Originally, he thought that his summoned beast would at least be able to break into the top fifty of the true disciples after comprehending the power of the domain, but he did not expect that he was only ranked eighty-third. Does that mean that before his summoned beast comprehends the realm, he can't even keep his position as a true disciple?

Thinking of this, Mu Feng couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The Elemental Dragon Palace is worthy of being second only to the three major forces. The strength of the true disciples is not weak.

As soon as he thought that any true disciple who can break through the eighth floor of the Tongtian Tower has the strength to crush him, Mu Feng suddenly felt a sense of urgency in his heart, and the idea of ​​quickly improving his cultivation was in his heart. rising.

More than [-] points should be enough to exchange for more than [-] hours of Linghai cultivation rights. In addition to the points obtained before, and the benefits of true disciples, Mu Feng has now cultivated in Linghai for more than [-] hours. multiple hours.

This time, for most of the disciples of the Elemental Dragon Palace, is definitely enough to envy the number, but for Mu Feng, it is still far from enough.

Unlike others, when he cultivates, he does not need to comprehend, as long as he has enough energy, he can improve his cultivation.

But this has a premise, that is, it takes time to digest this energy.

In more than thirty hours, according to Mu Feng's estimation, at most, his cultivation will be able to be upgraded to a two-star level in the legendary realm.

Just raising one level of cultivation is obviously not enough to satisfy Mu Feng's ambition.

With the appearance of Mu Feng, the perimeter of the Babel Tower became noisy again.

At this moment, Mu Feng noticed Yang Tao who were not far from him.

Seeing Mu Feng looking over, the eyes of several of them became a little flickering, and they didn't even dare to look at him.

Mu Feng sneered in his heart.

He asked himself that he didn't provoke these people. Since they chose to take the initiative to provoke him, they naturally had to bear the shameful price.

It's their choice.

Mu Feng walked towards them as usual.

Seeing Mu Feng's actions, the scene instantly became quiet. Many disciples present had already guessed what he was going to do next. In order not to be the target of public criticism, at this time, everyone chose to remain silent.

From Mu Feng's place to Yang Tao's position, it took no more than ten seconds at most.

But for Yang Tao and others, these ten seconds seemed extraordinarily long.

He even had a torment-like feeling at the moment. It was the first time he had felt this way since he became a true disciple.Especially when the disciples around him looked at him, Yang Tao felt even more uncomfortable.

Those eyes were like steel thorns, stabbing into his body.

As Mu Feng got closer and closer to him, Yang Tao's expression became more and more cold.

Especially when he saw the sarcastic expression on Yun Zhan's face, his face became gloomy. , , .

Chapter 417 It's Not Over Yet

Coming to Yang Tao, Mu Feng said lightly, "Senior Brother Yang Tao, Senior Brother Qin Ming, I should have won the bet just now, right?"

Hearing this, Yang Tao knew that what he was most worried about had finally happened.

He said in a threatening tone: "Junior Brother Mu Feng, do you really want us to apologize to you in public?"

At this time, his eyes have become as sharp as an eagle, and his eyes towards Mu Feng are even more fierce.

"What's the matter? Yang Tao, as Dangtang's chief disciple, you dare to openly refuse to pay your debts? Do you want to show your face?" Yun Zhan is also the chief disciple, and his identity is much higher than Yang Tao, so he started talking Come without hesitation.

"Yun Zhan, shut up for me! This is about me and Mu Feng, it's your business." At this time, even though Yang Tao's identity was lower than Mu Feng's, he couldn't help but utter a foul language.

He valued his own face too much and let him admit to Mu Feng in front of so many disciples who were far inferior to him. He really couldn't afford to lose this person.

If you really let him do this, you might as well kill him!

"I think if I lose this bet, Senior Brother Yang Tao will definitely not miss the chance to hit me. I don't know if I'm right?" Mu Feng stared at Yang Tao's eyes and said lightly.

Facing Mu Feng, Yang Tao didn't bother to lie at all.

Therefore, Yang Tao did not answer Mu Feng's question, but everyone already understood Yang Tao's answer.

As Mu Feng said, if he really loses this bet, I am afraid that Yang Tao will use all means to prevent Mu Feng from becoming a true disciple.

"I'm waiting for the apology from Senior Brother Yang Tao and Senior Brother Qin Ming." After Mu Feng said this, he stared straight into the other's eyes.

Suddenly, Yang Tao showed a cold smile and said in a gloomy voice, "Have you made up your mind?"

Hearing the words, Mu Feng turned to look at Elder Chen, who was a notary public, and said lightly, "Elder Chen, I want to ask, is Senior Brother Yang considered a threat just now?"

Elder Chen's face instantly turned gloomy.

His eyes widened and he said coldly, "Yang Tao, could it be that you didn't take me seriously as an old man?"

Hearing this, Tang Tao's body trembled violently, and his face turned pale.It was only then that he realized that the notary for this bet was Elder Chen.

He quickly showed a pleasing smile and said to Elder Chen: "Elder Chen, you have misunderstood, how dare I not take you in the eye of Elder Chen?"

Elder Chen said lightly: "If that's the case, then hurry up and apologize to Mu Feng!"

Elder Chen's threat made Yang Tao's heart sink to the bottom.

Yang Tao already knew in his heart that it was inevitable that he would make a fool of himself.

Although the surrounding disciples did not speak, Yang Tao still saw gloating and ridicule in their eyes.

At this moment, Yang Tao's heart was full of resentment.

He hates Mu Feng, but he is even more cruel to Chen Kun!

Without the provocation of Chen Kun, this bastard, how could he take the initiative to provoke Mu Feng?

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