Ancestor Jin Hong decided to take all the things in it. Of course, this is the normal thought of every person who steps into the Exile Palace.

It's just that before obtaining all the things in it, Ancestor Jin Hong decided that he must first understand a living body in this space. This living body used to be the apprentice he focused on training.

However, it is not now. It has fallen from the status of an apprentice to a living body, which means that in the eyes of Ancestor Jin Hong, what is regarded as a living body is not eaten, and the second option is to kill it. .

Perhaps Patriarch Jin Hong's values ​​are very monotonous, because he either eats or kills. He only has these two views on living bodies. Only he feels that his world is the most colorful and incomparable.

Chapter 916

It is very simple for Jin Hong's ancestor to eat Xie Jun. He doesn't need to burn, boil, or steam. He just needs to open his mouth.

Xie Jun finally slumped on the ground.

Seeing the ghost-like body of Ancestor Jin Hong floating in front of his eyes, now, a clear consciousness finally slowly returned to his head and back to his mind.

That is to say, he is not dead, a joke, of course he is not dead.So it seems that the ancestor of Jin Hong is not dead!

Xie Jun finally got this seemingly obvious view.

His heart finally fell from heaven to hell again. Originally, he was arrogantly calling out to Master, you are enjoying yourself slowly in the western sky, but now I have seen Master descend from the western sky, return to the east, and return to this stream. leave the palace.

Everything seems to be over, Jin Hong Patriarch found himself!

Why is he always only one step away from success, and he has to accept the fate of staying away again? Could it be that this is a script that God deliberately set for me, otherwise, Xie Jun would not believe that the world is so bizarre!

So much so that the ancestor Jin Hong, who should have been bombed to death, appeared in front of him intact in less than an hour.

This is not a hallucination, not a dream, nor some kind of disguise, Xie Jun can see that, and no one has the leisurely style to deliberately dress up as an old Jinhong monster and run here to scare himself.

And even if Ancestor Jin Hong didn't die, how could he know the location of this exile palace?How could he come here?

Xie Jun is crazy, his body shivered for a while, but he told himself that he tried his best to tell his will that he must be strong, and the most important thing for him now is to calm down.

The strong man finally calmed down.

Only Ji Jun started his performance again. At this time, a carp stood up from the ground and shouted: "Master, be careful, witch of Montenegro! Where are you? Come out! Don't hurt my master. !"

Xie Jun shouted loudly, pulled out his long sword, and jumped to the side of Ancestor Jin Hong, looking left and right, as if there was really a third person in this small space besides him and Ancestor Jin Hong. of.

In front of Ancestor Jin Hong, he protected his body and shouted in his mouth: "The witch of Montenegro! You don't have to hide! With me and my master, Ancestor Jin Hong sitting here, you can never hurt us. A hairy one!"

Ancestor Jin Hong was slightly startled and said, "My disciple, do you mean there is a third person in this stone room?"

Xie Jun nodded with firm eyes and said: "Teacher Xie Jun reported to Master, there is no mistake, there is indeed a third person, that person is a ruthless and powerful woman named Montenegro Witch!"

"It is this witch of the Montenegro, the disciple has followed the instructions of the master, and has been quietly waiting outside the venue of the Infinite Alliance Conference for the past few days, in order to prevent accidents and act as the person responsible for the safety of the venue!"

"Unexpectedly, a woman named Black Mountain Witch suddenly appeared this morning. My disciple saw that he was going to enter the venue. Master, you know that with your prior instructions, no one else will be allowed to enter the venue after the conference starts!"

"I naturally went up to stop her. I didn't expect that the woman not only scolded the master for being a pig's head and a SB, but also tried to force her way. Seeing that the situation was not right, the disciple would naturally start with her!"

"I never thought that the strength of that woman was really strong, and the disciple was still careless and underestimated the enemy for a while. When the battle reached a hundred rounds, the disciple remembered that Chang'an Fei Luoyan took the woman's genitals. I didn't expect that woman to come. With one move, the weeping willow is pulled down!"

"Tu'er couldn't guard against it, and was immediately jumped behind by the woman and put a foot on Tu'er's head. This kick was really powerful. At the moment, Tu'er only felt black in front of him, and the whole person seemed to be struck by lightning. Usually, you lose consciousness immediately."

Xie Jun looked around in horror, as if he didn't know where this place was, and said, "When I woke up, the disciple had already appeared in this place."

"Then I found the master. I think it must have been the master who came to save the disciple. The disciple is really hard to repay one ten millionth of the kindness to the master! But the most important thing now is to find the Montenegrin witch!"

Xie Jun asked: "I don't know if the Black Mountain Witch was killed by the master? Or ran away? Or is it still in this space, hidden in an unknown corner of this stone room, so the disciple is worried about the master's death? Be safe, come and protect you, Master!"

"I think there is a high possibility that the witch of Montenegro is still in there, so the disciple dares to conclude that there is a third person in this room, and that person is undoubtedly the witch of Montenegro. Therefore, the disciple must protect the master's Be safe, and swear to defend everything of Master!"

Xie Jun knew that this golden rainbow old monster was no better than the previous Black Mountain Witch. Although he knew that he was probably already on the edge of a cliff, as long as he gently pushed or fell, he would be shattered to pieces.

But Xie Junquan didn't care. He was obviously close to success, but waves of troubles came, so he decided to take the risk, he couldn't sit still.

He had to make up a random reason, delusionally thinking that he could hold this old monster back, and if he could hold it for a second, he could find a way to escape or even kill this old Jinhong monster as long as he could spend more time.

So even if it is nonsense, even if it is full of loopholes, Xie Jun will not choose to be speechless.

Xie Jun has never been a person who only chooses to be silent, because he knows that in this society, silence is not actually gold. On the contrary, if you are too silent, it will become soil.Dirty soil!

If you dare not speak up for your rights, then you have to be willing to be bullied and suppressed.When others doubt you, you dare not speak up for your innocence, and continue to choose silent words.

Then others will think that you are a SB, you are choosing acquiescence, silence is equivalent to acquiescence, a symbol that cannot be expressed.

Not only Xie Jun, but Mu Feng himself hated the most in his life, those who only knew how to bow their heads and keep silent from the beginning to the end, no matter what, such a man is not as good as a beast at all, and he is not worthy of sympathy.

Therefore, Xie Jun will not choose to remain silent, because at the critical moment, Jin Hong's ancestor may be annihilated by backhand because of it, so no matter how nonsense it sounds.

Xie Jun has to say it, because Xie Jun wants to delay time and confuse the ancestor Jin Hong, and has achieved his ultimate goal. He has never given up for a second to his success.

"The Witch of Montenegro? Who is the Witch of Montenegro? Why haven't I heard of this character in the island country?" Sure enough, the ancestor Jin Hong asked suspiciously.

Chapter 917 The third person

Of course, there is a character like the Black Mountain Witch, but now Xie Jun doesn't have to worry about whether the ancestor Jin Hong knows about such a character. What he needs is that the ancestor Jin Hong can think along his lines of thought. That's right.

As long as others can think along their own lines, then there is hope for oneself.

This is the magic weapon for Xie Jun to walk the world for many years.

"Master, there is definitely a number one person like this. The Black Mountain Witch is not only powerful, but also has to forcefully enter the venue. Now after knocking out her disciple, she disappeared!"

Xie Jun frowned and said, "I suspect that the woman must be related to the conference. There must be some terrifying secret behind her, which may be detrimental to the conference, or it may be detrimental to you, Master!"

"In short, this woman is very dangerous, and now the apprentice can't fully guarantee that the Montenegrin witch has left this place!"

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