Hearing the words, Mu Feng sneered and said, "Apart from Long Zun, I really don't know who else can make me unable to get along in the Elemental Dragon Palace. Are you Long Zun?"

The man opposite was not angry, but said with a smile: "Boy, are you deliberately arguing with Laozi?"

Mu Feng said lightly: "If you think that raising the bar is to raise the bar! Stay out of the way, I'm going to swipe my card."

Seeing that Mu Feng didn't take himself in his eyes at all, the expressions of those few people became ugly.

"Boy, you have something. In the Elemental Dragon Palace, you are the first person who dares to talk to me Jiang Tao like this! I will tell you today, as long as I am here, you will never be able to open this room." Jiang Tao His voice was yin and yang, which made people feel disgusted.

"If you say you can't open it, you can't open it. Could it be that this Domain Palace was opened by your family?" Mu Feng said jokingly.

Jiang Tao said loudly: "Look, you are the disciple who just arrived at the Dragon Palace. I'm afraid you don't know it yet. In the Domain Palace, if two people see a room at the same time, the higher-status disciple will have priority! Let me introduce myself first, my name is Jiang Tao, I am the core disciple of the Element Dragon Palace, I don't know if this junior is an outer disciple or an inner disciple?"

At this time, Jiang Tao's face was full of mocking expressions, looking at his appearance, he seemed to have settled on Mu Feng's look.

The root around Jiangzhou made him even more triumphant.

One of the attendants said sarcastically: "Little guy, how dare you fight with our brother Jiang? Don't you know that our brother Jiang is the core disciple of the top [-]? At most ten years, there will be Jiang on the list of true disciples. Brother's name."

Another valet also echoed: "Tell you, boy, our brother Jiang is covered by real disciples. In this domain palace, even some real disciples have to give our brother Jiang some face, not to mention you."

"That's right, since Brother Jiang said, you will definitely not be able to get the right to use this house. Unless your status is higher than Brother Jiang, unfortunately, it is impossible at this time."

Jiang Tao's followers talked about his background one by one.

Hearing these words of flattery and getting words, Jiang Tao's expression became more and more smug.

As time passed, a circle of people gathered around several people.

These are all the disciples of the Dragon Palace who came to watch the fun.

Seeing the scene in front of them, many disciples showed angry expressions on their faces.

But seeing Jiang Tao in the crowd, that angry expression finally turned into unwillingness, and finally he could only hide it in his heart.

"That disciple looks good, he is probably a newcomer."

"It's over, how did he meet the bastard Jiang Tao? Now he's going to be unlucky, and it's estimated that he will be blackmailed a lot of points."

"Hey, I really don't know what the adults in the Dragon Palace think, to allow a bully like Jiang Tao to appear in the Domain Palace."

"Jiang Tao is such a hateful person, is there no one to take care of him?"

"What do you do? Jiang Tao is as cunning as a ghost. He has always been respectful to people with higher status than him. As long as he encounters people with lower status than him, he has another face."

"That new disciple is really pitiful, why was Jiang Tao entangled? It seems that he is going to break the bank and avoid disaster this time. Otherwise, Jiang Tao's disgust will make you sick to death. That guy is definitely a toad. ." ,, . . .

Chapter 387

Seeing what was going on in front of him, the surrounding disciples were talking a lot, and they were even more cynical towards Jiang Tao.

But Jiang Tao, after hearing these sarcastic words, still had a smile on his face, as if he didn't care about those sarcastic words at all.

Unlike others, he was not only not ashamed of those words, but proud of them, and the expression on his face became more and more smug.

Seeing Jiang Tao's appearance, Mu Feng shook his head secretly, this guy is a rogue.

As the surrounding disciples said, this guy is a toad, and even if he doesn't scare you to death, he will be disgusted to death.

Originally Jiang Tao thought that after revealing his identity, Mu Feng would show a fearful or timid expression, and he was looking forward to seeing this scene.

But in fact, he found himself wrong.

From beginning to end, Mu Feng's face was the same, as if he didn't care about his identity at all.


This guy is just a new disciple, and his calm just now must have been faked.

In an instant, Jiang Tao made up for Mu Feng's current state of mind.

As for Mu Feng's higher status than him, this possibility is basically impossible.

As a gangster, Jiang Tao is very confident in his eyesight.

In the Elemental Dragon Palace for nearly ten years, he is still clear about those people who can be provoked and those who can't be provoked.

Jiang Tao was basically able to recognize those true disciples, as well as the core disciples who were ranked higher than him.

In Jiang Tao's memory, there is no such person as Mu Feng.

In other words, Mu Feng has just entered the Dragon Palace. What kind of identity can such a young new disciple have when entering the Dragon Palace? The biggest possibility is that he is an outer disciple. It is not impossible for the disciples.

But whether it is an outer disciple or an inner disciple, he can provoke it.

Just now, he heard Mu Feng say that he would apply for seven hours of training for the summoned beast.

In an instant, greed arose in his heart.

There are so many points for the summoned beast to cultivate, it is better to give him!

Jiang Tao said lightly: "Junior brother, I don't want to bully you either, so as long as you give me three hundred points, I will let you continue to use this room! Otherwise, I will follow you, no matter which room you want to use, I will snatch it! How about it, my request is reasonable, right?"

Hearing this, the surrounding disciples immediately showed disgust.

What he did was really rude.

Unfortunately, there are regulations in the Domain Palace, no one is allowed to do anything, otherwise they will be forever banned from entering the Domain Palace.

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