(It's the fourth time, please let me pass it. Don't need to take it with me in one sentence. Should I be so strict, blue and thin mushrooms.)

Chapter 870 Chenxiang Pavilion

Mu Feng and Snake Ji spent a good few days together.

The next task is to get the prison blood god Jun Xie Jun, because on the morning of the third day, when the two were still frankly seeing each other in bed.

Suddenly a golden carrier pigeon flew from the bedside, Mu Feng waved, and the carrier pigeon came into his hands.

Mu Feng opened the envelope. It turned out to be a secret letter sent by Fan Kangxu. There were only a few simple words on it, which meant that they were ready, just waiting for the arrival of Ding Alliance Master!

"Okay! This Fan Hufa is really efficient!" Mu Feng looked into the distance and said to She Ji, "Let's go, let's go back now, my husband will help you get revenge!"

She Ji smiled sweetly, looking at Mu Feng, she has completely regarded this man as her lifelong attachment.

On the other side, Fenye League, Fenye Palace.

At this time, in a private club called Chenxiang Pavilion, this is the place where Jie Jun, the blood god of the prison, usually used to call it frolicking if it was nice, and lewd if it was ugly.

Today, Prison Blood God Sovereign has just returned from Zhunti Pavilion, and he has accomplished a great thing there.

And as soon as he returned to the Fen Ye League, the second good news came to his ears again. At this time, he seemed to be proud of the spring breeze and felt extremely happy.

As soon as Fan Kangxu saw him, the invisible leader of the alliance, coming back, for some reason, his attitude towards him suddenly changed drastically.

And reported an unexpected news of himself, that is, their "Xu" character department has found out where Snake Ji is now.

Not only that, Fan Kangxu's men also caught Snake Ji, and it is said that they are now transporting her back to the Fenye League.

How could Xie Jun not feel happy when he heard these news, and he didn't expect that Fan Kangxu, the so-called Fen Ye League's most loyal subordinate to Snake Ji, would change his face so quickly.

This also confirms the old saying that the situation is stronger than the person. Under the current situation, Fan Kangxu cannot help but lean towards his side.

At that time, Xie Jun rewarded him with a lot of benefits. Of course, for Xie Jun, it was just a gift to a loyal dog.

So Xie Jun came to the Chenxiang Pavilion and instructed Fan Kangxu to immediately bring the snake girl to him without stopping, and kill him one step later.

Fan Kangxu received the order, only to say that the gods please wait patiently, I believe that within half an hour, the snake princess will come to your eyes.

He was blindfolded, chased those women to his heart's content, and caught a few, even if it was a few.

Time flies, looking at the time, two hours have passed, more than double the half hour that the guy told him.

"Damn, Captain Fan, where are you!" Xie Jun couldn't help shouting at the door: "Get out of here for Lao Tzu!"

The door of Chenxiang Pavilion was gently opened to a corner, and Fan Kangxu walked in with two bottles of wine in his left and right hands.

"What's the matter with you? You dare to deceive me now, don't you?" Xie Jun said angrily: "Or do you think your life is too long and you want to end it early?"

Fan Kangxu shivered with fright, and hurriedly knelt down in front of Xie Jun, kowtowing and saying, "My subordinates only despise their own life being too short to be loyal to the Divine Sovereign forever!"

"Humph! Good words are worth nothing!" Xie Jun kicked Fan Kangxu to the door, and Fan Kangxu reluctantly crawled back again.

"You said half an hour, now what about that slut Snake Girl? Why haven't I seen it? It's been two hours, I won't lie to you, I'll give you another ten minutes at most!"

"Ten minutes later, even if it's the slut's body, you have to transport it to this god."

"If I can't see that slut's body in ten minutes, then I'll let you see your own!"

Xie Jun finally took a sip of wine and kicked Fan Kangxu out of Chenxiang Pavilion. Fan Kangxu reluctantly closed the door for the devil.

Outside the door, he couldn't help but swear at the blood demon head, thinking that in ten minutes, someone's body will appear in this room, the blood demon head, I'll make you laugh for a while!

Thinking that the mighty devil is finally about to usher in the last moment of his life, but he didn't know it, thinking of the last time that guy begged for mercy.

Fan Kangxu couldn't help but get excited. He finally knew that what he had done was worth it.

For the sake of Lord Sheji, the current leader of the Ding Alliance, and the future of the Fenye Alliance, he is willing to give everything for these things.

Suddenly, the door of Chenxiang Pavilion was opened again.

Xie Jun couldn't help but wonder, is it so fast this time, he gave ten minutes, and it took less than three minutes to pass.

Fan Kangxu, who was still bloody at the corners of his mouth, walked in with a smirk and said, "It's so fast!"

"Shenjun, the people of Snake Ji have been brought outside, we will bring you in immediately!" Fan Kangxu said and gave a secret signal to the door.

I saw several of his men came in carrying a large sack together.

Xie Jun couldn't help laughing wildly, patted Fan Kangxu on the shoulder, and said, "Very good, you can go down, tomorrow the gods of Japan will reward you!"

"Yes! Let's go down, the matter here can be left to the gods alone!" Fan Kangxu showed a smug look at this moment.

So, everyone in the room, including the naked women, withdrew one by one.

The room suddenly felt a lot empty, although it was still full of the smell of wine and meat, of course, there were some more salty smells mixed in it.

Xie Jun got up from the sofa, the person in the sack was Snake Ji.

As long as you get rid of this woman, then you can justifiably ascend to the throne of the Fen Ye Alliance leader tomorrow, and in this way, you will be getting closer and closer to your ultimate goal.

Looking at this sack, Xie Jun's lust was ignited again, and he suddenly had a whim.

I thought that this Snake Princess is actually a great beauty, and that Bai Nen's body has long wanted to get involved, anyway, sooner or later, she will die alone.

It's better to make yourself comfortable first, and then it's not too late to get rid of her. At the moment, Xie Jun is very satisfied with his idea.

So he hurriedly opened the seal of the sack, thinking that he would be able to ravage this former Snake Princess to his heart's content right away.

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