Immediately, he instructed the monk Xiuzhai a few times and said, "We will go back when we go. You have to take good care of Sheji here. If something goes wrong, I will only ask you when you come back!"

So he started the magic of Yujian flying, and with Xu Xiaoqing, the two turned into two lights, one red and one blue, and flew into the sky instantly.

In the night sky, like two gorgeous meteors, they slid down to the distance at a high speed, until they gradually disappeared from the sight of everyone.

All the people present sighed that they really didn't know Mu Feng very well from the very beginning. It seems that this person still has many things that surprise him that have not yet been revealed.

According to the monk Xiuzhai, the foggy labyrinth is really just a forest.

In the night sky, two sword lights flew from afar, Mu Feng and Xu Xiaoqing both landed on the periphery of the foggy forest, and they could barely see their fingers in front of them.

Xu Xiaoqing unleashed a small fireball, but the light reached as far as the line of sight could see.

This foggy forest can't be seen from the outside, only a black patch can be seen everywhere, like a ghostly creature, all of which are towering ancient trees.

I don't know what the inside looks like, but according to the sheepskin map given to Mu Feng by monk Xiuzhai, the structure inside seems to be very complicated.

The outside is shrouded in a layer of fog that is unclear whether it is a layer or a cloud, and it does not disperse almost all the year round.

Fortunately, the map given by the monk Xiuzhai accurately marked the route to the nine-story pagoda called Shuixian Temple in the center.

"I didn't expect this kid to be so useful. Is this an alternative explanation that is inherently useful to me?"

Mu Feng smiled to himself, but at this time, Xu Xiaoqing made a questioning voice, pointing to the place on the map marked with the location of the nine-story pagoda.

"But it's strange here? Look, every place on this map is marked only once, but this nine-story pagoda is deliberately drawn twice!"

"It seems that these two times are overlapped, and you can't see it at a glance, but you can find it with a little careful attention. Why is this?"

Mu Feng followed Xu Xiaoqing's fingers and found that it was as she said, and she couldn't help frowning: "Forget it, don't think about it if you can't figure it out, anyway, there must be a way to the car to the front of the mountain, we can only think about it as we walk!"

"Let's go!" Mu Feng finally put away the map, and with Xu Xiaoqing, the two stepped into the forest called "Maze of Hidden Mist".

This forest is indeed quite terrifying, and it brought a lot of trouble to the two of them. Soon after entering it, Mu Feng and Xu Xiaoqing were both eye-opening.

This is really a labyrinth, there are crossroads everywhere, and even multiple passages extending in all directions. Generally, the walls that form the labyrinth are arranged by rows of trees that grow automatically.

Mu Feng once thought about using his sword to split these trees abruptly, and use force to open a straight path, wouldn't it be enough?

But first of all, these trees are very strange, and even the spiritual power of a strong man like Mu Feng can be resolved.

And what surprised Mu Feng the most was that once he made a move on these trees, the trees would disappear in an instant and reappear in the next second, but this time it appeared in other places, that is, it changed its location.

This time, Mu Feng was taken aback, thinking that this original route would not be destroyed for himself?

Originally there was a customs clearance route, but if I got rid of it now, would I have to go through the maze first?

He quickly took out the map and compared it, and he felt a lot more comfortable now. Fortunately, he only tried it once, so the route of the maze did not change much.

Chapter 850 Chase

In this way, the two gave up the idea and began to turn left and right along the labyrinth of the forest, entering some seemingly dead intersections, but in fact, a living area finally appeared.

Step by step, they meandered towards the center of the foggy forest. The two of them probably walked for a long distance, and they would naturally encounter various monsters in the process.

Of course, it also includes the harassment of some undead, but these are indeed terrifying things that can make ordinary people go in and out, but for Mu Feng and the two, it is a piece of cake.

The more the two walked into the depths of the forest, only to realize that the layer of mist that was shrouded in mist seemed to gradually become thinner.

In this way, the speed of the two of them can be accelerated, just when this layer of fog is about to disappear.

Suddenly, more than a dozen green lights floated in front of them. These green lights were elliptical and floated in pairs.

Mu Feng and Xu Xiaoqing stopped, waiting for these uninvited guests to appear.

When these guys appeared, the two took a closer look. As expected, they were a group of huge wild wolves. The only difference from the wolves outside was that these wolves had bright green eyes.

After the wolf king gave an order, the group of wolves were preparing to treat these two intruders as a long-lost dinner.

But Mu Feng and the two made these wild wolves' wishes come to nothing. The two of them were almost the same as before, effortlessly, like a watermelon knife cutting vegetables, and swords and shadows were everywhere.

The wolf's head and the howl instantly blended into one piece, and pieces of stumps fell from the air.

The two were just a warm-up exercise, and this group of wolves fell under the ruthless swords of the two in a short while.

"OK! Continue to go deeper!" Mu Feng snapped his fingers happily.

"Hey! What is this shiny bead?" On the other side, Mu Feng found that Xu Xiaoqing did not move, but stopped in front of the wolf's body.

Mu Feng hurried over and found that Xu Xiaoqing had an extra bead in her hand at some point in time. This bead was of high quality and had a pleasant white light. When she held it in her hand, she could actually feel the warm air.

Mu Feng was also greatly confused at the moment, and asked, "Is this bead obtained from the Alpha Wolf's body?"

"That's right, it was taken from the wolf's heart." Xu Xiaoqing said, "This bead must be a treasure."

"How can beads grow in the wolf's body? I've only heard that the bezoar grows in the cow's body." Mu Feng observed it for a while and didn't find any tricks in it.

I had to say: "Forget it, let's continue on our way!"

Xu Xiaoqing also wanted to see if the other wolves still had this thing in their stomachs, so she started to turn around in the other wolf corpses unwillingly.

Mu Feng was speechless for a while. Women on this earth love bags, and women in the realm of self-cultivation love beads. Oh, women and women, aren't they all a virtue?

At this moment, a long gray line streaked across the night sky, and Mu Feng just wanted to say what the hell is this?

Immediately, two huge claws appeared, hooking Xu Xiaoqing's clothes on the back, pulling her whole body up into the night sky in an instant.

It turned out to be a huge bald eagle!This guy has a big body, more than ten times larger than the usual vulture, and the two wings are probably dozens of meters wide!

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