Zhao Yun once wondered if Ji Yue was just a ghost now, otherwise how could she still be as young as thirty years ago?

Ji Yue told him that she was not a ghost. It turned out that since she left Zhao Yun in anger [-] years ago, she planned to continue practicing martial arts for a few years, trying to find Gongsun Zan for revenge in a few years.

She began to travel among the famous mountains and rivers, and cultivated among the heavens and blessed places, and by chance, she met a cultivator of the earth immortal level.

The cultivator said that she had the wisdom to practice, so she took Ji Yue as an apprentice and began to teach her the method of foundation building and consecration.

Since then, Ji Yue has embarked on the path of self-cultivation. Unconsciously, thirty years have passed, and she has become a cultivator in the realm of Earth Immortal.

It was only recently that she remembered the mortal world. She said goodbye to her master and returned to the mortal world. Only then did she realize that after Gongsun Zan was attacked by Yuan Shao, he had already set himself on fire and died a long time ago.

This can be regarded as fulfilling her first wish, but she finally remembered Zhao Yun at this time. After inquiring from various sources, she finally knew that Zhao Yun had become one of the five tiger generals of the Western Shu Han Dynasty.

So I came here to find him today, Ji Yue said here, you can see in her eyes that she still maintains the same innocence towards Zhao Yun back then.

Zhao Yun rejected her, Zhao Yun said, "It's a pity that you are still young, and I am old!It is God's will, so why not! ?

However, Ji Yue told Zhao Yun that it was all right, she could take Zhao Yun back to the deep mountains to cultivate, as long as she reached the Nascent Soul realm or above, she would be able to return to her youth.

Chapter 856 The Past (Part [-])

The man was dressed in dark clothes, with a beautiful and simple long sword tied around his waist.

There seems to be some vicissitudes on his face, and his eyes are melancholy. He seems to have waited again for a long time, but he has not been able to wait for the appearance of the person he should have.

Although this man was wearing a long coat, he could vaguely see the terrifying and strong figure under his clothes. He must have been a general who charged into battle before.

The moment Mu Feng and Xu Xiaoqingfu saw him, they both stayed for a while.

Because of course they know this person, this is Zhao Yun!

"Brother, why are you here?" Mu Feng couldn't believe his eyes, and entrusted the task to their elder brother Zhao Yun more than ten days ago.

How could it appear in this mysterious place today?

It is really suspicious of life, Zhao Yun had to smile bitterly, and continued to say: "Don't be suspicious, I am the big brother Zhao Yun that you are all fake!"

Mu Feng and Xu Xiaoqing burst into laughter in an instant. The three of them were very happy when they met, and shook hands for a long time.

A few people found a big stone and sat down on the spot, made wine with the spring water that Xu Xiaoqing had just called, and after drinking a few large bowls, they all sighed that, indeed, there is no substitute for wine in this world.

Mu Feng probably reported to Zhao Yun his experience of looking for Ji Yue in the past half month, and finally he had to explain embarrassedly: "Unfortunately, although it can't be said that there is no progress at this time, it is almost the same!"

Zhao Yun seemed to be in a daze when he heard this.

From the very beginning, Mu Feng felt that there was something wrong with his big brother Zhao today, but at this time, he felt that he might as well just ask directly.

He opened his mouth and said, "I said, eldest brother, why did I realize that your face was a little wrong today? You haven't seen each other in just ten days? How come you have become so vicissitudes all of a sudden!"

Although we haven't helped you find Ji Yue's whereabouts, it shouldn't be so sad.

Zhao Yun still didn't speak, and still looked up at the starry sky at a forty-five degree angle, because it was actually night time now.

"Brother, you can't do this. If you have an opinion on me, you can just say it. I'll pack the ticket and give me another seven days!"

Mu Feng couldn't bear Zhao Yun to become so melancholy, so he could only say: "If you can't find it within seven days, you will definitely find it within seven days!"

Xu Xiaoqing also echoed: "Brother Zhao Yun, don't worry!"

Who would have thought that Zhao Yun would no longer look up at the starry sky, but lowered his head to look at Mu Feng and Xu Xiaoqing.

At this time, Mu Feng realized that Zhao Yun, the courageous and always victorious general Zhao Yun, actually had crystal tears in his eyes at this time.

"Brother Zhao, you!" This was a scene that Mu Feng rarely saw, so he couldn't help but feel moved by Zhao Yun.

"You two don't need to look for it!" At this time, Zhao Yun suddenly said.

Mu Feng couldn't believe his ears, and quickly asked, "How could it be? Brother Zhao, you must not give up halfway, give up easily, there is hope in everything, and you can't admit defeat until the last moment!"

Zhao Yun gently wiped his tears with his hands, made up an old-fashioned excuse for getting sand in his eyes, and said slowly, "That's not what you mean."

Mu Feng immediately asked: "It doesn't mean that, what does it mean?" He really didn't know what else it meant besides that.

"Her person, I have actually found it!"

—— Zhao Yun seemed extremely reluctant, but he had to say it at this time.

Mu Feng and Xu Xiaoqing were startled at the same time, and then they were overjoyed. They quickly grabbed Zhao Yun and said repeatedly, "If you didn't tell me earlier, it would be great if you found it!"

"How is it? Where is my sister-in-law now? Hurry up and bring it out to meet us!" These were the words of Mu Feng and Xu Xiaoqing in unison, and it was their common expectation.

I saw Zhao Yun turned his body sideways and nodded his head behind them.

The two looked back, wasn't that the nine-story pagoda?

Mu Feng questioned: "Brother, are you kidding me, there is no one behind this? Isn't this a Buddhist pagoda?"

Suddenly, a lightning-like thought flashed through the minds of Mu Feng and Xu Xiaoqing, causing the two of them to shudder at the same time.

In an instant, Mu Feng felt that he was almost speechless, and after working hard for a long time, only a few words came out of his mouth.

"Is it possible that the one in the nine-story pagoda is the sister-in-law?!"

Although Mu Feng said what he said, he didn't want it to be true, and he was surprised at how such an idea would pop up in his head at this moment.

"That's right, the Wuchen Mage there is actually Ji Yue from a thousand years ago!"

Zhao Yunyan saw this time, and there was no need to hide it from the two of them, and immediately told the shocking truth.

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