As long as you become a true disciple, you can automatically have a planet as a Your own place to rest and live."

"The higher the ranking, the more spiritual energy of the planet. When you reach the top ten, that is, the chief level, in addition to owning a planet, you can also get a free secret realm."

"Furthermore, once you become the chief disciple, you will not only be equal to the elders of the Elemental Dragon Palace, but also be able to participate in some core tasks of the Elemental Dragon Palace. Of course, these are not the most important things. After becoming a true disciple, you can have Qualification to practice in Linghai for free."

After listening to Yan Jun's words, Mu Feng was speechless.

This element dragon hall, you don't show off the mountains and water, I didn't expect it to be so arrogant.

A true disciple can have a planet of his own, which is too extravagant, right?

But thinking about the huge star cluster that I saw when I first arrived, Mu Feng had nothing to say, the Elemental Dragon Palace does have the capital.

What Mu Feng did not expect was that the treatment of the chief disciple was so high.

In addition to planets, there are secret realms.

Mu Feng is no stranger to secret realms.

When he participated in the cosmos college competition before, he had entered the secret realm.

For any faction, the secret realm is a very precious thing.

However, in the Elemental Dragon Palace, the secret realm has become an item for rewarding disciples.

It was only then that Mu Feng really understood what a top power was.

Of course, what Mu Feng attaches the most to is not this, but the one who is equivalent to the elder and has the qualifications to participate in the core task.

This reminded Mu Feng of what the elder Zhou had said before about researching the reverse summoning teleportation formation.

Mu Feng was very interested in that research.

He guessed in his heart that the research on the reversal of the teleportation array might be a core task of the Elemental Dragon Temple.

If you are also the chief disciple, you will definitely have the qualifications to participate.

Thinking of this, Mu Feng's heart warmed up.

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