Sikongda saw that this slash at Huashan was inevitable, and he was afraid that he would die here.

At the moment, he shouted vigorously: "Big sister Xu, come out and save me soon!"

Mu Feng was immediately puzzled. Could it be that there are other people here, and I saw a fireball flying from a distance, and the fireball immediately hit the tip of Mu Feng's knife.

Mu Feng was helpless, the fireball was so powerful that he had to turn the offensive to deal with the fireball first, and wait until the flying fireball was smashed with a knife.

Sikongda below him had already escaped through this gap.

On the square outside the hall, a red light fell from the sky, and a beautiful woman appeared. Sikongda saw this woman.

As if seeing a backer, he immediately leaned towards her and complained, "My big sister Xu, didn't you say that the people in this place are easy to deal with?"

"Look at my back, I'm about to be pierced!" Sikongda wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with lingering fears, "The people here are not easy to deal with!"

"Fortunately, you are finally here now, otherwise I will return to my place here today, and the three worlds will no longer have my legend!"

There was a trace of doubt on the woman's face. Seeing that this Sikongda's injury was indeed true, she immediately shook her head and said, "Impossible, there is no way such a powerful person exists in this Jade Dinggu!"

"Let's go, let's go inside and take a look!" The woman led Sikongda, who was in pain, into the reception hall of Yudinggu again.

As soon as she stepped into this place, she was greeted with a mess and mourning. The woman couldn't help but look at Sikongda beside her, and said, "You are not small!"

He also said that you were bullied, I think you bullied others today, right?"I just asked you to collect debts, is it necessary to make the scene so violent?

Sikongda felt aggrieved when he heard the words, and immediately explained in a hurry: "Sister Xu, you really have to believe me, there is really a terrifying guy here, and his strength is probably more than that of a quasi-sage."

"I have already used the means of leaving the soul, and I almost died at his hands just now! I'm not going to lie to you, if you were one step later, what you saw now might be my corpse! "

The woman who was called Big Sister Xu by Sikongda, the Demon King of Confusion, immediately looked at Monk Xiuzhai and said, "This bald monk is the very powerful person you said!"

"It doesn't look very good? Since that's the case, I'll help you! The little monk should die!" The woman immediately changed her face when she said this, and a ball of flames called to the monk Xiuzhai again.

The people in the hall were even more desperate. They thought that it was finally going to be another village, but I didn't expect the plot to turn back to the mountains and rivers again.

Seeing that Sikongda was finally driven away, just in the blink of an eye, another witch was attracted from outside.

And looking at the way Sikongda complimented the woman, it was obvious that he was a more ruthless character than Sikongda.

Zhu Ziyu couldn't help but close his eyes. Could it be that Yudinggu is really not guaranteed today?Is there really nothing you can do about it?

Monk Xiuzhai was terrified and stood there, only then did he realize that Mu Feng, who was in his mind, had gone somewhere, and no matter how much he called, there was no answer.

And just when the ball of fire was about to hit him, Mu Feng finally appeared in front of him. This time, it was no longer that the primordial spirit had left the body, but the real Mu Feng appeared in front of him. .

Monk Xiuzhai was overjoyed and said, "Grandpa Mu, are you finally willing to stand up and help us?"

Mu Feng squeezed the fireball casually, and crushed it in his own hands.

Sikongda just wanted to tell the boss who rushed out that she had called the wrong person. If his opponent guessed correctly, it should be the person pretending to be sleeping in the corner.

Immediately after seeing that Mu Feng in the corner was no longer there, when he turned his eyes, he did not know when Mu Feng had appeared in front of the monk Xiuzhai.

Mu Feng and the woman who appeared looked at each other affectionately, both of them froze for a moment, then smiled.

What is even more exaggerated is that in Sikongda's eyes, the two of them seem to have unloaded their own offense and defense, especially his boss Xu.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, walking happily towards Mu Feng with affectionate footsteps, Sikongda was shocked and immediately shouted, "Sister Xu, it's wrong, this person is what I said just now, it's us. of"

The word "enemy" Sikongda could no longer say, and was swallowed back by himself.

"Xiaoqing, I didn't expect it to be you!"

"Hmph, you, the dragon who sees the beginning but not the end, doesn't say a word when he comes, which makes me miss you so much recently!"

That's right!The elder sister Xu mentioned by Sikongda was the missing Xu Xiaoqing. Xu Xiaoqing finally saw Mu Feng and jumped into his arms.

Ignoring the astonished glances from the crowd, how could it be all right as soon as they touched it?

Chapter 847 Xu Xiaoqing Appears (Part [-])

Sikongda was stunned, his chin almost dropped to the ground.

Of course, this was the only thought in the minds of everyone in the hall at this time. Zhu Ziyu originally thought he was going to die.

Although he said that his death was not a pity, he still did not want to die so early, because the entire Jade Cauldron Valley of Nuoda still needed him to take care of it, so how could he easily die willingly.

But when he thought he had at least a [-]% chance of making a first-strike mistake, and then failed an attack that was not worth mentioning in front of Sikongda, he thought he was going to die.

Later, that kid Li Xuan actually appeared, and he reversed the situation, and he was about to stab that Sikongda to death.

I didn't expect that Sikonda would still escape, and if he tried to escape, he would escape. This is already the best ending. I didn't expect this guy to get another helper in the blink of an eye.

At the moment Zhu Ziyu was desperate, and his confidence suffered the final blow again. He thought he was going to die, but he didn't expect to close his eyes.

Realizing that time had passed for a long time, and he still hadn't died, he opened his eyes and saw that the man named Ding Ye brought by Li Xuan had already embraced the woman in his arms.

What exactly is this scene?Are you really not dazzled?

Everyone present almost vomited blood, not because of their own injuries, but because they were really shocked by such a magical reality.

"By the way! I forgot to introduce you! This girl's name is Xu Xiaoqing, and he is actually my wife!"

Mu Feng turned around gracefully and proudly introduced to everyone present.

Sikongda stumbled and fell to the ground immediately, this motherfucker is too exaggerated!

When monk Xiuzhai heard the words, he was overjoyed, and immediately rushed up and said with a smile, "It turns out that we are a family, so I didn't need to be so afraid!"

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