If it is such a baby, why can I give it to you?Don't take it down yourself?

Chapter 877 Whistleblowing (Part [-])

Therefore, Xie Jun naturally has his own plans, and he will not succumb to the oppression of others forever.

You can't lift your head up if you're under someone else's fence, let alone being played with by others, that kind of humiliation is nothing but your own life is tied to the thoughts of others.

To live is to live, to die is to die.

This is a situation that Xie Jun will never allow to happen. He is not willing to do this forever, so the appearance of Xuanyuan Sacred Sword is another dawn in his life.

Ancestor Jin Hong arranged everything, so why didn't he arrange everything.

This time, he will have to see whether it is you who is one foot taller, or one zhang taller than himself.

Ancestor Jin Hong naturally would not have thought that Xie Jun had already betrayed him, Xie Jun not only betrayed him, but he had already secretly captured two of them.

Xie Jun was still thinking about how to make up a perfect lie to face this old ghost's inquiry.

At this moment, he suddenly came up with a perfect idea, yes, if he said no progress, he might die, and if he said that the balance of the heart was in his hands.

That is even more impossible. If you hand over the Chixin Libra to him, it means that you will always accept the fate of being a puppet.

But Mu Feng appeared, this person who came out to make trouble halfway, now Xie Jun hates him no less than he hates himself.

But Xie Jun came up with a whimsical idea, why not come to fight with a snipe and clam, and act as a fisherman, wouldn't it be better to wait until the two of them fight to the point of death and injury.

According to Xie Jun's conjecture on the strength of these two people, Xie Jun believes that the strength of these two guys should be comparable.

After these two confrontations, Xie Jun has admitted that his strength is not as good as the guy named Mu Feng, and that guy's terrifying strength should be on par with this old ghost.

In this way, if two tigers fight, one will die and one will be injured. Even if it is lucky that neither of them die, it means that the two injuries have not escaped, and if you are lucky, the chance of two deaths will be relatively large!

Thinking of this, Xie Jun, who was crawling at the feet of Jin Hong's ancestor, finally showed a strange smile.

He believes that from this angle, the ancestor of Jin Hong is invisible. As long as his smile does not make a sound, he is like a killer. As long as he does not make a sound before taking action, then he can kill his target smoothly!

Now Xie Jun is like a killer hiding behind Jin Hong's ancestor, he is already waiting for an opportunity.

If Ancestor Jin Hong thought that he was still in control of Xie Jun, then he was wrong, and it was a fatal mistake.

Only Ji Jun immediately kowtowed several times, there was nothing he could do. Today, he can only do this in front of Jin Hong's ancestors. He only hopes that in the near future, this situation will not continue.

"Master, when it comes to this matter, it is the saddest part of my disciple today! I am to blame for the death of my disciple! I feel that I will never have the face to see my master again!"

Xie Jun was talking, but he had to forcibly squeeze out two lines of tears. After all, life is like a drama, and it all depends on acting skills.

At this juncture of crisis, it's not as simple as joking. If you play it wrong, you will be in a different place in the blink of an eye.

Ancestor Jin Hong heard the words, and immediately leaned up and asked, "What do you mean? Has it been so long? You still haven't got the Chixin Libra?"

Said that green spiritual power had already appeared in his hands, as if Xie Jun nodded, he would immediately be executed on the spot.

Xie Jun had long been taken aback by this old ghost's methods. He ignored the actions of Jin Hong's ancestors, but continued to wipe his tears and cry.

"Of course not, Master, in fact, I have already got the Chixin Libra!"

"Since you got it, why do you still look like this? What do you mean by death?"

Xie Jun laughed heartily. He felt that he was hooking this big stupid fish step by step. If he said it directly, how could there be such an effect.

So all must add oil and vinegar to become a good dish.

Xie Jun cried and said, "Because Cheng Yaojin was killed in the middle, that is the yellow-haired boy named Mu Feng who was killed by God!"

"Don't look at that brat's hair has not even grown, I was really hurt by him. This person used his appearance to seduce the slut Snake Girl from the Fen Ye League."

"The two are inseparable, and the whole room is full of prostitution noises day and night, which is unbearable, but these are okay, the most surprising thing I didn't expect is"

"The one named Mu Feng came prepared and came with an unknown purpose. He used his own rhetoric to deceive everyone, including me, of course."

"He tricked me into a room and said that he wanted to discuss matters in the sect. I saw that he was the concubine of the slut Snake Princess, so I reluctantly believed it."

"I didn't expect that Mu Feng poisoned the wine, and Tu'er was furious, but he had already ambushed many killers, and Tu'er was finally invincible with his fists!"

The more Xie Jun spoke, the more vigorous he was, vividly and vividly, with ups and downs. Unless it was someone present, no one would disbelieve what he said.

"After a day and night of fighting, even the disciple is powerless. Master, you finally saw it. If it wasn't for your appearance, the disciple would have died three days ago."

"But Tu'er's life is actually not worth even a penny. The saddest thing for Tu'er, and the most regrettable is that the Chixin Libra on his body was also robbed by that Mu Feng!"

When Xie Jun said this, he snotted and shed tears, beat his chest and stomped his feet, and only almost didn't play the trick of passing out, because he had to continue the conversation later, and if he passed out now, it would be difficult to deal with it later.

"What! It's actually that Mu Feng!"

——Ancestor Jin Hong gasped in fright, frowned, and the green light between his fingers went out and came back to life again.

Xie Jun didn't expect the old ghost's reaction to be so intense, because usually don't mention a little boy whose name has never been heard before, even if their ancestor Shakyamuni from Zhunti Pavilion was resurrected.

He also just said "Oh", and after Mu Feng's famous name was reported, this old ghost actually showed such a big change in expression.

Xie Jun felt that things were not easy, but he still had to continue his work of adding oil and vinegar, and he immediately said: "Not only the Chixin Libra, but also the Heavenly Eye Necklace of Yudinggu is in the hands of that kid!"

"This kid is really good at it. It doesn't matter if he seduces the slut Snake Princess. Now even Zhu Ziyu, the second head of Yuding Valley, and Zhu Lixuan, the heir, have become his friends."

Ancestor Jin Hong heard this, and suddenly smashed the stone bed in front of him with a palm!

Chapter 878 Whistleblowing ([-])

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