"But what I'm more curious about is when did Xie Jun hook up with him!" At this time, Snake Ji keenly discovered something unusual.

"According to the truth, our Fenye League is indeed on good terms with Zhunti Pavilion, but that doesn't mean that Jin Hong's ancestors would do anything to save Xie Jun at this moment, right?"

Hearing the words, Mu Feng remained silent, perhaps the answer was at the Boundless Conference.

Chapter 875

Just when everyone was hesitating about the invitation card left by Jinhong ancestors.

At the dilapidated gate, a figure staggered in and fell to the ground after not walking a few steps.

Isn't this person Fan Kangxu?Several people were shocked, Mu Feng stepped forward and helped Fan Kangxu up.

"Fan Hufa, how are you?" Mu Feng suddenly realized that the situation was not right. Isn't Fan Kangxu just standing outside the door?How to become like this now.

"I'm fine." When Fan Kangxu said this, a large mouthful of red and black blood suddenly came out of his mouth, and his eyes were already white.

But he still pointed his finger outside until he used up all his strength and said intermittently: "There is someone outside the door"

Seeing this, Mu Feng had nothing to do for a while, only to see blood slowly seeping out of his throat, and it turned out that the entire neck was cut open!

This guy is so fast!The wound is not showing up until now!

Mu Feng wanted to help Fan Kangxu stop the bleeding, but it was too late at this time. If it could be earlier, there might still be a chance, but in today's situation, how can it be earlier?

The pronunciation in Fan Kangxu's mouth has gradually become inaudible, and his consciousness is gradually dissipating like gunpowder smoke.

But what everyone can still hear clearly is the last sentence of Fan Kangxu: "It is the happiest thing in my life to get to know Ding Alliance Lord and Lord Snake Ji! I have no regrets in my death!"

Immediately, a large amount of blood flowed out from the neck, and Fan Kangxu closed his eyes forever.

Mu Feng's heart was suddenly hit by a heavy hammer. It came from the time and place he was least prepared for. Mu Feng looked at Fan Kangxu's corpse, which was gradually stiffening in his arms, and was speechless for a long time.

Originally, I wanted to train this Fan Kangxu well. In the future, he will definitely be able to take on a major role in the Fen Ye League, maybe after he leaves this Paradise and finishes all the things.

Mu Feng also thought about handing over the next leader of the Fenye Alliance to this loyal subordinate, but now everything has become impossible.

Although Snake Ji was also in tears, she came up instead and ordered her servants to come and drag Fan Kangxu's body away: "Bury him properly! The specifications of our Burning Ye League are the highest!"

Then he snuggled into Mu Feng's arms and comforted him in a soft tone: "Don't be too sad! Since death is like a lamp, let's consider helping Fan Hufa take revenge."

Mu Feng nodded and said, "Don't think about it, Fan Hufa's death is [-]% the result of the ancestor Jin Hong who robbed Xie Jun just now!"

Having said that, Mu Feng clenched his fists and looked towards the direction that Jin Hong's ancestor fled.

Originally, the way this guy appeared was not very pleasing, but this time it was good. Not only did he have old hatred, but now he added new hatred.

Mu Feng decided that he was going to the boundless conference to make an appointment. First, he wanted to see what tricks that guy was going to play, and second, he wanted to help Fan Kangxu take revenge!

Infinite Mountain, quasi-ti Pavilion.

It is the head of the so-called three major sects that have been passed down for thousands of years for the entire Bliss World. Such an existence is naturally awe-inspiring.

Zhunti Pavilion has been practicing Buddhism since its first founder, Sakyamuni, and upholds the rules of being kind to others, not killing living beings, and not talking arrogantly.

However, as time progresses to modern times, these so-called precepts that must be adhered to in the past have gradually loosened, and even a small number of people have ignored them to the point of being useless.

This is probably the law of the development of things. There is always a process of development to extinction. Is it extinction?Or just a freshman?Does development develop?Or also perish?

This can only be said that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom, and there is no conclusion for the time being.

Boundless Mountain is not so much a mountain as it is an island, because the location of Zhunti Pavilion is not actually located on the linked continent of the Elysium Realm.

Instead, it hangs alone on a very huge island overseas. The landform of this island is very strange. The overall altitude of the peaks inside is even [-] meters higher than the highest peak on land.

So over time, people are unwilling to call it Boundless Island, but call it Boundless Mountain.

At this time, in the Zhunti Pavilion, three thousand disciples were pretending to be practicing practitioners, cleaning, and chanting scriptures, all in an orderly manner.

Since the Zhunti Pavilion is built on the mountain, many rooms are actually directly connected to the mountain, because most of the entire tall and immeasurable mountain has actually been hollowed out by the people of the Zhunti Pavilion.

There are many strange caves built in this hollowed out boundless mountain, and their disciples call them stone houses.

Ancestor Jin Hong stood with his hands behind his back in his room, counting that three days had passed, so he put the book in his hand aside.

Walking to a huge landscape painting on his wall, if you look closely, you will find that the wild crane in the painting has bulging eyes.

Of course, this is a very subtle detail that is impossible for ordinary people to discover.

Ancestor Jin Hong gently pressed the raised wild crane's eyes with his fingers, and in an instant, the entire wall spun past, forming a gate leading to the mountain.

Ancestor Jin Hong walked in as usual.

The door in that room closed automatically. The space inside was huge, and it belonged to Old Ancestor Jin Hong's own stone room.

No one knew what he was doing inside, and of course he could do whatever he wanted in this space.

I don't know why in this room, there is a perennial green light, and the illuminating fire looks like a mortal fire, but why is this room emitting green light.

This is not a secret that outsiders can easily explore and discover. Perhaps only Ancestor Jin Hong knows it.

The style of the whole stone house is very strange, making people feel like stepping into a thousand-year-old tomb, and shudder.

At this moment, on an inconspicuous stone bed, the body of a stripped male floated, and a lot of green spiritual energy gathered around him.

Ancestor Jin Hong walked towards the comatose man. The man's skin turned out to be growing frantically, and the original cracks were quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, it reached the top of the head, and the hair grew out quickly. It can be said that it suddenly seemed like a scene of creating a human being.

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