"I am also a dead word, and if I don't hand over the real dragon blade key, I am still a dead word!"

"Since both are a dead word! Lord Black Mountain Witch, you know it, for someone like me who cherishes a little life, if both paths are a dead word, it means that I have no doubt that I will die!"

"Since we are all sure to die, then of course I will choose not to hand over the keys, Lord Black Mountain Witch, do you think so?"

The witch of Montenegro felt that this Xie Jun seemed to be suspected of blackmailing her. It seemed that this man was really not easy. She gritted her teeth and said.

"So, are you making an offer with me?"

Chapter 910 Compromise

Xie Jun smiled and said: "If it is to make conditions, I certainly dare not Xie Jun!"

"Lord Black Mountain Witch, I made it clear at the beginning of this sentence that my request is just a reasonable request! It's a trivial request!"

"As long as you can untie my soul-chasing handcuffs, Lord Black Mountain, I will give you the real dragon blade key immediately! Because I have already said, in front of you, Lord Black Mountain, I have been completely tortured. Impressed!"

"I have completely cut off the idea of ​​wanting the Dragon Blade Holy Sword and the treasure. Besides, Lord Black Mountain Witch said that if you can give me all the treasures, I only need one tenth of the treasures, and I don't even dare to greedy all the treasures. ."

"Take another [-] steps back, now that I am full of scars, I have been completely subdued by you, Lord Witch of Montenegro, and I no longer have any resistance!"

"Lord Black Mountain Witch untied my soul-chasing handcuffs. For you, it's just a little effort, because I am still the same as now, and there will be no change in my body. I can't produce right now. Any threat from you, Lord Witch of the Black Mountain."

"For me, it's different. The soul-chasing handcuffs are released, at least I feel psychologically that my own life can be saved, and Lord Montenegro can have the most basic trust in me!"

"At this time, I will naturally be willing to give the real dragon blade key to your hands, Lord Black Mountain Witch!"

Xie Jun said his last reason in one breath, not afraid that the witch of Montenegro would not agree.

The witch of Montenegro thought for a while, although she knew that what Xie Jun said now was completely a word to negotiate with her.

However, although Xie Jun has no capital to negotiate conditions, at least the witch of Montenegro thinks so, although these words have the essence of negotiating conditions with her and coercing her.

It's just that he won't suffer at all, because he's just unlocking the soul-chasing handcuffs for him. After unlocking, he is no different from the present, and he is still completely under his control.

And judging from the expression of this man now, if he really didn't untie the soul-chasing handcuffs for him, it might be as he said.

Perhaps, if he insisted on this unnecessary step, then he would really choose not to hand over the Dragon Blade Key.

The Black Mountain Witch quickly compared her own thoughts in her heart.

In the end, she was still shaken, feeling that although Xie Jun was actually blackmailing herself, from the results, she would have no loss at all. In this case, she had to put down a little useless face and take a step back for the time being.

She gritted her teeth at the moment, but the Black Mountain Witch still had a last move. She decided to tell this move first, to scare Xie Jun and see how he responded. If he couldn't pass this level, then he wouldn't. It is necessary to take a step back.

"Very good, but you're not afraid, even if you don't give it to me! Won't I search on you myself?"

This is what the Black Mountain Witch uses. If Xie Jun is afraid here, he can do it directly.

The Black Mountain Witch smiled and said, "Don't say it's hidden outside your body, even if you swallow it in your stomach, I can cut your body open, pull out your intestines, and find it in your body!"

"What are you going to do about this?" The Black Mountain Witch asked confidently.

You know, now Xie Jun, your life, including your body, means everything is under my control. I just don't want to do it myself, for fear of wasting my energy.

But if Xie Jun insists on forcing himself, then of course I can do it myself, and I will not hesitate to cut Xie Jun up to eight pieces.

Can't you personally take out the real dragon blade key from Xie Jun's body? !

Xie Jun paused for a while, the Black Mountain Witch did not know, this was his fear or other unknown mentality.

But Xie Jun still laughed. He didn't expect the witch of Montenegro to say such superficial words. Yes, if he didn't pay, the witch of Montenegro could of course do it herself!

If that's the case, why is Xie Jun laughing?How can he still laugh?

Because - Xie Jun said: "Master Black Mountain Witch, this is your mistake! Because of course you can do it yourself, but you also need to be clear."

"Since I can tell Xie Jun, it means that I have a way out. That is to say! The real dragon blade key is not on me at all!"

"It was hidden by me in a place that only I know in the whole world! Don't say that you should search my body now, just as you said, cut my body open, cut into minced meat, and also I can't find any clues about the Dragon Blade Key!"

"This is something I can bet on Xie Jun!"

Xie Jun said without hesitation, that is, taking his life as a bet!

Naturally, the real dragon blade key will not be on his body, only the fake dragon blade key will be brought by his side, and now the fake dragon blade key filled with TNT has been seen by the witch of Montenegro.

If the real dragon blade key is true, it naturally no longer exists in Xie Jun's body, in a place that only he himself knows.

Unexpectedly, Xie Jun still held on, and he was not afraid of it.

Just like what he thought before, it seems that the real dragon blade key is really not put on him, and the witch of Montenegro can't help laughing. It seems that this step of his is really superfluous.

It's still superfluous, so I have to give in a small step to Xie Jun!

"Very good! That is to say, if I don't untie the soul-chasing handcuffs for you first, you will never hand over the real dragon blade key, right!"

Black Mountain Witch's sentence is actually a compromise.

Xie Jun knew that he had a plan, but his expression would not show, but he said decisively: "Of course @!"

It is a completely resolute expression of a gentleman's words, a quick horse and a whip.

Xie Jun has completely ignored it now, he is not a gentleman, and he does not want to be a so-called gentleman, but at this moment, among the options of expressions, he chose such an expression of a gentleman!

The Black Mountain Witch was speechless, took out a black button from her arms, and pressed the button gently.

Only heard a "click", it turned out that the tiny black button exploded and turned into a piece of scrap iron!

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