City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 107 The Exam Is A Holiday! 【First Update】

Erbao became a frequent visitor in Li Chen's arms because of his long teeth.

Instead of being lively and lively like before, he has become a quieter baby than Wubao.

"Baby, you go and play first while daddy talks to mommy."

Putting the second baby into the play area, Li Chen said, "Dad will always be here with the baby!"

Erbao was reluctant and grabbed Li Chen's collar with one hand to protest.

"Baby, daddy has been holding you all day today!"

On Su Mo'er's side, Wubao giggled when he saw his mother.

Babies already know how to reach out for a hug.

Maybe they don't know and think that if they do this action, they will return to the arms of their parents.

Su Mo'er picked up Wubao and said, "Are you well-behaved at home today? Do you miss your mother? Your mother misses your baby very much."

Wubao was happily in Su Moer's arms.

She was so amused that she felt so soft-hearted.

Si Bao was sitting on the pile of toys, playing happily without even noticing the adults coming.

In the end, Li Chen was very patient and had a long stalemate with Er Bao before Er Bao went to play by himself.

As a result, 04 Sanbao looked at him with a pair of eyes, just looking at him.

Li Chen walked over, what do you want to express?"

If Sanbao doesn't ask for anything, there won't be much emotion on his face.

Sanbao reached out for a hug.

"Okay, hold our Sambo!"

It's rare for Sanbao to offer to hug him. It's rare.

Er Bao turned around and saw that Fang Chen actually hugged San Bao instead of her.

That expression was a little aggrieved, a little aggrieved.

Su Mo'er called out, "Hubby, look at Erbao..."

Li Chen and Er Bao looked at each other, and the latter burst into tears.

Li Chen sighed, walked over to Erbao and said, "Baby, don't cry..."

Li Chen held the third treasure in one hand and wiped the second treasure's tears every day.

Erbao cried even harder, as if he was protesting something.

Su Mo'er came over and said, "Mom, hold me!"

Li Chen frowned, "No need, she is smart now and knows that crying will get you what you want, don't rely on her."

Su Mo'er felt uncomfortable, "But Erbao is still a child... We can't let her continue crying like this."

"Also, we can't let other babies follow the same example.

Li Chen took Erbao to another place.

As soon as he put it down, Erbao burst into tears.

Sanbao in Li Chen's arms looked at her sister in confusion.

"Baby, when you stop crying, daddy will come over again."

After saying that, I hugged Sambo.

He also took Su Moer away, "Leave her alone for now.

Li Chen has been taking care of the babies for several months and has gradually figured out each person's personality.

Erbao can distinguish clearly between the two kinds of crying when his teeth are uncomfortable and when he is having a bad temper.

Su Mo'er felt soft.

Seeing Erbao crying so sadly, tears fell from his eyes, and he felt uncomfortable.

Li Chen sighed, "Be patient, why wouldn't I feel heartbroken when I see her cry?"

In less than a minute, Erbao saw that Li Chen ignored her.

Su Mo'er ignored her and burst into tears.

Li Chen put down Sambo and said, "Baby, be good. Play by yourself for a while. Dad will go see my sister."

Sanbao got a hug and lay down playing with toys with a satisfied look on his face.

Li Chen walked to Erbao.

Erbao started to cry again when he saw this.

Li Chen turned around and left. Erbao opened his mouth and was a little confused.

It is estimated that her inner thoughts at this moment are: I haven't cried yet, why did he leave?

After a few seconds, Jiangchen came over.

Erbao didn't cry this time, but looked at Li Chen aggrievedly.

That expression made it seem like she was the most pitiable baby in the world.

Li Chen gently wiped away her tears, "Baby, be good, come here, daddy hugs you.

Erbao smiled happily.

Li Chen rubbed her little face.

Although babies are still young, it is normal to have tantrums occasionally.

In Li Chen's view, they should not be raised as they please.

Today the second baby succeeded. The other babies followed suit. I could only hold five babies a day and didn't have to do anything.

Over time, it will make the babies become unreasonable.

After hugging him for three minutes, Fang Chen put the treasure back.

Erbao was reluctant to hold her, but he also understood that crying was useless.

"Dad is here, playing by yourself, mom and dad are with you.

Babies aged five to six months have an unprecedentedly strong attachment to their parents.

At this stage, you must give your baby enough love.

Most of the time Li Chen spends time with her babies, even if she doesn't do anything, she just lies next to them.

They will also be happy.

Li Chen talked to Su Moer about his plans for the New Year.

Su Mo'er really hasn't thought about this problem.

There is too much going on at school.

Her considerations were the same as Li Chen's. The baby was only half a year old and couldn't stand the trouble.

If you want to go to Li's house, take the expressway for a few hours and leave at night.

It is actually feasible to get home when the babies are sleeping.

At night, the second baby fell asleep and started crying because he was not used to teething.

Li Chen hugged her, and Xiao Huang squatted at his feet, purring non-stop.

Tonight, Erbao's condition is much better.

After crying for a while, she gradually became quiet.

Putting Erbao back, Li Chen shook his arms and had time to rest.

Every night, Xu Jiao would report the turnover to him at 630.

Because it takes an hour to go back and forth.

Li Chen didn't go over to see what the store was like.

Seeing that the turnover remains at a certain level, I think the business is good.

Outside, there is a cold wind blowing, and it will probably cool down again tomorrow.

After thinking about it, Li Chen activated the 'sleeping' skill.

Time just slipped through the fingers unconsciously.

In a blink of an eye, the day of the school exam is approaching.

Li Chen must have an exam, and there is also a party at school.

"I won't be attending the party..."

Li Chen teased Erbao, "Dad wants to stay with the babies, not socialize."

Erbao has already passed the most difficult days of growing baby teeth.

Now the second treasure has turned into the eccentric little cutie they knew.

The babies are growing very well and have far exceeded the standard weight and height.

The three treasures were smaller before they came, but those who came later became the best.

Su Moer told Li Chen the exam time and subjects.

"I will ask for leave from the school before the exam and leave the baby to me."

Li Chen had no objection, "Okay."

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the exam.

The exam ends in one day.

Li Chen was wearing a hat and a long black coat. Except for the white sweater, he was all dressed in black.

Looks handsome and clean. .

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