Even the hilt of the sword has been nailed into the head of the ancestor of Jin Hong, and the body of the sword has passed through the throat accurately, I am afraid it has entered the intestines!

"Old ghost, you are already dying! Is there still this life?"

Xie Jun's long sword was about to split Jin Hong's ancestor in half from the central axis. At this time, the whole long sword had been driven into the whole body of Jin Hong's ancestor like a nail.

Xie Jun jumped down from the air, glanced at the six people who fell to the ground behind him, and scolded: "This old monster is about to die, so why don't you send him the last ride!"

The six people heard this sentence, and at this moment, they saw that Xie Jun's sword had all been nailed into the body of Jin Hong's ancestors, and their courage was greatly increased.

Forgetting to know that Jun is still their enemy, but to obey the command of Knowing Jun, the six people did not know where the power came from, and once again took up the weapon beside them.

From all directions, they all stabbed towards the ancestor of Jinhong.

The six weapons were inserted into the body of Jin Hong's ancestor again, Xie Jun saw that the time had come, and formed a handprint like a ninja on the periphery, and finally his eyes were bright, Xie Jun shouted.

"Broken Yuan Fan Blast!"

——Under the loud shout of Xie Jun, Ancestor Jin Hong's whole body glowed white, like a balloon man filled with gas.

The body slowly swelled up, and after a while, it gradually became larger, until the body exposed countless holes.

When the six people saw such a scene, they were extremely frightened in their hearts. Ning Wuming was the first to notice that it was not good, and immediately shouted: "Everyone, step back quickly! This old guy is going to explode!"

The six figures retreated at the fastest speed, and their bodies had just withdrawn ten steps away.

Ancestor Jin Hong's entire body swelled to the point where it was ten times larger than before, and finally could no longer hold it, like a blown balloon.

It exploded in an instant, everyone avoided in time, and the blood and internal organs did not splash on them!

"Bang!" There was a sound, and after the dazzling white light passed, the ancestor of Jin Hong died!The body was dead without a whole corpse, and it was blown to pieces.

Only vaguely recognized the piece of meat on the ground is the thigh, and the other piece seems to be the forearm!

Ancestor Jin Hong did not die at the hands of others, but at the hands of his own apprentice, who died at the hands of Xia Jun.

Xie Jun broke the boat, and the bet of winning or losing in an instant was a success!

He grabbed the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword that fell on the ground at the last speed. If he couldn't have the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword just now, and he had to throw it out, then obviously he didn't need it now.

Xie Jun was actually relieved at this moment, because of all the harmful factors that formed him, the most dangerous factor was finally eliminated.

And now his task is naturally to get back his own dragon blade holy sword. The steps must be followed one by one, not to mention the chance to breathe, and even the chance to think.

Xie Jun's fingers just touched the tip of the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword, and a hand also appeared at the hilt.

At this moment, Mu Feng first Xie Jun touched the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword.

One of them grabbed the tip of the sword and the other grabbed the hilt. Is it just a competition of strength to see who can snatch the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword first?In the face of naked human nature, I am afraid everyone thinks so.

I think that Yi Zichen and the six people said they were going to leave, and they all looked like arrows, but once they heard that there were treasures and magical soldiers on this island, they could instantly throw their thoughts of going back to Java Island. go.

Still brazenly rushed over to compete with Mu Feng for the ownership of the Dragon Blade Holy Sword.

Xie Jun even killed his own master just now for the sake of the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword, not to mention a bunch of ignorant beings who were slaughtering blood outside.

You can really sacrifice everything, including your own life, for the sake of profit. In fact, it can also be a devotion, and you will never tire of it.

Mu Feng knew Xie Jun's intention right away, why he threw out the Dragon Blade Holy Sword that he had already obtained, for this purpose.

Mu Feng did not become someone else, and swam over desperately for the bait, and finally got on the hook of the fisherman on the shore. At this time, Mu Feng grabbed the hilt of the sword. ,

But after Xie Jun killed Ancestor Jin Hong again, his movements were really fast enough.

The two are fighting each other, you pull in your direction, I pull in mine, Xie Jun doesn't even care that the hand he holds the tip of the sword is actually full of blood, or he refuses to let go, he will make a decision with Mu Feng. A win or lose!

"Let go!" Xie Jun said angrily.

"It should be you who let go!" Mu Feng did not give in at all.

The two of you come and go, and the whole scene is as childish and ridiculous as two three-year-olds are fighting for toys, but the two of them won't notice.

"Why don't I say one, two, three, we both let go together!" Mu Feng laughed.

A strange light flashed in Xie Jun's eyes, and he responded, "Okay! You count!"

"One, two, three, let go!"

Mu Feng shouted loudly, and it was obvious that the two of them had never loosened their hands, but they were now gripping even tighter.

"Didn't you agree to let go one, two or three?" Xie Jun roared.

"Yes, I meant to let go one, two or three, but what can I do if you don't let go?" Mu Feng felt wronged.

Xie Jun saw that the six people over there were about to join the ranks of snatching the Dragon Blade and the Holy Sword, and immediately proposed: "I said it's better that we two work together to get rid of those six pesky follower bugs, and then we will fight against each other. Dragon Blade and Holy Sword fair competition! What do you think?"

"Otherwise, those people will be here soon, and it will be more troublesome then!" Xie Jun continued to remind Mu Feng when he saw that Mu Feng was still hesitant.

Chapter 927 Star Dreamland

"Also! But the fatal problem with your method is that the two of us join forces to deal with those six people?" Mu Feng pretended to be contemplative.

After a pause, he continued: "Of course, my doubt is not that the two of us are incapable of dealing with those six people, it is more than enough to deal with those six people."

"My question is, before joining forces to deal with those six people, where should this Dragon Blade Sacred Sword be placed? Or who should I give it to? Otherwise,"

"I've fought with those six people halfway through, and you'll be the one who's going to take the bottom line again!" Mu Feng used the other hand to throw a hydrangea up, expressing the trick that Xie Jun had done just now.

"At that time, I'm afraid I won't end up like your master Jin Hong, the old monster!" Mu Feng laughed: "I was pierced by the whole long sword like a nail from the top of the head to the bottom of the foot, and finally exploded?"

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