He slumped on the ground!

I lost myself!There has always been such a thought in his mind, he should win, Lu Yuanyi has such an ugly bald head, how could God allow him to win this kind of person!

However, God deceived him without a doubt, God helped Lu Yuanyi, and God abandoned himself.

Ning Wuming's eyes were dull, and he lost a lot of weight all at once.

Why is Ning Wuming so afraid, because the abominable Sword Spirit once again said a word during the match.

This sentence is like this, it is a very irresponsible word.

- By the way, I forgot to tell you!I forgot to mention an additional rule, when two players play, the loser will die!

That's right, Sword Spirit once again stated an additional condition, the loser will die directly!

Instead of saying that at the end only the one with the most remaining cards will die. It turns out that the loser in the process of the game will also be punished by death!

The crowd was furious, but there was nothing they could do. Everyone panicked. It turned out that this was a game where life was at stake!

This is a game of death!kill without spilling blood!

And they are inexplicable.Getting on such a boat half-push and half is equivalent to embarking on a road of no return!

Since Mu Feng just focused on the secrets about this game that he discovered in his head, he didn't know that Sword Spirit added such a rule.

It was only now that Mu Feng noticed that there was indeed such a line of characters in the air!

Losers die!Very simple four characters!But it can take a person's life!Mu Feng looked at Ning Wuming, knowing that he could not avoid it this time.

Why is this happening? This is simply bullying everyone. Once the rules are set, how can they be added and changed at will?

But no one dares to challenge the sword spirit, because it is not that no one dares to challenge the sword spirit now, but someone who wanted to challenge the sword spirit just now has been taught a profound lesson.

"Boy, go ahead! I still have the last card in my hand!" Lu Yuanyi lifted Ning Wuming, who was slumped on the ground.

As long as he wins this card again, then he can not only kill this kid, but also get the Dragon Blade and Holy Sword. He will be the first person to finish playing the cards in his hand!

Seeing that this guy was lost, Lu Yuanyi was about to grab his hand, and wanted to forcibly play a card on his behalf, and then he could win the final victory.

——No, the rule is that everyone can play the last remaining card in the hand after playing against at least two or more people in the venue!

At this time, a golden light flashed above everyone's heads again, and everyone raised their heads to look at the row of characters in the air. There is no doubt that Sword Spirit spoke again.

"Meaning that I can't play my last card yet, so I can only play against another person?"

Lu Yuanyi said angrily.

- That's right, that's exactly what the rules are, and no one can object!

Sword Spirit's answer was very straightforward.

In this way, Lu Yuanyi has to wait until he has another decisive match with another person, but of course it is much better to decide the outcome in this one.

Because Ning Wuming had three cards, and he only had one card left!Three cards are against the previous card, as long as you draw your own cards, you can play them out, let alone win!

Therefore, I have a very high chance to finish playing this card, becoming the first person to play all the cards in my hand, and winning the final victory.

But this abominable sword spirit added two such rules during the competition, and everyone could do nothing, Lu Yuanyi thought about it, and had to admit it temporarily.

However, Ning Wumingke on the other side was not so lucky, because he was about to suffer the punishment he deserved as a loser.

If he didn't have to die, then he wouldn't be so lost, all because he had to accept the punishment of such a death.

The loser will be punished. This is something that cannot be escaped. If they can escape, there is no such thing as failure in the world.

Lu Yuanyi didn't speak anymore, he thought that his chances of winning were already very high now, and he wasn't in a hurry, what he wanted to see now was the death of this Ning Wuming in front of him.

At this moment, Ning Wuming suddenly flew towards the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword in midair.

Chapter 939 Xie Jun talks about cooperation ([-])

Fang Yongshou wanted to stop it, but it was already a step too late. Under such a sudden situation, no one could stop Ning Wuming, who had been determined to do so.

Perhaps in the face of death, anyone will lose their minds.

Just like the current Ning Wuming, he decided to fight for the last one. It is impossible for him to casually kill a so-called sword spirit that he can't see or touch for a very ridiculous game.

He wants to break this sword spirit, this ethereal thing cannot possibly dominate his destiny.

The Dragon Blade Sacred Sword emitted a golden light, and a short sentence from the Sword Spirit appeared in the air,


I saw that under the shroud of the golden light emitted by the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword, Ning Wuming, who flew into the air, didn't even touch the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword, his body was already irradiated by the golden light.

Everyone only saw that Ning Wuming's body was like a piece of ashes, gradually being blown away by the wind!

A little bit of loss is like Ning Wuming's body is the character of a painter, because the painter needs to rewrite the plot, so he picks up the eraser in his hand.

He gradually erased Ning Wuming, a character he didn't like, with an eraser.

Ning Wuming's body just disappeared with the wind like ashes blown away by the wind in front of everyone's eyes, not even a drop of visible things left behind.

Ning Wuming was wiped out on the spot, and he didn't even leave the last trace of voice in this world@!

Fang Yongshou fell to his knees on the ground, he wanted to catch Ning Wuming who flew out, but it was too late, he only touched Ning Wuming's pants.

When he came back to his senses in the next second, Ning Wuming had already died in front of him, Fang Yongshou lowered his head and pondered for a long time.

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