"In Liuli Mountain, there is a cave entrance halfway up the mountain. Inside the cave entrance, there is a Liuli Palace. Xie Jun, the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword and the treasure are in that Liuli Palace!"

Mu Feng raised his right arm, looked at the time, and said, "Dragon Blade Sacred Sword was activated at the time of the future, and now it has been fifteen minutes since the time of the future, it is [-]:[-]!"

Mu Feng chose to say it directly, not only because Monk Xiuzhai was his brother-in-law, and it was very important to him, but also because since time has passed, it is estimated that the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword has already been in Xue Jun's hands, it is better to let this The old monster Jin Hong also rushed over to grab it.

Anyway, sooner or later the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword will come to my Mu Feng's hands, so it doesn't matter if it's sooner or later.

Ancestor Jin Hong got the news of the "Liu Li Palace", and immediately pushed the monk Xiuzhai out with a palm. Mu Feng stepped forward and hugged the unconscious monk Xiuzhai who flew towards him.

He hurriedly helped him heal, and when he looked up, Jin Hong Patriarch had already flown into the air.

"Very well, I'll let this bald monk go for the time being, but if you lied to my ancestor, don't worry, you can't escape the palm of my ancestor!"

Ancestor Jin Hong let out a strange laugh, and then turned into a green light, which seemed to be flying rapidly towards the Liuli Palace.

At this time, Xu Xiaoqing and Zhu Lixuan also caught up, and Mu Feng handed over the unconscious monk Xiuzhai to Xu Xiaoqing and said, "Take him to Snake Ji's place to rest for a while, now I'm going to chase Jin Hong Patriarch!"

Mu Feng's eyes are like torches, he must not miss the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword!

Just when he was about to take off, Fang Yongshou and the other five people also rushed over, or Fang Yongshou's ears were sensitive, he immediately grabbed Mu Feng's hand and asked.

"Lord Leader, if what I heard just now is correct, you said that the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword and the Treasure are in the Liuli Palace?"

Mu Feng heard the words, a strange light flashed in front of his eyes, and smiled: "What? Do you want it too?"

Fang Yongshou glanced at the few people behind him and said, "I just asked about such a treasure out of curiosity. How can I dare to have fantasies about it, everyone said it is not!?"

Lu Yuanyi and Ning Wuming thought about it for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes, we have no such idea at all."

"Dragon Blade Sacred Sword and Treasure are indeed in Liuli Palace, that's right, the old Jinhong monster has already flown towards Liuli Mountain! So I'm going to chase him! Do you have anything else to do? If not, then I will first Farewell!"

Mu Feng said, now he really can't hesitate, but there is no time for these people to explain.

Yi Zichen said: "Lord Leader, you can go forward with confidence. We all escaped from death, and we all depended on you to save us!"

"Since the lord of the alliance has urgent matters, I think we have to say goodbye to you, because the Infinite is not far away, and we have to leave this Infinite Island! We are outside the Infinite Island, waiting for the good news of the lord of the alliance! "

Fang Yongshou said, "That's right, we're leaving too. We're leaving this abominable Boundless Island. These few days have been unfortunate. You, Alliance Leader, can rest assured to complete your major event!"

"Lord Leader, there will be a period in the future!"

——In the end, the six of them unanimously said goodbye to Mu Feng with a solemn clasped fist, with sincere eyes and reluctant faces, as if they were a little shaggy and easy to be cold, and the strong man will never return once he is gone!

Mu Feng felt that there was no need to make the atmosphere so tragic. Dragged down the water.

At the moment, he also said goodbye to everyone: "In this case, let's see you outside the boundless island!"

After speaking, Mu Feng turned into a blue light and flew out of everyone's sight, gradually flew into the distance, and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

The Island of Bliss has been launched, and the [-] people have boarded the departing giant ship one after another, Yi Zichen.Fang Yongshou and the six looked at Mu Feng who flew into the sky, and each looked at each other, thinking that it was time to say goodbye.

"Ning Wuming, are you going back?"

"Yes, how about you?"

"I think the Elysium, which we are all going back to, has already set sail! Isn't it?"

Chapter 903 Black Mountain Witch ([-])

Liuli Mountain, in the Liuli Palace.

At this time, under the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword, I don't know when another room suddenly appeared. In short, the last time Mu Feng was sucked into this underground.

When it was sucked in by that crack, there was nothing to see except the darkness and a river like the Styx.

At that time, Mu Feng took a strange wooden boat moored on the Styx River before leaving this strange underground, and found that the Styx River leads to the other side, that is, the huge waterfall on the other side of the mountain.

And Mu Feng not only picked a strange weed before riding the boat, but also found Xue Jun's mobile phone in the strange little wooden boat.

This also explains why Mufeng was able to know the location of the computer room in advance during the meeting of the Infinite Alliance Conference, and ordered Misa Yoshimi and Xu Xiaoqing to sneak there early.

That's why I got the first-hand monitoring data of everything that happened in the computer room, and I was able to expose the tricks of Ancestor Jin Hong. Otherwise, I'm afraid Mu Feng would have to obediently get the script that Ancestor Jin Hong had already arranged.

Obediently became his actor, and finally turned from the protagonist to a supporting role and was abandoned.

In short, all this depends on the information in Xie Jun's mobile phone, providing Mu Feng with all the detailed steps about the conference.

However, this has already happened.And when Mu Feng was sucked in by the crack of Liuli Palace for the first time, there was no house in this dark cave.

What's more, it is an exquisite small western-style building, which is divided into upper and lower floors. All lights are turned on, showing a scene that is incompatible with the surrounding darkness.

Why didn't Mu Fenglai find it last time, but now there is such a house in the ground that it seems to have been moved from the outside city to this strange hole.

The last time Mu Feng came, apart from finding Xie Jun's lost mobile phone on the boat, he didn't find any trace of Xie Jun, the owner of the mobile phone. According to the idea of ​​ordinary people, Xie Jun was naturally sitting on this small wooden boat. , and also left this underground.

Of course, Mu Feng also thought so at that time. Although it is not certain whether Xie Jun was alive or dead at that time, at least it is certain that Xie Jun should have been on this boat.

Then, like Mu Feng, he left from the entrance of the waterfall.

This was Mu Feng's reasoning at the time, and after that, no trace of Xie Jun was ever found on Boundless Island.

In fact, it's not wrong for Xie Jun to have taken this boat, but Xie Jun took the boat mysteriously, thinking that he had escaped Mu Feng's clutches again at the last moment. He really has eyes, thank God!

When he was about to leave, suddenly behind him, a small western-style building rose up from the ground, which is the current one, and Xie Jun was quite frightened at that time.

You must know that in this dark underground, there is an underground river, and it is strange enough to have a wooden boat on the river.

This is more terrifying than seeing zombies in the wilderness.

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