They quietly and silently surrounded the entire Jade Cauldron Valley, and the leader was dressed in black.

At this moment, standing in front of Yuding Valley, two men next to him immediately surrounded him and reported, "Captain Fan, the Yuding Gate is under the bottom of the valley!"

And this Captain Fan is Fan Kangxu of the Fenye League, the captain of the "Xu" character division of the Fenye League's branch.

The subordinates are in charge of the number of a thousand people, and at this time, the thousand people in their team were brought by him, and he got the latest information from the mouth of his subordinates the day before yesterday.

It is said that Lord Snake Ji is not actually dead, and is now in the Jade Cauldron Valley.

When he heard the news at that time, the whole person suddenly woke up from the sleepless state of tea, since there was news of Snake Princess.

He rushed to this Jade Cauldron Valley with all his horses as soon as possible, and he also warned his subordinates in advance that he would not tell the news to the Prison Blood God Monarch for the time being.

Chapter 865 Fan Kangxu

"Are you sure that Lord Snake Ji is inside?"

Fan Kangxu couldn't help but ask for the last time, for fear that his wish would fail, and he really didn't want the news that Lord Snake Ji died to be true.

But he was afraid, if Lord Snake Ji was really not inside, would he not be able to bear the pain after his hope was lost?

"If you dare to lie to me, you will definitely kill without mercy, and never forgive me!"

Fan Kangxu's two subordinates patted their chests and assured: "It's foolproof, there's absolutely nothing wrong, Captain Fan, please rest assured!"

In front of Jade Dinggu, Fan Kangxu finally sighed, and immediately ordered: "In this case, everyone listens to my order and follows the original plan, and everyone acts individually! Don't let any mistakes be made!"

A thousand people were ordered, and then like a black tide, they quickly advanced towards the Jade Cauldron Valley.

At this time, in front of the mountain gate of Yuding Valley, Zhu Li'an was borrowing wine to relieve his sorrows, but he could only end up with a more sorrowful end.

He kicked the stone beside him angrily, kick after kick, but the stone under his feet couldn't finish kicking.

"Hmph, I don't accept it, Zhu Lixuan of the dog day, I must take revenge!" Zhu Li'an roared to the sky, he was originally a candidate who had hope of inheriting the position of the future suzerain of Yudinggu.

And Su Wan'er was originally able to be in his arms, and even going to bed in the near future.

But after Zhu Lixuan's waste material came back, everything changed. It became so fast that he couldn't adapt at all. He refused to accept it, and he vowed to kill the waste material.

But what can he do who has already lost power in Yuding Valley?Only running to the front of the mountain, drinking alone, took the opportunity to vent.

He hates this god, why doesn't he help himself, why does he let himself fall into such an end!

Just when Zhu Li'an pointed at the sky and cursed, suddenly a person flew down from the sky. The whole person was very fast. He came to Zhu Li'an without saying a word, and first kicked him directly.

Zhu Li'an was kicked away. As soon as he landed, the screams didn't even have time to come out of his mouth, but he was immediately covered by the two people who came after him and pressed him to the ground.

Zhu Li'an was almost breathless and hung on the spot. The first thought in his heart was that God would send someone down to punish him. It seemed that this time he really could not escape the law.

But when the man gradually walked towards him, he squatted in front of him and asked, "Where is the Snake Girl you locked up now? Take me to find it, or the head will fall to the ground immediately!"

Snake Girl?Zhu Li'an immediately knew that this person might have another origin, and nodded vigorously.

Fan Kangxu saw that this person was so cooperative, and immediately signaled to his two subordinates to temporarily open his mouth.

"Let's talk, if you hesitate or say something false, you know you won't survive today!" Fan Kangxu had no feelings for this person.

When Zhu Li'an saw the battle of these people, he first knew that the people who came were not good, but he was smart, and immediately figured out the joints.

Since the good ones don't come, and these people seem to be looking for the Snake Girl, there is no doubt about that, if he remembers correctly.

The woman named Snake Ji was clearly brought by Zhu Lixuan's waste material and his Ding Ye friend, so why didn't he bring this matter to the heads of those two people?

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.How could Zhu Li'an not know this simple and easy-to-understand truth?At the moment he decided to be friends with these people, so he immediately came up with a plan.

Using these people's knives to kill Zhu Lixuan's waste materials and Ding Ye, and take advantage of the fisherman himself, wouldn't this be the best outcome?

Immediately, Zhu Li'an immediately stepped forward to report: "The villain tells this hero, the villain knows where the snake girl is now locked up, please feel free to go with me!"

Fan Kangxu nodded immediately, but he didn't expect it to go so smoothly, so he felt a little contempt for this Jade Dinggu.

Under the leadership of Zhu Li'an, everyone secretly entered the Jade Tripod Gate from the passage in the back mountain, and came to the ward of Sheji. At this time, everyone had surrounded the place.

Fan Kangxu waited for the outpost in front to observe the situation inside, and then he could rush in to save people.

Fortunately, I arrived in time and rescued Sheji, and their bestiality was stopped.

When Fan Kangxu heard this, he was even more furious. In his heart, Lord Snake Ji, the most sacred man in his heart, was once in trouble, and turned into such an end.

He swore that he would kill the two beasts Zhu Li'an spoke of, otherwise he would be a man in vain!

In the room, Monk Xiuzhai took one last look at Sheji and told the maid to help her take medicine on time. After all, this was a task assigned by Mu Feng, and he still didn't dare to be careless.

Just as he was about to leave the room, he heard a click, as if someone stepped on a branch outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, with a "bang", the door of the entire room was slammed open in an instant, and Monk Xiuzhai was unavoidable, only to see dozens of people rushing into the small room in an instant.

"Who are you?" Monk Xiuzhai took a few steps back.

The visitor didn't answer at all, but took the knife and slashed at Monk Xiuzhai. Monk Xiuzhai flicked from left to right, and his life was threatened dozens of times in an instant.

Finally, his fists were no match for his four hands, and he was kicked to the ground with one foot.

Fan Kangxu immediately stepped on Monk Xiuzhai's back, raised his head, and took a closer look at the face.

The foolish appearance is not at all like the man that the Prison Blood God said could seriously injure him and kill Lord Snake Ji.

However, there are too many people with human faces and animal hearts in this world, so Fan Kangxu no longer doubted, but directly asked: "Are you Ding Ye?"

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