Although he is a true disciple, the true disciples are also divided into three, six and nine.

He is just the lowest true disciple. In front of the core disciples, he can be arrogant, but in front of a chief like Yun Zhan, he is nothing.

Yun Zhan only needs one sentence, and countless true disciples will play him to death.

Yun Zhan said coldly: "Say, why don't you go on? I want to hear, what are you going to say next?"

Cold sweat flowed down Chen Kun's forehead in an instant, he quickly showed a smile that was not much uglier than crying, and said, "Chief Yun, you are joking, in front of you, what can I say, how dare I say anything. ?"

Yun Zhan snorted and said, "Forgive you, you don't dare! Also, I tell you that Mu Feng is my brother of Yun Zhan. If you dare to say that again, don't blame me for being rude!"

When he laughed loudly at Mu Feng just now, he enjoyed the eyes of everyone around him.

But now, after he was reprimanded by Yun Zhan, he felt that the eyes of the disciples around him had become sneering and meaningful. Those eyes pierced Chen Kun's body like thorns, making him feel uncomfortable all over. comfortable.

At this moment, a lazy voice suddenly sounded: "Senior Brother Yun, Chen Kun is just a junior brother, why should you be angry? What's more, what he said may not be unreasonable."

The person who spoke was Yang Tao, who ranked sixth among the top ten chiefs.

Qin Ming, the eighth-ranked chief among the top ten chiefs, also said with a smile, "Senior Brother Yun, Senior Brother Yang is right, you and Chen Kun get angry, it will damage your identity! In fact, I have always felt a little bit about Long Zun's approach. I don't understand, Mu Feng is just a one-star fantasy summoner in the legendary realm, and he has not yet awakened to the realm. Among the hundreds of thousands of disciples in the Dragon Palace, such a person can at best be ranked in the middle, making him a true disciple. It's a shame for my true disciple!"

Hearing this, Chen Kun nodded in agreement as if he had found a bosom friend.

As soon as Yang Tao and Qin Ming said their words, they were immediately approved by many disciples around them.

This made Yang and Qin a little proud.

The faces of Yun Zhan and the others became ugly.

Especially Yun Zhan, his face was already gloomy as if he could drip water.

If he didn't want to keep it a secret, he really wanted to tell these two people Mu Feng's true talent, and he wouldn't be surnamed Yun if he didn't scare them stupid!

Originally, Chen Kun's heart was full of apprehension. Yun Zhan could not be provoked by anyone, even if he was also a true disciple.

But what he didn't expect was that Yang Tao and Qin Ming, who were also chief disciples, actually supported him behind his back, and even dared to confront Yun Zhanfeng in person, which finally made Chen Kun's heart a lot easier.

It seems that the rumors that Yang Tao, Qin Ming and Yun Zhan have a bad relationship are not groundless.

Yan Jun glanced at Yang Tao coldly, and said in a cold voice: "Yang Lao Wu, Qin Lao Ba, do you know what you mean by saying this?"

Others are afraid of Yun Zhan and Yan Jun, but Yang Tao and the others are also chief disciples, and they also have a lot of power under them. Naturally, they will not be afraid of Yun Zhan and them. What's more, they don't think Yun Zhan Yan Jun will turn against them for such a small hour.

That's right, in the eyes of Yang Tao and the others, the matter of Mu Feng is just a trivial matter.

Although they also know that Mu Feng is a genius, there are many geniuses in the Elemental Dragon Palace. More Mufeng is not much, and he is also not much less.

Yang Tao said tit for tat: "I'm just telling the truth."

Hearing this, a smile suddenly appeared on Yan Jun's face.

For some reason, Yang Tao suddenly felt a chill in his heart when he saw this smile.

Anyone who is familiar with Yan Jun knows that when he shows this smile, it means one thing, and Yan Jun is angry.

Although Yan Jun seems to be very approachable in normal times, it is under the premise that Yan Jun is not angry.

Once Yan Jun is angry, he will become quite terrifying, even Yun Zhan will feel his scalp tingling.

Yan Jun's eyes stared at Yang Tao without a trace of expression. After a long time, he said: "From today, any person or force related to you will become the enemy of the three of us! We will do our best to suppress you until you Apologize to Junior Brother Mu Feng!"

Hearing Yan Jun's powerful words, Yang Tao's face showed a stunned expression.

Obviously, he was frightened by Yan Jun's words.

He could never have imagined that Yan Jun would say such words in front of everyone's eyes.

Isn't he afraid that their forces and his own forces will lose both? , , .

Chapter 406 Betting and Extra Conditions

Indeed, Yan Jun and their forces are very powerful, but the strength of their subordinates is not weak!

If you really fight, the only result is to lose both!


At this time, in Yang Tao's eyes, Yan Jun seemed to be a lunatic.

In the face of Yan Jun's threat, Yang Tao felt a little regretful in his heart.

Knowing that Yan Jun would be so resolute, he would not have chosen to hate them just now.

It is true that there are some minor conflicts between Yang Tao and Yan Jun, but they have not yet reached such a state of perpetual death!

At this moment, he had a feeling that the gain outweighed the loss.

As for apologizing to Mu Feng?

This is simply impossible.

The reason why he slandered Mu Feng before was not only because he wanted to hate Yan Jun and the others, but he really did not like Mu Feng.

In his opinion, the reason why Mu Feng was able to become a true disciple was nothing more than a relationship, and he had always disliked such a person.What's more, Mu Feng's cultivation base is so low that even a core disciple can surpass him. Such a cultivation base to become a true disciple is simply rat shit among true disciples.

He Yang Tao, the dignified fifth-ranked chief true disciple, went to apologize to a little Mu Feng?

What an international joke?

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