How is this going?

"Look at the sky," Jiang Lie said suddenly.

What puzzled Mu Feng was that his voice was full of excitement and excitement.

When Mu Feng looked up at the sky, a shocked expression appeared on his face.

He actually saw a mirage!

The most unbelievable thing for him was that the scene in the sky turned out to be the situation of another world. In Mu Feng's view, it was more like a magical world.

Suddenly, a bell rang suddenly.

Hearing this voice, Mu Feng only felt that his spirit was lifted.

Looking at the table, and shaking with the vibration of the bell, a lot of drinks were spilled on the table.

After hearing the bell, Yun Zhan seemed to have thought of something, with an excited expression on his face, and said excitedly: "I see, it must be Elder Liu Jing, he must have completely understood the law of summoning, and become We are the fifth fantasy summoner in our Dragon Palace who can completely summon a world! It’s great, we have another Universe Venerable in our Elemental Dragon Palace!”

Yan Jun and Jiang Lie also danced with excitement.

In the past, Mu Feng just thought that the cultivation base of the peak of the universe could be called a venerable person. It was not until he communicated with Yan Jun and the others that he knew how stupid his idea was.

In the universe, there are a lot of masters who have cultivated at the peak of the universe, but only a small number of them can become venerables.

Only with the invincible strength in the peak of the universe can he be called the universe sire.

It is said that among the Venerable Universes, there is also a division of strength, but what the specific is, is not known by the cultivation base of Mu Feng. , , .

Chapter 383 Found a Treasure

Elemental Dragon Palace can add one more top master at the level of cosmos venerable, and the strength will naturally increase accordingly.

As the disciples of the Elemental Dragon Palace, how could Yun Zhan and the others not be excited?

Yun Zhan said enviously: "In order to celebrate Elder Liu Jing's comprehension of the Summoning Law, Long Zun actually rang twenty-four wake-up bells. He is so handsome, I really don't know when I will be able to comprehend the Summoning Law? "

Hearing Yun Zhan's words, Yan Jun laughed and said, "Wait until you are promoted to the Universal Realm? If you want to understand the Summoning Law before the Universal Realm, stop dreaming, you think you are Dragon Lord!"

After being scolded by Yan Jun, Yun Zhan just smiled helplessly, he said aggrievedly: "Can't you imagine it?"

"Come on!" Suddenly, Yan Jun said.

"What's coming?" Yun Zhan asked.

"The rewards for Zhang Zhao's mission are here." Yan Jun replied directly.

"How many points are there?" It was Yun Zhan who asked this question. Seeing his expression, he was obviously curious about the result.

"Four hundred and sixty points." Yan Jun said calmly.

"Damn, so many! What the hell is Zhang Zhao doing? There are so many people offering him a reward!" Yun Zhan said in disbelief.

"Is more than [-] points a lot?" Mu Feng couldn't help asking.

If it takes you to Linghai or the Domain Palace, it will only be a few hours.

Yun Zhan couldn't help rolling his eyes and said, "Most of the true disciples can earn no more than [-] points in a month. Do you think four hundred points is too little?"

Jiang Lie said: "Congratulations, even if you don't do anything this month, with these points, you can already stand firmly in the ranks of true disciples."

In the Zichen Star of Yun Zhan, after staying for a few hours, Mu said goodbye and left.

After Mu Feng left, the three Yan Jun, who were still a little drunk, suddenly sat up straight. At this time, their eyes were clear and clear, where did they still look like they were drunk before?

Yan Jun said to Yun Zhan and Jiang Lie, "You guys have seen it too, how do you feel?"

Jiang Lie said with a smile: "Can be attracted by Long Zun and personally invited to the Dragon Palace, and then given such a high status, how could this Mu Feng be a simple person?"

Yun Zhan nodded and said in agreement: "Indeed, even the masters of Chenzhou's level are chasing him. On the other hand, it can be seen that Mu Feng is extraordinary. Although he only has a legendary level now. Star-level cultivation, but the potential is probably much stronger than ours!"

Jiang Lie said: "I have been observing Mu Feng just now. This junior brother Mu Feng has a good personality, and he is definitely not the kind of indecisive person. The most important thing is that he is very emotional. If we can make him our companion, we will do it in the future. We don’t have to worry about someone stabbing a knife in the back when we’re on a mission.”

Yun Zhan said indifferently: "Anyway, this little guy Mu Feng is very angry with me. If he is allowed to join us, I will be the first to raise my hands to agree."

Yan Jun said with a smile: "Actually, when Long Zun asked me to introduce Mu Feng to the Dragon Palace, he had the idea of ​​letting Mu Feng join us. But he didn't say it."

Hearing this, Yun Zhan hurriedly said: "Then what are you waiting for? In two days, you will directly invite Junior Brother Mu Feng to save him from being dragged away by others."


Just when Yan Jun was about to say something, suddenly, there was a light sound from his wrist.

He raised his wrist, looked at the smart computer on his wrist, and finally had a smile on his face.

He said to the two: "Okay, here comes the news about Mu Feng."

Yun Zhan said excitedly: "It's finally here, Yan Jun, tell us about it, I'm really curious, how amazing is the super genius that can be seen by Long Zun."

Jiang Lie was full of anticipation when he heard the words.

In fact, Yan Jun guessed Long Zun's thoughts as early as when Long Zun was assigned the task.

At the same time, he called out the other two core members of their small force, just to see how Mu Feng was.

In fact, the three of them have a very good sense of Mu Feng.

At least Mu Feng's behavior is quite in line with the concept of the three.

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