City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 101 What Are These Millet Grains [Second Update]

I never expected that when Li Chen was working as a shit shovel officer.

I almost wasn’t put away by the smell!

A belly as small as a cat.

How does it manage to poop so much and still stink so much?

No wonder I just came into the living room and smelled something vaguely.

I thought it was the baby who had stinky diarrhea, but it turned out to be the second baby.

He also specially compared the taste and found that it was different.

Only now did I know that it was it.

The cat squatted on the coffee table, looking at the babies, like a little adult supervising the work.

After Li Chen finished cleaning, he was wondering where to put the cat litter box.

Obviously it is not suitable to put it in the floor-to-ceiling window, as the wind will blow.

The endlessly memorable.

Finally, Li Chen placed it outside the bathroom on the first floor, at the small door leading to the garden.

Li Chen was afraid that the cat would not be found, so he took the cat "567" over to see him after a while.

After Li Chen finished his work, he came over and saw that the cat litter box was already smelly.

That's why I feel relieved.

The cats spend most of their time in the corner watching the babies.

Occasionally, he also interacts with the babies, stretching out his little paws and giving them high fives.

Will not stick out the nails.

They seemed to get along well, and the cat quickly integrated into the family.

Became a new member.

Xu Jiao came back at night and heard the cat meowing.

"Wow, you have a cat? Let me see!"

Xu Jiao saw an orange cat sitting in the corner of the fence, meowing occasionally at the babies.

"Wow, what a cute orange cat with white gloves!"

Xu Jiao picked up the orange cat.

As a result, the cat quickly slipped away and jumped to another corner.

Xu Jiao felt a little regretful and went to tease the babies.

The cat breathed at her, as if it was going to bite her.

Xu Jiao was startled and stopped teasing Si Bao.

The cat also stopped breathing.

Xu Jiao was silent for a moment and started teasing Si Bao again.

The cat then breathed.

"Hey, I said..." Xu Jiao ran over and told Li Chen about this.

Li Chen came over to take a look, and sure enough, this cat was trying to protect its little master.

Xu Jiao was surprised, "Mr. Li, you are so lucky that even a cat can help you take care of your children.

Li Chen also felt strange.

"Maybe it's because you don't have our breath in you, so I mistakenly think you are a bad person. y

In order to verify Li Chen's statement, Xu Jiao planned to do an experiment.

After washing her hands with baby shower gel, she saw Su Moer already playing with the baby in the playpen.

Plus, amuse the cat.

The cat was very cooperative and purred non-stop.

Xu Jiao put on the coat that Su Moer had taken off on the sofa.

Now, she should have a smell that is 'familiar' to the cat.

She walked into the enclosure, and the cat, which had been purring just a moment ago, suddenly became alert.

Su Mo'er looked at Xu Jiao in surprise.

Xu Jiao tried to tease the cat, and the cat huffed at her.

Play with the baby, the huffing becomes more serious!

Repeated several times, the cat's hair will explode.

Xu Jiao was so angry that she ran away from the fence, sat on the sofa, crossed her arms and stared at the cat.

Su Mo'er also saw the cat's protective intention.

He comforted Xu Jiao with a smile, "Why should a person as big as you care about a cat?"

"It doesn't distinguish between good and bad!" Xu Jiao snorted angrily.

Su Moer shook her head in amusement and waved the cat over.

"Cat, that's Aunt Xu, a good person. Please be gentle to it next time, okay?"

The cat left and squatted next to the babies, looking at them with his hands.

Xu Jiao sighed, she wouldn't really care about a cat.

That would be too childish.

"Mr. Li, when the chef comes here tomorrow, you can teach him."


Su Mo'er smiled and said, "It just so happens that I won't have class tomorrow so I can have a big meal.

Xu Jiao pursed her lips, "I think so too, hahaha..."

Li Chen not only made complementary food for the baby, but also cooked chicken breast for the cat.

"Well, now Mr. Li has another heavy burden on his shoulders."

On weekdays, Dabao cooperates when eating complementary foods, but today he did not cooperate.

And the mood is a little irritable.

Li Chen held him and examined him carefully and found that it was like discovering a new world.

"Honey, come here and take a look!"

Su Moer's heart skipped a beat and she hurried over, "Husband, what's wrong?"

Xu Jiao also came over worriedly, "Is Dabao okay?"

There were two off-white millet grains in Dabao's mouth. Li Da pointed at them and asked.

"Honey, is this a blister or a tooth?"

Su Mo'er hurried over to take a look and saw two white millet grains on her lower gum.

She said with great certainty, "Husband, these are teeth."

Xu Jiao came over with a curious look on her face.

"Let me see what baby teeth look like!"

Immediately, Xu Jiao smiled and said, "This is obviously a baby tooth. Why are there blisters?"

Su Mo'er comforted Dabao, "It turns out our Dabao has teeth. Do you feel uncomfortable? Mom, give me a hug."

Li Chen picked up the second baby and asked, "Has my second baby grown?"

Erbao has grown a little bit, it's so small that you can't even notice it if you don't look closely.

Sanbao has been eating complementary food during this period, and he doesn't drool much anymore. In addition, he usually doesn't like to smile much.

Li Chen didn't notice that he had teeth.

And it grows faster than Dabao.

The four treasures...are bare.

The fifth treasure is in the same situation as the second treasure, with a small tip emerging.

The baby is almost half a year old, and some children have already started to grow teeth at four or five months.

In the evening, Dabao, who has always been steady and steady, grunted and expressed his discomfort about teething.

The cat came to the crib, leaned carefully next to Dabao, and purred.

Dabao stretched out his hand and pulled the cat into his arms.

The cat didn't struggle, and put its little head on Dabao's body while purring.

Dabao's mood gradually calmed down and he gradually fell into a deep sleep.

This scene was seen by Li Chen.

Li Chen praised the cat, "You are a little angel just like babies!"

"Thank you for helping me take care of the babies!"

"You don't have a name yet, how about calling you Xiao Huang?"

"Let's call you Xiao Huang."

Li Chen admitted that his name was useless.

In order to allow cats to eat cat food on the third floor.

Li Chen went downstairs and brought up the extra cat litter boxes and cat food boxes.

The cat litter is temporarily placed in the bathroom, and the cat food is placed outside.

After finishing all this, Li Yang went back and lay down.

The cat also came out of the crib and slept on the floor.

Li Chen went downstairs again to get his little nest and put Xiao Huang in it.

Pat its little head and say, "Good night."


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