Finally, more than [-] mighty people finally came to the top of the mountain, which is completely a snow-capped world.

The wind and snow were blowing, and it was freezing to the bone, and those who were wearing thin clothes were frozen into ice cubes.

The attic of the Zhunti Pavilion is on the top of the Wuliang Mountain. It is splendid, and the white snow can't hide the grandeur of this continuous building complex!

At this moment, a message came from the square of the Zhunti Pavilion using a thousand-mile voice transmission, asking everyone to come to the square of the Zhunti Pavilion, and the preparatory meeting was held there.

Chapter 894

Everyone was rushed to the summit square of Zhunti Pavilion, as if they were rushing ducks to the shelves.

The square of the Zhunti Pavilion looks endless, in a world of white snow. In front of the square, you can vaguely see a few broken flags fluttering in the wind, with the words "Zhunti First" written on it.

When monk Xiuzhai saw this, he had to spit on the ground, feeling that he had come to the wrong place.

Everyone was talking a lot, and they didn't know what to do in this snowy square.And what is the origin of the so-called preparatory meeting?

Just when some people can't stand it anymore and are about to announce their withdrawal.

I saw a "boom" explosion from the highest peak of the entire Wuliang Mountain, and hundreds of rolling stones fell.

Ancestor Jin Hong turned into a green light and flew out of it, as if Sun Monkey jumped out of a big rock, and he felt like he was flying into the sky.

This green light seemed to be at a very high place one second before, and the next second it came to the square.

Everyone was surprised, but at this moment, everyone could guess that the person in front of him was the ancestor Jin Hong, the suzerain of Zhunti Pavilion.

——The guy from the Three Realms called the old monster Jinhong.

"Hey, what preparatory meeting did you call us here now? What do you mean?"

"Yes! Explain quickly, otherwise it's so cold here, we won't do it, we're going down the mountain!"

Everyone was chattering, and they didn't care about the majesty of Jin Hong's ancestors and questioned him directly.

Ancestor Jin Hong and the others probably smelled almost the same, so he cleared his throat and used a sound transmission speaker to start announcing his preparatory meeting policy to everyone in the square.

"Everyone, don't be impatient. Now I will explain to you the meaning of this preparatory meeting and the general rules of the next Infinite Conference!"

"In the process of my announcement, if there are still people who are picking quarrels and provoking trouble, they will all be executed on the spot without mercy!"

Some of the crowd did not speak, some held back, and everyone fell silent.

So Ancestor Jin Hong thought that he had achieved his effect, so he began to explain the rules of the so-called preparatory meeting today.

That is to say, for the purpose of uniting the various sects, the ancestor of Jin Hong decided to form an immeasurable alliance.

The purpose of convening this Infinite Conference is to elect the leader of the Infinite Alliance.

Today's preparatory meeting is to elect a representative from each sect.

The elected representatives of the various sects become the candidates for the leader of this Infinite Congress.

In the end, everyone present at the Infinite Conference votes, and among all the candidates for the alliance leader, the one with the highest total number of votes will be elected as the leader of the current Infinite Alliance!

As soon as Patriarch Jin Hong finished the announcement, the entire Nuoda square was in an uproar in an instant. In fact, the rules were very simple, that is to say, a representative will be elected by each faction today.

Finally, from among these representatives, the final leader of the Infinite Alliance is selected.

Ancestor Jin Hong finally reminded: "The elected leader of the Infinite Alliance can take charge of all the tangible and intangible assets of all the sects in the Bliss Realm, including some of the Cultivation Realm!"

It was like a bomb that exploded in the water in an instant!

That is to say, whoever becomes the Infinite Leader will really have infinite power!The tangible and intangible assets of all the sects in charge of all the realm of bliss and part of the realm of self-cultivation, what a benefit!

As if a stone stirred up a thousand waves, everyone wanted to get the position of the leader of the alliance, and everyone was discussing how to get the position of the leader of the alliance.

Of course, some dissidents also appeared. For example, Lu Yuanjia of the White Tiger Society raised his own dissent. He believed that this Boundless Conference seemed fair, but in fact it was a delusional trick by the ancestor Jin Hong to take the opportunity to annex all the sects.

Unsurprisingly, the final leader of the alliance must be Patriarch Jin Hong himself. At that time, we will only be passers-by to accompany him in acting, and in the end, we will not be able to escape the fate of being fished by him.

After Lu Yuanjia raised his arms and shouted, he immediately organized a group of people to leave.

Ancestor Jin Hong immediately shot and killed Lu Yuanjia. Lu Yuanjia was a member of the White Tiger Society and had already summoned all the dozen or so white tiger beasts.

Unexpectedly, a dozen white tigers were taught a lesson by Ancestor Jin Hong, and turned around to attack his master. Lu Yuanjia was killed and eaten alive by a dozen white tigers in the eyes of everyone.

"Who else dares to oppose this time?" Ancestor Jin Hong is confident that he has shown such a hand, and no one must speak anymore.

At this time, Xia Liuchuan met Ancestor Jin Hong's eyes, and quickly stood up and said.

"Everyone should think carefully. This is a process of electing alliance leaders by voting. There is no reason to be unfair. It is completely in line with the procedure of democratic elections!"

"So everyone, don't be deceived by that guy, let's listen to the words of Ancestor Jin Hong, let's start to propose a candidate each!"

Ancestor Jin Hong saw that Xia Liuchuan said these words beautifully and in a timely manner, thinking that he had not raised him in vain.

Finally, under the coercion and temptation of the two, no one from the major sects in the audience dared to object, and everyone began to shift their focus to the election of representatives and candidates.

Of course, only Fen Yemeng was completely in a state of non-comment regarding all situations, because Mu Feng had already ordered it when he left.

Before he came back, everything obeyed the instructions of the Jin Hong ancestor.

The disciples of the Fen Ye League knew that Mu Feng would definitely destroy the Boundless Conference when he came back, so no matter how lively it was on the surface, it was hard to escape the end of the annihilation in the end.

In this way, the major sects began to elect representatives in the sects.

Most of the representatives are directly selected from the original sect masters or heads of the sect. For example, Zhunti Pavilion, the ancestor of Jin Hong himself won the position of representative of Zhunti Pavilion.

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