I saw that he took out the three magic tools he had already obtained, namely the sword of fire essence, the red-hearted balance, and the sky-eye necklace.

The latter two things don't need to be explained in detail, and this last sword of fire essence is actually when he is taking advantage of today's old ghost Jinhong holding some bullshit meeting.

He sneaked into the forbidden area of ​​Zhunti Pavilion by himself and stole it out. What he was waiting for was this opportunity!

"It's ridiculous that the guy is still holding a preparatory meeting, and Xuanyuan Sacred Sword has come to my eyes!"

Xie Jun said that he merged the three instruments, and it turned into a key. He laughed again and inserted the key into the keyhole on the high platform.

Xuanyuan Sacred Sword soon became his, and suddenly, a thunderbolt came from the high platform and immediately hit Xie Jun.

Xie Jun's whole body was knocked out, his whole body was tattered in an instant, and his hair was scorched by the lightning strike.

Mu Feng, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

At this time, a row of glowing words appeared on the high platform - the opening date of Xuanyuan Sacred Sword is seven days later!

Xie Jun reluctantly got up, although he felt pain all over his body, but he didn't care.

"It turns out to be seven days later, good! Seven days are seven days! I'll just sit here and wait!"

Suddenly, a long sword flew in from outside and stabbed at Xie Jun's neck, Xie Jun immediately avoided it.

The long sword was held by a person, with long hair reaching to his waist, but it was a man, and the two met as if they were enemies.

Immediately, a fierce battle started in this small room, and Mu Feng knew that the person who suddenly appeared was the one who had been following Xie Jun from behind.

At the moment, he continued to hide above, and happily saw the two dogs biting each other.

"Brother, let's stop first, listen to my explanation!" At this moment, Xie Jun suddenly jumped out of the battle circle and put down his weapon.

Chapter 897 Dragon Nine Fingers

The person who appeared, Xie Jun, actually called him senior brother!

Mu Feng found it very interesting, and wanted to see which one of these two people would make a fuss?

"Hehe, you still know that I'm your senior brother?" Long Jiuzhi suddenly pointed his sword at Xie Jun again, and sneered, "Then tell me, what is behind this thing?"

Xie Jun changed his eyes quickly, he knew that Long Jiuzhi was referring to the Xuanyuan holy sword behind him and the pile of treasures outside.

"If I didn't find out, I'm afraid you'd have to swallow it all by yourself, right?" Long Jiuzhi thought that he was lucky.

Because I happened to pass the forbidden area today, I found that Xie Jun sneaked into the stone room of the master, Jin Hong, by himself.

Today, everyone went to the square to participate in the preparatory meeting. Why did Xie Jun still appear in this place, so Long Jiuzhi followed him all the way.

Finding that this guy stole the Sword of Fire Essence, Long Jiuzhi knew that this traitor must be hiding some hidden secret.

At the moment, I decided to follow it all the way, and I did not expect to reveal the answer here.

At this time, Xie Jun already had a plan in his mind, and he sighed, and then knelt down in front of Long Jiuzhi.

Long Jiuzhi was startled, just wanted to say what are you doing?

He saw that Jun was actually shedding tears, and said in his mouth, "I'm sorry for Master and his old man, I'm sorry for Senior Brother Jiuzhi, and I'm sorry for all the brothers and sisters in the Zhunti Pavilion!"

Then he got up with a "swoosh" and slammed into the wall behind him, unexpectedly wanting to die in front of Long Jiuzhi.

Long Jiuzhi hurriedly grabbed him and asked, "At least you explain to me before you die! Why are you in such a hurry?"

After the two pulled together for a while, Xie Jun's tears were still flowing, but his mood seemed to have stabilized.

He said, "There is nothing to explain, Senior Brother, I found a drawing a few days ago, and it is recorded on this place."

"At that time, I wanted to tell Master and you first, but then I thought about whether this place would be a dangerous place, so I decided to come and investigate first, and if it's true, I'll go back and report it to everyone!"

"I didn't expect that as soon as I came in, I saw this magic weapon and the gold, and I was enveloped by greed, and I lost my humanity!"

"I couldn't control my greed, and suddenly fell into a demonic barrier, delusionally wanting to take everything for myself!"

"Until the moment you came in, I finally woke up, but it's too late to say anything. I know that my performance just now is not worthy of living any longer, so, Senior Brother Jiuzhi, let me die!"

After speaking, he slammed into the corner with all his might, and Long Jiuzhi pulled him again.

Xie Jun burst into tears, as if he didn't understand why his brother didn't let him die, the situation was extremely pitiful.

In the end, Long Jiuzhi finally said: "Forget it, or else it will be like this, the gold outside our senior brothers will be divided equally, and this magic weapon, let's take it back to the master, what do you think?"

As soon as Xie Jun heard this, his face changed immediately, his tears turned into a smile, and he said, "If that's the case, it will give me a chance to atone for my sins, okay! Just do as you said, senior brother!"

When Xie Jun said this, he paused and continued: "But Senior Brother, you must have seen it just now. It will take seven days for this Xuanyuan Holy Sword to open."

"Why don't the two of us meditate here, and after seven days, take it back together and give it to Master, wouldn't it be best?"

At the moment, the two seem to have finally found a compromise point, so they both nodded in agreement, the brotherhood of brothers and sisters.

manifested incisively and vividly.

Just like that, Mu Feng watched the two people sit down and meditate.

They didn't move like that. After one night, at noon the next day, the two had been meditating for nearly thirty hours.

Of course, this time is just a blink of an eye for their cultivators.

Suddenly, Long Jiuzhi opened his eyes and stood up quietly. He called out Xie Jun's name softly, and found that this guy really entered a state of meditation.

Immediately overjoyed, a sword stabbed into Xie Jun's chest from behind, piercing Xie Jun's chest in an instant.

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