Fan Kangxu heard this, and his blood was already surging. Just imagine how he could not believe it. All of them got up at this moment and knelt in front of Snake Ji together.

"Please ask Lord Sheji to agree, let us go back and take down Xie Jun, the traitorous blood demon head of the Fenye League, in order to correct our Fenye League's rules!"

The majestic voice resounded throughout the small room.

Chapter 868

Seeing the truth of the matter finally came to light, plus all the people didn't change their minds towards her.

She Ji couldn't help but be greatly relieved, so she signaled to everyone to get up, and everyone was outraged, and they all said that they would go back and give that traitor Xie Jun three swords and six holes, and expel him from the Fenye League.

"Are you now the opponent of his blood demon head?"

She Ji bluntly stated the current situation of everyone: "Don't talk about the thousand of you, even if the number is doubled, you are still not his opponent!"

Everyone became silent. Fan Kangxu just wanted to refute, but he swallowed the words in an instant, thinking that what Lord Snake Ji said was indeed correct.

"Could it be that we really can only let that traitor go unpunished in the Fen Ye League?"

When Fan Kangxu said this, he also said that in the past few days, except for their "Xu" squad, in fact, most of the entire Fen Ye League have been bought by Xie Jun.

They all stood on the side of Xie Jun. Although Xie Jun is still unknown, he has actually become the leader of the Burning Ye League.

He also claimed that as long as he finds Ding Ye and kills the spirit of Zai Tian, ​​who is paying homage to Lord Snake Ji, he can officially ascend to the position of the leader of the Burning Ye League.

Now the entire Fen Ye League thinks this way, how can we do it?

When Fan Kangxu said this, he can only sigh that he has so many people, but I am afraid that he can only sit and do nothing.

"Of course there is a way!" She Ji suddenly made a move that everyone, including Mu Feng beside her, unexpectedly did.

I saw Snake Ji suddenly stood up, then turned her head and knelt down on one knee in front of Mu Feng.

Mu Feng was shocked. He didn't understand what kind of medicine this Snake Princess's gourd was selling today?

I saw Snake Ji rushing to speak at her own maximum volume before Mu Feng was about to speak.

"All the disciples of the Fenye League, please obey my orders - starting from today, the leader of the Fenye League will be inherited by Ding Ye!"

"Starting today, Ding Ye is the new leader of the thirty-seventh term of our Burning Ye League! And I, Snake Princess, will take a back seat!"

The whole room suddenly fell into silence, and no one thought that Snake Ji would announce such an unexpected news.

And Mu Feng couldn't turn around for a while, only to see Snake Princess constantly winking at him, meaning that he must obey his orders and take over the position of the leader of the Fenye Alliance.

Mu Feng knew that Snake Princess was really not joking this time. After a quick thought, Mu Feng decided to take over the title of Fenye Alliance Leader.

"However, Lord Sheji, in fact, we all think that you can continue to lead all of us in the Burning Ye League. We all think that your management skills are very good."

Fan Kangxu wanted to object again, but she saw She Ji stood up with a swish, facing all her former subordinates, and said, "My intention has been confirmed! Objection is not accepted!"

"If you dare to disobey," Snake Ji said here, and tapped Mu Feng secretly with her elbow.

Mu Feng immediately came over, took out the Cold Shadow Sword, a sword energy flew out of the window in an instant, and saw a stone statue in the courtyard that weighed almost ten tons was immediately smashed into powder!

Everyone was shivering with fear!

"If you don't accept it, you will end up like the stone statue outside the window!" Mu Feng took back the Cold Shadow Sword and stood there, the majesty of the whole person was completely exuded.

"Long live the leader of Dingye! Long live!"

In an instant, no one dared to object any more, and everyone immediately prostrated at the feet of Mu Feng, long live the mountain!

Mu Feng and Snake Ji looked at each other and smiled.

Mu Feng finally became the leader of the Fenye League, so She Ji said to everyone: "Now we have a new leader, and everyone knows the strength of leader Ding."

"I believe that under his leadership, Xie Jun, the prison blood demon, is not afraid, and his death is approaching at the same time!"

Everyone suddenly realized, thinking of the scene where Mu Feng could beat hundreds of people to pieces with a random sword, how could they doubt this person's strength any more.

At the moment, he gradually returned to Mu Feng's body. Mu Feng looked at the thousand people who were about to move in front of him, and immediately thought for a while in his mind.

He issued his order: "Now everyone listen to my order, I will appoint you Fan Kangxu as the new left guardian of the Fenye League, and all the brothers under your leadership will be upgraded to one level."

"You can go back now, but don't disclose what happened here today. Your current task is to go back and unite all the brothers who agree with us."

"And those people in other branches who don't cooperate with us or are stubborn, you can quietly kill them!"

"In a word, you quickly return to the Fenye League and draw everyone except Xie Jun."

"After all these are arranged, Fan Hufa, you will find an excuse to invite Xie Jun to a random place to eat, and then drag him back."

"Next, you only need to report the location of Xie Jun to me, and your task will be completed. Xie Jun will become a turtle in the urn, and I will have full authority to deal with it!"

Mu Feng's command was fixed, and everyone got the order. After finally saying goodbye to the new leader, they set off towards the Fenye League.

The matter finally came to an end, and soon there were bigger things waiting for Mu Feng.

Thinking of the secret in the mouth of the prison blood god Jun Xie Jun, he has obtained the second of the three magic tools that can open the Xuanyuan holy sword.

Mu Feng's answer should be that everyone wants to destroy Xie Jun. First, it is naturally to help Snake Princess, and second, of course, he has his own selfishness.

That is, I hope that I can get the two magic weapons from Xie Jun's body, because if the legendary peerless divine weapon Xuanyuan holy sword is really obtained by myself.

When it comes to fighting the Three Realms, he will be even more powerful. In this way, Mu Feng will have his own trump card in the face of those old monsters!

Thinking of this, Mu Feng's eyes showed a firm look.

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