He is going to give up. Anyway, this is a game of luck, and it is essentially the same as drawing lots. Then all strategies will be empty words. What difference will it make sooner or later?

What's the difference between the first and the last?It's just a matter of luck to get this one first and that one later. In short, strategy is already a useless pronoun in the rules of this game.

Fang Yongshou walked out and looked at Ning Wuming, who was the first to walk to the game table.

But Ning Wuming shook his head, he said, "Hatten, let's separate the two of us, I don't want to see you lose in my hands, or I will lose in yours!"

Fang Yongshou froze for a moment, nodded, and backed away.

"What? Are you all dumb and scared? If [-] minutes pass and everyone still doesn't move, then maybe everyone will die together!"

"Everyone has the same number of cards, right?" Ning Wuming said, "Are you all cowards?"

"I come!"

——At this moment, it was Lu Yuanyi who stood up, and everyone looked at Lu Yuanyi without any hesitation.

He had already walked to the game table, and opposite him was the long-awaited Ning Wuming.

In this way, the two started their first match in this game, Ning Wuming VS Lu Yuanyi.

Ning Wuming would not know what cards Lu Yuanyi played, nor would Lu Yuanyi know what cards Ning Wuming played.

"Ready?" Ning Wuming asked.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Lu Yuanyi said.

The other six looked at the two of them and saw that they played their first cards at the same time. Ning Wuming's card was scissors, while Lu Yuanyi's card turned out to be cloth.

Ning Wuming laughed, he threw his first scissors card into the hole of the game table.

On the other hand, Lu Yuanyi's face was not very good. Ning Wuming only had five cards now, if the winner was determined according to the time at this moment.

Then the player with the least number of cards in the field will be He Ning Wuming.

Chapter 937 The secret of the game

Ning Wuming won the first round, so he naturally had some advantages in his heart.

On the other side, Lu Yuanyi was still a little scared. If he thought that losing the first game was nothing to be afraid of, then he was actually afraid of the second game.

If he loses in the second game, it means that he will lose two games in the first game. In this way, the blow to him will really be doubled.

So Lu Yuanyi punched the game table hard, trying to relieve his emotions caused by fear, and he also did this to intimidate Ning Wuming.

"Hum! Hurry up, I'm afraid I'll wait until the flowers are gone!" Ning Wuming said excitedly, this bald head only knows how to beat the table, so it won't scare me, and the victory in the next round will also matter. unhelpful.

Lu Yuanyi roared: "Stop talking nonsense, just keep going!"

The two played the second card again, and this time Lu Yuanyi deliberately changed the pair of scissors that he had originally thought of, but replaced it with a piece of cloth.

Ning Wuming: scissors;

Lu Yuanyi: Cloth.

"How is that possible!" Lu Yuanyi's eyes quickly drew closer to the pair of scissors, and he was right with the cloth!How can I temporarily change into cloth?

Lu Yuanyi felt as if his head had been hit with a sap, buzzing, and the whole person almost fainted.

Ning Wuming's eyes grew. He couldn't believe that he won two games in a row. He was so happy that he almost jumped up. He put his scissors into the hole of the game table. There were only four cards left, and Lu Yuanyi still had six cards in his hand.

"Haha, it must be me who won this time! God is on my side, and God has chosen my side!" Ning Wuming cheered, until this moment, he didn't realize that luck alone is a very good thing thing, because there's nothing better than luck!

Everyone saw that Ning Wuming had already lost two cards within a few minutes!

At the moment, I am not only exclaimed by the situation of the two, but also feel the danger of my own situation. This is a game in which whoever can play the six cards in his hand the fastest can win.

They know this for themselves, so they can't wait any longer.

So there was a noise in the Xingchen Dreamland, and soon, everyone couldn't hold back, because time was passing little by little, and they didn't want to see that Ning Wuming and Lu Yuanyi were already approaching the end of the game step by step.

So they have to hurry up!

For a while, Yi Zichen VS Fang Yongshou, Ning Wuming VS Fang Yongshou.

The four also went up.

As the cards were played, there were joyous voices, and more grief voices!Everyone is thinking about what cards they are going to play next. This game says that intelligence is not required, but in fact the only intelligence is to guess what cards the opponent is holding.

And what is he going to play this time!Of course, except for the situation where the opponent has six stones and six scissors on his side, there is no strategy in this situation, but to give up and admit defeat!

So that's the absurdity of this game too, but at this point, no one will think about that anymore.

Just as everyone was in full swing, there were only two people on the field who didn't make a move. These two people were Mu Feng and Xie Jun, and the two of them were still standing.

Originally, Fang Yongshou wanted to invite Mu Feng to fight against him, but he found that Mu Feng didn't speak, and he knew that he was boring, so Ning Wuming happened to come over, so he had no choice but to compete with Ning Wuming.

Why does Mu Feng stand still? Doesn't he know that whoever finishes the six cards in his hand first will win this game?

Because Mu Feng looked at everyone in the dark, thinking that this game was a ridiculous game that only depends on luck, Mu Feng felt very worried.

He found the breakthrough point of the game, or the blind spot!

Because—this game may not be a game of luck like drawing lots!

This game has a way!That's right, why Mu Feng has not moved until now, because this game has a way!

Mu Feng thought of this at the right time, and his heart was like a warm sun shining into his heart, and he felt a lot of joy, because if he relied on this method, he might be able to win this time.

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