Chen Tuan nodded and said, "Long Zun's eyesight is pretty good."

After he finished speaking, he said to Mu Feng, "Little guy, this old man likes you, go and test it with me."

Test what?

For a while, Mu Feng was a little confused.

At this moment, Yun Zhan walked to Mu Feng's side at an unknown time, and said in a low voice, "Junior Brother Mu Feng, what are you still stunned for? Hurry up and agree! Your kid's luck is really good."

Under the urging of Yun Zhan, Mu Feng subconsciously agreed.

Hearing Mu Feng's agreement, Chen Tuan turned around and left, and said to Mu Feng, "Follow."

Mu Feng and Yun Zhan walked behind Chen Tuan, followed by many other disciples. From their expressions, it was obvious that they were more interested in Mu Feng.

Mu Feng asked Yun Zhan in a low voice, "Senior Brother Yun, do you know what that Elder Chen wants to test for me?"

Yun Zhan glanced at Mu Feng enviously, and said, "You're so lucky, you are actually favored by Elder Chen. If my guess is correct, Elder Chen will take you to test your domain attributes later."

"Domain attribute?" This was the first time Mu Feng heard this word.

Yun Zhan explained: "Yes, it is the domain attribute! You should know that unless it is a summoner with very outstanding characteristics, it is very difficult for us summoners to find our most suitable domain attribute. "

Mu Feng nodded understandingly.

Because the attributes of the Fantasy Summoner's True Essence are mixed, it is quite difficult to comprehend the realm that belongs to him.

And sometimes, even if you can comprehend your own field, it is not necessarily the most suitable for you.

If this problem can be found at the beginning, it is still possible to re-comprehend the domain, but once the domain has been comprehended for more than half and only to find that the domain does not fit him, it is definitely a disaster for the fantasy summoner. , , .

Chapter 392 Lucky

and many more!

At this moment, Mu Feng already understood what Yun Zhan said and why he envied him.

He said in surprise: "Could it be that Elder Chen can measure the domain attributes that are most suitable for me?"

Yun Zhan nodded and said, "How else can you say that you are lucky? As long as you can measure the domain attributes that are most suitable for you, you only need to work hard in that direction in the future. I don't know how many detours you have to take compared to others! "

"What are you still doing, hurry up and follow."

Just as Mu Feng and Yun Zhan were communicating, Chen Tuan's voice came from a distance.

Mu Feng knew how valuable this opportunity was, so naturally he didn't dare to delay, and took a few steps to keep up with Chen Tuan's pace.

The group came directly to a house that didn't look particularly luxurious, and Chen Tuan said to Mu Feng, "Wait here."

After speaking, Chen Tuan walked into the room.

What surprised Mu Feng was that although this room was also in the Domain Palace, there was no stone tablet, nor was there a place to place the jade badge, as if it was out of tune with everything around it.

Yun Zhan reminded next to him: "This is the residence of Elder Chen."

"Do you live in the Domain Palace?" Mu Feng asked in surprise.

"That's right! In the entire Elemental Dragon Palace, only Elder Chen has such treatment. Even Dragon Lord is not qualified to live here." Yun Zhan explained.

Hearing Yun Zhan's words, Mu Feng felt more and more that the identity of this elder Chen was unfathomable, and maybe he was at the same level as Long Zun.

At this time, some disciples who liked to watch the fun had gathered around, and they were also discussing.

However, the difference between the discussions with Mu Feng and the others is that the center of these discussions is Mu Feng.

At this moment, a dazzling white light suddenly erupted from the position outside the house facing Mu Feng.

Because the white light appeared too suddenly, everyone exclaimed.

"Kid Mufeng, don't stand still, hurry into the white light, I can't support this formation for long." Inside the house, Chen Tuan's voice suddenly came out.

From his voice, Mu Feng heard a trace of exhaustion.

Seeing that Mu Feng was still a little stunned, Yun Zhan quickly pushed him and said, "Enter quickly, don't waste this opportunity."

Hearing the words, Mu Feng walked directly into the dazzling white light.

Originally, he was considering whether to close his eyes. After all, the light was too dazzling, but when Mu Feng walked into the white light, he was surprised to find that the interior of the white light was not what he imagined. He was so dazzling, on the contrary, the light that filled his surroundings was very soft.

That light made Mu Feng very comfortable.

Those white rays of light were like a pair of gentle big hands, gently holding up Mu Feng's body and shaking it slowly.

Unconsciously, there seemed to be a gentle murmur in his ear, like a mother singing softly in his ear.

Everything made Mu Feng feel groggy.

However, this feeling did not disgust him, but rather enjoyed it. He felt as if he had returned to when he was a child, and was held in his arms by his mother's gentle hands, and his mother's gentle singing was still in his ears. The feeling of sadness made him a little addicted.

Time was passing little by little, but Mu Feng didn't seem to notice the change in time.

He had always been immersed in that gentle atmosphere.

At this time, Mu Feng did not notice that those milky white rays of light had penetrated into his body for some unknown time.

After about a few minutes, those rays of light drilled out of Mu Feng's body again.

It's just that the light from the drill has turned into silver, and in the silver, there seems to be a little bit of sparkling things flickering.

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