She didn't realize that Xie Jun had a wicked smile behind her, as if he was an old beggar who was watching a play. He almost didn't eat a handful of melon seeds in his hand. Of course, if there was a beggar chicken in his hand to chew on. , it couldn't be better.

The Black Mountain Witch naturally failed to notice the wicked smile that Xie Jun, who was sitting behind him at this time, threw at her. Even if it was a wicked smile, the Black Mountain Witch did not know why Xie Jun could still laugh.

In short, the whole spirit of the Black Mountain Witch has been placed on the current bed.

I am afraid that I have not hesitated to move my house directly into this underground living for at least half a year, just to get the Dragon Blade Holy Sword!

In the past six months, even though the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword was in front of her, it was actually something that could not be seen, floating in front of her day and night.

Today, inadvertently, he finally finally got a way to unlock the Dragonblade Sacred Sword, because the real Dragonblade key is under her bed now.

Now that the Dragon Blade Key has been obtained, this bed, or even this house, has no value or significance!

The Black Mountain Witch gave a loud shout when she thought of this, and saw that she opened the black whip in her hand and beat the big pink bed in front of her with all her might!

She is saying goodbye to the big bed that has been with her for six months!

The black long whip is like a poisonous snake that has been released. As soon as it sees its prey, it bites the big pink bed!The black witch's face changed greatly, and she waved the black long whip again, and the big bed was all split into countless small fragments in front of her eyes, and it exploded, all over the ground.

Xie Jun was taken aback and flicked left and right to avoid being injured by the fragments of the exploding bed. Otherwise, if one or two pieces were inserted into his head, then he would temporarily turn to this The world said goodbye.

It's very strange that this dying Xie Jun, the so-called Xie Jun who can't even stand up, can still nimbly avoid these exploding wooden fragments, which is a rather strange thing.

But will the Black Mountain Witch notice this at this time?Obviously not!

The pink big bed exploded, which meant that the house had said goodbye to her.

And after countless pieces of sawdust scattered throughout the room like snowflakes, on the ground under the bed, a golden-yellow key about the size of the index finger appeared, shining with a seductive light!

This is the real dragon blade key!

The witch of Montenegro was overjoyed, she hurriedly fell to the ground, and quickly took the shiny golden dragon blade key in her hand, she laughed, this one is the dragon blade key, this little thing turned out to be the real dragon Blade key!

The laughter of the Black Mountain Witch resounded throughout the dark underground, and she hid the dragon blade key in her pocket like a treasure.

Xie Jun was still slumped on the ground like an elder of the Beggar Gang, and the witch of Montenegro cast a disdainful look at this man, because at this time Xie Jun still had an inexplicable leisurely feeling.

Because Xie Jun is actually looking at his watch!

"What? Are you still cherishing time now? An inch of time is worth an inch of gold!?" The Black Mountain Witch was about to laugh.

But in the next words, Xie Jun stopped her from laughing. It turned out that Xie Jun said, "It is indeed an inch of time and an inch of gold, why?"

"Sir Montenegro! Didn't I tell you? Seven days ago, I said that the opening time of the Dragon Blade and Holy Sword is seven days later, and what did I mean seven days ago when I said seven days later?"

"It means that the opening time of the Dragon Blade and Holy Sword is today, and it is today's future!"

"Look, the hour hand has just reached the 13:00 position, it's already [-]:[-] noon, it's the future!"

Xie Jun said calmly.

"Wai Shi!?" The Black Mountain Witch was shocked, her face froze suddenly, and it seemed that it took a long time in her mind to understand this shocking news.

"In other words, the time has come, it is now!" The Black Mountain Witch murmured.

"That's right!" Xie Jun nodded again to help the woman confirm, it seems that when a person's brain is flooded with desire, in fact, the brain will become extremely stupid, so this is the reason for the so-called benefit!

The Black Mountain Witch's expression became extremely excited, and she laughed smugly. She smiled at Xie Jun, who was sitting on the ground.

"If that's the case, let's go! Go and see Lord Black Mountain Witch. I will open the Dragon Blade and Holy Sword in person! Hold it in my hand!?"

Facing the last invitation from the Black Mountain Witch, Xie Jun shook his head and said, "Lord Black Mountain Witch, thank you for your kindness, you should go alone!"

"I'm struggling to even talk now, let alone accompany you up there? I can only congratulate Lord Black Mountain Witch in advance for your ability to take down the Dragon Blade and Holy Sword! Unfortunately, I can't go with you. Witness this glorious moment!"

The Black Mountain Witch smiled and said, "Then sit here! I'll go first!"

At this time, whether or not there is this disabled bystander is actually irrelevant. The Black Mountain Witch turned around and left, and went down the stairs.

Xie Jun climbed to the window in the room with difficulty, stuck his head out, and looked at the Black Mountain Witch below the second floor. At this time, she had opened the door and was about to go underground.

"Lord Black Mountain Witch, Xie Jun congratulates you on your success in advance!!" Xie Jun waved his hand vigorously on the window, his expression full of pride!

The Black Mountain Witch looked back at Xie Jun, who was sticking his head out from the window on the second floor, turned around and left without comment.

Xie Jun turned around, sitting in this room, he seemed to have torn off a mask that had been hidden for a long time, and laughed wildly.

I only saw Jun taking out a red button from his arms. There are two buttons.

Xie Jun did not hesitate, he pressed the red button heavily!

"Boom" - a loud noise came from the ground in this quiet and unusual ground, and even the house where Xie Jun was sitting tilted to the left and right.

Xie Jun looked out of the window, and there was only a waft of gunpowder smoke left. This loud noise was enough to make this underground that has been quiet for thousands of years remembered.

The soul of the Black Mountain Witch has gradually dissipated with the scattered gunpowder, and her corpse has not found any residue!

This is the Dragon Blade Key that combines ten TNT explosives into one!The power may be even greater than Xie Jun imagined!

Xie Jun patted the dust on his body and stood up. In fact, his injury was not serious, it was just an illusion that he was hiding.

——For example, the second dragon blade key he gave to the Black Mountain Witch was also fake!

Now, he showed a terrifying look. Who told this woman to believe her lies? She thought she was already under her control, but she was actually stepping into her own trap step by step.

Chapter 913 Unpredictable People

Defenses can not do without?

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